Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.

Desmitgadīgais Augusts Pulmens, kas piedzima ar nopietnu sejas defektu un slimības dēļ līdz šim ir mācījies mājās, pirmoreiz dosies uz skolu, lai uzsāktu mācības vietējās skolas 5. klasē. Augija vienaudžiem nebūs viegli pieņemt citādo un aiz neparastās ārienes ieraudzīt to stipro, drosmīgo un labsirdīgo zēnu, ko pazīst viņa mīlošā ģimene. Lai gan Augijs pūlēsies būt tāds pats kā citi skolēni, viņš tikai vēlreiz apliecinās, ka ir īpašs, un ne jau neparastā izskata dēļ.

Narkotikas.Tās iznīcina prātu, ķermeni un dvēseli.Tikko tu pierod pie tām, tu kļūsti atkarīgs.Četras dzīves.Četri narkomāni.Četras neveiksmes.Darot visu pēc vislabākās sirdsapziņas, lai gūtu sekmes dzīvē, bet ciešot briesmīgu neveiksmi, četri cilvēki kļūst atkarīgi no narkotikām.Par spīti viņu tiekšanai pēc kā cēla, viņi padodas savam kaitīgajam ieradumam.Skatoties, kā narkomāni pamazām zaudē kontroli pār sevi, mēs kļūstam par lieciniekiem pretīgākajām un netīrākajām, tur mājojošajām sabiedrības padibenēm.Tas ir šokējoši un pārsteidzoši, bet to obligāti vajag redzēt gan narkomāniem, gan no narkotikām neatkarīgiem cilvēkiem.

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath that only two teenagers and a group of psychics can stop.

Uzreiz pēc astoņdesmit piektās jubilejas nogalināts detektīvromānu autors un kuplas ģimenes patriarhs Harlans Trombijs. Slepkavības izmeklēšanu uzsāk harizmātiskais un skrupulozais detektīvs Benuā Blanks, kuram acumirklī kļūst skaidrs – slepkavību ir pastrādājis kāds no Trombija plašās ģimenes locekļiem. Bet kurš tieši? Atjautības spēle uz dzīvību un nāvi ir sākusies!

Tumsas bruņinieks stājas pretī teroristu vadonim Beinam, kurš Gothamā veic noziegumus.

Edmond Dantés's life and plans to marry the beautiful Mercedes are shattered when his best friend, Fernand, deceives him. After spending 13 miserable years in prison, Dantés escapes with the help of a fellow inmate and plots his revenge, cleverly insinuating himself into the French nobility.

In a time when monsters walk the Earth, humanity’s fight for its future sets Godzilla and Kong on a collision course that will see the two most powerful forces of nature on the planet collide in a spectacular battle for the ages.

A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

A vampire relates his epic life story of love, betrayal, loneliness, and dark hunger to an over-curious reporter.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

Charlie Kenton is a washed-up fighter who retired from the ring when robots took over the sport. After his robot is trashed, he reluctantly teams up with his estranged son to rebuild and train an unlikely contender.

When a powerful satellite system falls into the hands of Alec Trevelyan, AKA Agent 006, a former ally-turned-enemy, only James Bond can save the world from a dangerous space weapon that -- in one short pulse -- could destroy the earth! As Bond squares off against his former compatriot, he also battles Xenia Onatopp, an assassin who uses pleasure as her ultimate weapon

Andie is an outcast, hanging out either with her older boss, who owns the record store where she works, or her quirky high school classmate Duckie, who has a crush on her. When one of the rich and popular kids at school, Blane, asks Andie out, it seems too good to be true. As Andie starts falling for Blane, she begins to realize that dating someone from a different social sphere is not easy.

An itinerant farmer and his young son help a heart-of-gold saloon singer search for her estranged husband.

When a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien cocoons, they find themselves energized with youthful vigor.

For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting is not an option, so, with the benefit of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a hustling ex-con, the three friends devise a convoluted and seemingly foolproof plan to rid themselves of their respective employers... permanently.

After he reunites with an old pal through Facebook, a mild-mannered accountant is lured into the world of international espionage.

Kāds bargs detektīvs nenogurdams cīnās, lai izglābtu savu dēlu no šausminoša citplanētiešu karakuģa.