Over a month has passed since 10,000 users were trapped inside the "Sword Art Online" world. Asuna, who cleared the first floor of the floating iron castle of Aincrad, joined up with Kirito and continued her journey to reach the top floor. With the support of female Information Broker Argo, clearing the floors seemed to be progressing smoothly, but conflict erupts between two major guilds who should be working together – the top player groups ALS (the Aincrad Liberation Squad) and DKB (the Dragon Knights Brigade). And meanwhile, behind the scenes exists a mysterious figure pulling the strings…

Lucy Hutton oduvijek je vjerovala da srdačna djevojčica može steći menadžersku poziciju. Ponosi se time što je na poslu svi vole - osim dojmljivog i savršeno odjevenog Joshue Templemana. Kada zaglave u istom uredu, upletu se u neodoljivu igru nadmetanja. Igraju igru pogleda, igru zrcala, igru poslovnog pravilnika, a Lucy ne može dopustiti da je Joshua i u jednoj pobijedi - a pogotovo kada im se oboma ponudi važno promaknuće. Ako Lucy pobijedi, postat će Joshui šefica. Ako izgubi, dat će ostavku. Zašto se onda preispituje?

U potrazi za besmrtnošću, kralj Luj XIV krade životnu snagu sirene, ali stvari se zakompliciraju kada se njegova vanbračna kći poveže s čarobnim stvorenjem.

After the death of his younger brother, a troubled 19-year-old street dancer from Los Angeles is able to bypass juvenile hall by enrolling in the historically black, Truth University in Atlanta, Georgia. But his efforts to get an education and woo the girl he likes are sidelined when he is courted by the top two campus fraternities, both of which want and need his fierce street-style dance moves to win the highly coveted national step show competition.

The story about a family that must maintain an insatiable grandmother.

When photos of her at a party cause her to lose a scholarship, a student investigates whether something devastating happened to her that night.

Fatherless barrio Puerto Rican Rico is a menial car mechanic by day, but lives for the nights, when he dances and dates hot dancing girls, cockily convinced the title of Salsa king in fancy nightclub La Luna's upcoming contest is to be his. He encourages his best friend, courteous gentleman Ken, to date his sister Margarita so he gets a free hand with her flirtatious classmate Lola. The reigning salsa queen Luna's interest in Rico as dance-partner threatens his on-off relationship with Vicki. More jealous trouble follows when Ken and Margarita fall in true love.

Hollywood voli dobre anti-heroje, i vrlo često, filmovi o Bonnie Parker i Clyde Darrow teže romantizirati zloglasni kriminalistički duo. The Highwaymen nije takva vrsta filma. Umjesto toga, ovdje pratimo Teksaške rangere koji su ih doveli pred lice pravde, a igraju ih Kevin Costner i Woody Harrelson.

Elitni odred specijalnih snaga poslan je u tajnu bazu CIA-e koja se nalazi na otoku kako bi ispratila zarobljenika, ali iznenada ih napadnu nepoznati ljudi. Uhvaćeni u zamku, prisiljeni su svom snagom spasiti zarobljenika.

Dok naše Sunce izumire, ljudi diljem svijeta grade ogromne potisnike kako bi pomaknuli Zemlju iz njezine orbite i pomaknuli je do novog zvjezdanog sustava. Ipak, putovanje dugo 2500 godina donosi neočekivane opasnosti, a kako bi spasili čovječanstvo, grupa mladih ljudi u ovom dobu lutajuće Zemlje snažno se bori za opstanak.

After federal agents arrest a drug czar and put him on trial, the cartel leader's vicious son storms a prep school and takes its students hostage. They rebel against the armed intruders and try to take back their academy by any means necessary.

WWE Superstar Mike "The Miz" Mizanin returns as Jake Carter where he is assigned to protect a whistleblower who wishes to expose a corrupt military defense contractor. However, the military hires a heavily armed team of mercenaries to kill her and it's up to Carter to stop them at any cost.

An evil lord, eager to rule the Valley of Knights, steals a magic suit of armor and is determined to hunt down the young queen for the missing part, the snow-making glove. But two courageous kids from our world are coming to her rescue.

It's fire and brimstone time as grieving mother Karen McCann takes justice into her own hands when a kangaroo court in Los Angeles fails to convict Robert Doob, the monster who raped and murdered her 17-year-old daughter.

After discovering they are all dating the same same guy, three popular students from different cliques band together for revenge, so they enlist the help of a new gal in town and conspire to break the jerk's heart, while destroying his reputation.

Pokušavajući se oporaviti od nedavnog prekida, Jen Kornfeldt ne vjeruje da će se više ikad zaljubiti. No kad se nevoljko pridruži roditeljima na putovanju po Azurnoj obali, Jen upoznaje muškarca svojih snova; zgodnog i elegantnog Spencera Aimesa. Nakon tri godine, ispunjava joj se naizgled nemoguća želja: ona i Spencer mladi su bračni par koji živi idealnim životom u predgrađu – sve do jutra nakon Spencerovog 30. rođendana, kad oko njih počnu letjeti meci. Spencer nikada nije namjeravao reći Jen da je nekad bio međunarodni špijun, što je njezin savršeni svijet preokrenulo naopako. Saznavši da joj je muž ubojica, Jen je odlučna u namjeri da otkrije kakve bi druge tajne Spencer mogao skrivati, istovremeno pokušavajući izbjeći metke, biti savršena kućanica i snaha te poraditi na problemima povjerenja. Mislili ste da je život u predgrađu jednostavan?

Iskušenje je bilo preveliko. Jared Cole (Paul Walker) zarađuje za život spašavajući terete iz olupina s dna mora i živi s djevojkom Samanthom (Jessica Alba), stručnjakinjom za morske pse. Iako je par sretan načinom života koji vode na otoku, Jared sanja o životu na visokoj nozi. Jednog dana posjeti ih Bryce Dunn (Scott Caan), Samin školski prijatelj. Bryce i njegova djevojka Amanda (Ashley Scott) došli su na Bahame kako bi se dobro proveli, zabavljali i ronili, pa im Sam i Jared pokazuju najbolja mjesta uz obalu gdje mogu provesti odmor. Roneći s prijateljima, Jared pronađe olupinu aviona korištenu za krijumčarenje droga i pomisli kako je to šansa koju je čekao čitav život.

A veteran-turned-mercenary is hired to take a young woman with a secret from post-apocalyptic Eastern Europe to New York City.

Mnogo stariji kralj Arthur vraća se kući nakon borbe s Rimskim carstvom. Njegov nezakoniti sin korumpirao je prijestolje Camelota. Sada se kralj Arthur mora ponovno ujediniti s čarobnjakom Merlinom i vitezovima okruglog stola te boriti se za povratak svoje krune.

Surfer Edison isn't able to make ends meet with his inventions or his lifestyle. But then he meets billionaire Armand McMillian, who takes a shine to the young bum — so much so that he leaves his invention company to him upon his death. Unfortunately, Armand's nephew, Bradford, only gets a surfboard. While Edison manages to run the company successfully, with the help of pretty Natalie, Bradford conspires to take him down.