The life story of Claudinho e Buchecha, greatest icons and most successful duo of the Brazilian funk melody in all time, showing how the rhythm and poetry of the periphery conquered Brazil.

Antonio and Peppino live in a small town in central Italy: Peppino is the barber, Totò is maintained by the rich but avaricious wife Teresa.

Alberto Negrin directs this Italian drama starring Luca Zingaretti (well known Italian actor from the TV series Inspector Montalbano). The film traces the 57 days after the assassination of his friend and fellow anti-Mafia judge Giovanni Falcone when Paolo Borsellino (Zingaretti) must come to terms with his own inescapable destiny.

When Juan Catalan is arrested for a murder he insists he didn't commit, he builds his case for innocence around unexpected raw footage.

Oscar and Teo (13 and 11 years old) are two brothers, very different from each other, who will have to face the loss of their mother, a scientist obsessed with wormholes.

Widowed Welsh mother Anna Loenowens becomes a governess and English tutor to the wives and many children of the stubborn King Mongkut of Siam. Anna and the King have a clash of personalities as she works to teach the royal family about the English language, customs and etiquette, and rushes to prepare a party for a group of European diplomats who must change their opinions about the King.

A shy boy is unable to make friends in Yazoo City, Mississippi in 1942, until his parents give him a terrier puppy for his ninth birthday. The dog, which he names Skip, becomes well known and loved throughout the community and enriches the life of the boy, Willie, as he grows into manhood. Based on the best-selling Mississippi memoir by the late Willie Morris.

Odvjetnik i patološki lažljivac Fletcher Reede otkriva da je nesposoban izgovoriti laž sljedeća 24 sata zbog rođendanske želje njegova sina. Mora pokušati spasiti svoj posao i život da ih njegov neugodno iskren jezik ne upropasti.

A victim of his own anger, the Kid is a Minneapolis musician on the rise with his band, the Revolution, escaping a tumultuous home life through music. While trying to avoid making the same mistakes as his truculent father, the Kid navigates the club scene and a rocky relationship with a captivating singer, Apollonia. But another musician, Morris, looks to steal the Kid's spotlight -- and his girl.

Rebbe Mendel is a single father who teaches the Talmud, a sacred text of Judaism, to the boys of his small Polish town. Behind closed doors, he also instructs his daughter, Yentl, despite the fact that girls are forbidden to study religious scripture. When Yentl's father dies, she still has a strong desire to learn about her faith -- so she disguises herself as a male, enrolls in a religious school, and unexpectedly finds love along the way.

Ren MacCormack is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of Bomont where loud music and dancing are prohibited. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban, revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s troubled daughter Ariel in the process.

Mlada, ambiciozna djevojka Alex (Jennifer Beals) žarko želi postati plesačka zvijezda. Financijski problemi prisiljavaju je da danju radi u čeličani u Pittsburgu, dok je noću egzotična plesačica. Njezin dečko, istovremeno i šef, Nick (Michael Nouri) pomaže joj u ostvarenju sna. Alex želi biti primljena na prestižnu baletnu akadamiju. Pobijesni kada sazna da njezin dragi povlači veze iza njenih leđa. Alex muče i unutarnji problemi. U potrazi je za vlastitim identitetom i prihvaćanjem ljubavi i u borbi s vlastitom tvrdoglavošću.

2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is "finally equal...." The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage.

Smješten u predivnom krajoliku stare Havane prije Revolucije, Prljavi ples 2 nam prikazuje priču dvoje mladih ljubavnika iz različitih svjetova koji moraju riskirati sve kako bi ostali zajedno. Odmah nakon preseljenja na Kubu zajedno sa svojim roditeljima 1958. godine, 18-godišnja Katey Miller (Romola Garai) se zaljubljuje u Xaviera (Diego Luna) s kojime se tajno sastaje tako rušeći sve norme svoje društvene klase, dok se novonastala politička klima zahuktava i prijeti da će ih zauvijek razdvojiti...

Novinar Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher je angažiran da istraži nestanak skupocjene kolekcije umjetnina svoje zaručnice. No, tijekom istrage Fletch pronalazi leš u vlastitoj kući, a policija ga smatra glavnim osumnjičenim. Sada, Fletch mora pronaći ne samo umjetnine, već i ubojicu kako bi dokazao svoju nevinost.

When an in-flight collision incapacitates the pilots of an airplane bound for Los Angeles, stewardess Nancy Pryor is forced to take over the controls. From the ground, her boyfriend Alan Murdock, a retired test pilot, tries to talk her through piloting and landing the 747 aircraft. Worse yet, the anxious passengers — among which are a noisy nun and a cranky man — are aggravating the already tense atmosphere.

Jack Casey used to be a hot-shot stock market whiz kid. After a disastrous professional decision, his life in the fast lane is over. He loses his nerve and joins a speed delivery firm which relies on bicycles to avoid traffic jams of San Francisco, is attracted to a fellow bicycler, Terri, and befriends Hector, a budding entrepreneur. Can Jack regain his nerve and his self-respect, and rebuild his life on a more sound basis?

Okrutna kraljica Gedren otme Talisman, tajanstveni predmet kojim je stvoren čitav svemir, kako bi zavladala svijetom. Pri tome ubije i sve čuvarice Talismana, osim Varne, jedine koja uspije pobjeći, iako teško ranjena. Varnu od Gedreninih vojnika spasi ratnik Kalidor, i Varna od njega zatraži da potraži njezinu sestru Sonju. Kalidor pronađe Sonju i odvede ju sestri, koja od nje na samrti zatraži da uništi Talisman i spriječi Gedren u njenin planovima. Sonja obeća i kreće u osvetnički pohod, jer i sama ima osobnih razloga za obračun sa Gedren. Kalidor se pridružuje Sonji u pohodu, a putem im se priključuju i mladi princ Tarn, i njegov čuvar Falkon.

Comical trip to Corse reminiscent of A very bad trip.

A motocross team on their way to trial a new super-fuel head out across the desert lead by Rachel, who, unbeknownst to the rest of the group, is a survivor of the cannibal clan which menaced the Carter family several years before.