Remember the culture clash in THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY? This time it's real. One of the most ancient cultures on our planet is undergoing a major change. The Ju/Hoansi Bushmen in Namibia are not allowed to hunt anymore and need to converge with our so called “civilized” lifestyle. For the first time the Ju/Hoansi Bushmen travel through the Kalahari and then right into the heart of Europe. What starts as a look at their fascinating culture becomes an even more fascinating look at our Western lifestyle. A warm and humorous reflection of our habits through the eyes of people who are about to give up their million year old traditions.

  藤原拓海(宫野真守 配音)是一名平凡的十八岁高中男生,父亲藤原文太(平田广明 配音)经营着一间豆腐店。从13岁起,每天凌晨,文太都要求拓海开着车上山给山上的店家送豆腐,实际上,文太曾是一名赛车手,利用运送易碎的豆腐,文太希望能够在潜移默化之中训练拓海的车技。   虽然拓海对赛车这项竞技并没有过多的了解,但实际上,他早已经拥有了优秀的控制和平衡能力。一次偶然中,拓海在众人面前展现了高超的车技,技惊四座,随后开始涉足赛车界,并不打不相识的结识了高桥凉介(小野大辅 配音)和高桥启介(中村悠一 配音)兄弟两,三人组成了名为Project D的车队。


A woman tries to help her twin sister, with whom she has a strong connection, recover from a trauma. But weird things surround their lives.

该片将带领观众们展开一场穿越十万光年的旅行,见证银河发展史上的关键时刻。观众们将有机会走进银河中心的超大质量黑洞,了解恒星的出生和死亡,探索银河的结构,以及寻找地外生命的迹象。 这是一部关于你我以及两千亿颗恒星历史的纪录片。我们的太阳系位于巨大天国的边缘,这一巨大的恒星群落依靠着引力组成银河系。如今,天文学家收集起来的数据让他们以一个新的令人兴奋的方式看待我们的银河系,如果我们可以近距离到访那些邻居,这些数据可以让我们通过穿越时间和空间的奇异旅行看到在我们巨大的恒星城市中其他的邻居是多么的不同。

Greg is back with his first stand up show in four years, and biggest ever tour, You Magnificent Beast.

 金司祭(金允石 饰)因总是擅自行动而被教会其他司祭所排挤,更为了拯救因一宗神秘交通事故而陷入危机的少女英申(朴洙垣 饰),在所有人的反对和怀疑中,做出了危险的选择,独自计划着所有的行动。神学院学生出身的崔副祭(姜栋元 饰),虽然曾是作弊又喝酒的不良学生,但具备了可以帮助金司祭的所有条件,于是他也加入到金司祭的计划中,帮助他一起拯救少女。他并不相信金司祭所作的一切,在帮助他的同时也担负起监视他的任务,与金司祭一起进行危险的仪式,却被卷入了意料之外的神秘事件。

When a 17-year old aspiring dancer is uprooted in her high school senior year, she finds herself divided between two boys, and she will have one last shot at making her dream a reality.


A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.



A young lady, who recently lost her mother, faces the challenges of high school and her very strict step-father. Through personal growth, and an amazing dedication to dance, she learns to find the peace and happiness of family.

年轻的魔术师马雷克梦想着激动人心的冒险。 当她遇到寻求帮助的女祭司蒂拉时,她提供了帮助并一起去寻找被野生食人魔绑架的蒂拉的妹妹。

Ian Stone(Mike Vogel 饰)最近的生活陷入了一片混乱:每一天,在时间停止的瞬间,他总会被不知名的怪物杀死,尽管“死后重生”,他又会以不同的身份开始新的生活,办公室的小职员、出租车司机、吸毒者……,但是死亡的命运却不可抗拒。



 AlMcCord在他最喜爱的餐厅里遇上了一个年轻漂亮的女子。当时,这位女子想乘车去她妈妈的家---摩哈维沙漠。故事就在这里开始了,Al并不知道 Ellie已经爱上了他,但无论Julie的男朋友对Al如何百般刁难,他还是义无返顾地爱上了Ellie的妈妈,Archer。于是,更加离奇古怪的事 情相继发生了,Al的故事由此改写。   在加州的沙漠,月亮的魔力令人放纵。一纽约来客被一对母女的艳色所吸引,尽情沉迷于爱欲中,但他不知大难将至,一个充满妒忌的暴力狂已在黑暗中眈视着他们……

Marvel's hard-boiled hero is brought back to fight the menace of Hydra after exiling himself in the Yukon since the end of the Cold War. The children of the former Hydra head, Baron Von Stucker, have taken charge of the terrorist organization. Under the lead of his vicious daughter, Viper, Hydra has seized a deadly virus and threatens the destruction of America.

A former boxer known as Old Leather Face opens a nightclub called the Zoo, which does not do a good business. A group of homeless teenagers want to rent the place and start what they hope will be a profitable business, but a gang threatens to shut it down. Old Leather Face accepts the teenagers offer and becomes involved with trying to help them succeed.