Under constant attack by monstrous creatures called Angels that seek to eradicate humankind, U.N. Special Agency NERV introduces two new EVA pilots to help defend the city of Tokyo-3: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Meanwhile, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proceed with a secret project that involves both Rei and Shinji.

A look at how climate change affects our environment and what society can do to prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems, and native communities across the planet.

One-time gangster Antoine is enjoying retirement on the coast, now managing a boating club. He receives a visit from a former accomplice who asks for a loan. The money will be repaid by a crook who is now in hiding; Antoine intends to recover his money.

The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for adventures and cruel jokes, and while they recall the one they created together with the late friend, new ones are on their way, starting right there at the cemetery.

Fourteen year old Polish boy Stas Tarkowski and eight year old Nel Rawlison from England are kidnapped as the hostages by Arabic fanatics and taken to their religion leader. Then they manage to escape and try to return to their fathers. Children have a lot of dangerous adventures, meet two Black kids; Kali and Mea, who also help them, make a friendship with an elephant and help one Black's tribe.

The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.

The Borg, a relentless race of cyborgs, are on a direct course for Earth. Violating orders to stay away from the battle, Captain Picard and the crew of the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise E pursue the Borg back in time to prevent the invaders from changing Federation history and assimilating the galaxy.

A serial-killer frightens Paris by phoning young ladies at night, telling them insults about their lives. Minos, as he calls himself, wants to prevent the world from free women and he targets at first these ones. Commissaire Letellier is given the investigation and he has hard work with the maniac.

A divinely inspired peasant woman becomes an army captain for France and then is martyred after she is captured.

Fantomas vėl reketuoja verslininkus. Dabar jis reikalauja gyvybės draudimo, kitaip gręsia nužudymas. Nusikaltėlių pasaulio autoritetai taipogi pyksta, kad Fantomas atiminėja jų duoną ir nutarė patys medžioti Fantomą... Fantomas pareikalavo ir iš jų mokesčio. Filme daug nuotykių, daug sveiko juoko, daug gaudynių...

A child borrows his grandmother's magnifying glass to look at a newspaper ad for Bovril, at a watch, and then at a bird. The child shows grandma what he is doing. The child looks next at grandma's eye, then at a kitten.

Daryl is a normal 10-year-old boy in many ways. However, unbeknown to his foster parents and friends, Daryl is actually a government-created robot with superhuman reflexes and mental abilities. Even his name has a hidden meaning -- it's actually an acronym for Data Analyzing Robot Youth Life-form. When the organization that created him deems the "super soldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be disassembled, it is up to a few rogue scientists to help him escape.

A dog leads its master to his kidnapped baby.

Pirato ir Joko šeimininkė – mergaitė Nastia iš Samaros – išskrenda su močiute į Piterį, o augintinius palieka šunų viešbuty. Įvertinę tai kaip išdavystę, gyvūnai pabėga į namus, kur pagaliau gali pasijusti žmonėmis – kiek nori valgyt, nepaliaujamai žaist ir miegot šeimininkų lovoj. Bet dangišką įsimylėjėlių poilsį nutraukia du nevykėliai vagišiai, kurių laukia nežmoniškas priėmimas...

Gatvėse patruliuojantį Robotą policininką turi pakeisti naujas, pranašesnis „Omni Consumer Products“ modelis. Į jį diegiamos ne faro, o nusikaltėlio smegenys. O Detroito gatvėse narkotikų baronas Keinas platina naują pavojingą kvaišalą „niuką“.

Kraupią šaltą naktį viename Kalifornijos kelių jauna pora priima į mašiną vienišą pakeleivį. Jie sutinka jį pavežti nė neįtardami apie galimą pavojų. Paaiškėja, kad naktinis keleivis - iškrypėlis ir negailestingas maniakas, sėjantis mirtį savo kelyje.

Džensenas – ištvermingas, prie adrenalino pripratęs ir gerai kiekvienos sekundės vertę suvokiantis lenktynininkas. Netikėtai apkaltintas žmogžudyste, kurios neįvykdė, Džensenas patenka į kalėjimą. Jo prižiūrėtoja Henesi pasiūlo išeitį: dalyvauti lenktynėse arba supūti kalėjime...

Frenetic in its pacing and with miniscule character development, this trite slapstick farce stars three Italian comics - Paolo Villaggio, Lino Banfi, and Massimo Boldi as the idiot-nephews of a wealthy invalid (Enrico Maria Salerno). The uncle's plan is to teach the trio how to successfully steal for a living but the plan does not have a chance against their exaggerated ineptitude.

Fabio Leone and Paolo Pecora are two police officers from Rome, which together with the careless Neapolitan Ciro Marmotta, are fired from the barracks to have scuppered the plan to capture a secret agent.