2039 година. Зловещата война между роботи и хора продължава. Изглежда, че човечеството няма никакъв шанс и е обречено на пълно изтребление… Но благодарение на лидера на съпротивата Джон Конър нещата могат да се променят. Понеже нямат възможност да убият Джон в реално време, роботите изпращат в миналото съвършеното си творение – терминатор убиец, който може да приема всякаква форма и облик.

Темпераментният телевизионен синоптик Фил Конърс е изпратен в командировка в Пънксътони, щата Пенсилвания, за да отрази местните празненства по случай Деня на мармота. Когато неочаквана снежна буря го принуждава да прекара нощта в хотел в града, Фил се събужда с чувството, че някакви неясни, свръхестествени сили го карат да преживява един и същ ден отново и отново – докато нещо в него самия не се промени към по-добро.

Before compiling your next grocery list, you might want to watch filmmaker Deborah Koons Garcia's eye-opening documentary, which sheds light on a shadowy relationship between agriculture, big business and government. By examining the effects of biotechnology on the nation's smallest farmers, the film reveals the unappetizing truth about genetically modified foods: You could unknowingly be serving them for dinner.

Мей Лий, самоуверена очилата 13-годишна, разкъсвана между това да продължи да бъде послушна дъщеря и да се справи с хаоса на юношеството. Нейната покровителствена и малко властна майка, Минг, винаги е наблизо - неприятен факт за тийнейджърката. И сякаш промените в нейните интереси, взаимоотношения и тяло не са достатъчни, всеки път, когато тя се развълнува (а това на практика означава ВИНАГИ), Мей се превръща в гигантска червена панда.

“Having broken away from my illusory self, I was desperately seeking a path and a meaning to life.” This phrase perfectly sums up Alejandro Jodorowsky’s biographical project: reconstituting the incredible adventure of his life. Alejandro Jodorowsky was born in 1929 in Tocopilla, a coastal town on edge of the Chilean desert, where this film was shot. It was there where he discovered the fundamentals of reality, as he underwent an unhappy and alienated childhood as part of an uprooted family.

A "metal fetishist", driven mad by the maggots wriggling in the wound he's made to embed metal into his flesh, runs out into the night and is accidentally run down by a Japanese businessman and his girlfriend. The pair dispose of the corpse in hopes of quietly moving on with their lives. However, the businessman soon finds that he is now plagued by a vicious curse that transforms his flesh into iron.

After his girlfriend commits suicide, a man becomes embroiled in gang warfare attempting to obtain a gun in hopes to kill himself.

Една от най-коментираните и невероятни истории са силата на човешкия дух се е разиграла на 13 октомври, петък, 1972 г., когато самолет на уругвайските авиолинии, превозващ младежки отбор по ръгби, катастрофирал в Андите. Част от пътниците загинали на място, но повечето останали живи, за да чакат помощ... за да чуят по радиото, че издирването е прекратено... за да останат без храна и вода... за да се борят с минусовите температури и планинските бедствия... за да преживеят десет седмици в тези условия и накрая да се опитат сами да доведат спасението си.

Simon is a little boy that has to deal with his babysitter, Sonia, a total nuisance. But that same night Simon will receive and unexpected visitor, Timothy, the main character of Simon's favourite show, a visit he will never forget.

Paris, 1933. The daughter of a respectable lower middle class couple, Violette Nozière, leads a disreputable double life. Far from being the innocent 18-year-old her parents mistake her for, she spends her nights with dissolute young men in the less salubrious areas of the city.

A businessman, Tsuda, runs into a childhood friend, Kojima, on the subway. Kojima is working as a semiprofessional boxer. Tsuda soon begins to suspect that Kojima might be having an affair with his fiancée Hizuru. After an altercation, Tsuda begins training rigorously himself, leading to an extremely bloody, violent confrontation.

A teenager discovers an electric pylon growing out of his back and is soon forced to battle cyborg vampires over the future of humanity.

A man awakes to find himself trapped in a dirty, confined crawlspace. He barely has enough room to move. He also has no memory of why he's there, or why he's bleeding from a stomach wound. Apparently drugged, he occasionally 'zones out' of his surroundings as he tries to edge towards his way to freedom. But the more he explores, the more pain he has to endure, and the more frightening his predicament becomes.

Guerilla filmmaker Brendan Toller unleashes I NEED THAT RECORD! THE DEATH (OR POSSIBLE SURVIVAL) OF THE INDEPENDENT RECORD STORE, "an elegy for a vanishing subculture...a lively, bittersweet film that examines - with caustic humor, brutal candor, and, ultimately, great affection - why roughly 3,000 indie record stores have closed across the nation over the past decade," (Johnathan Perry, Boston Globe). A tour-de-force tale of greed, media consolidation, homogenized radio, big box stores, downloading, and technological shifts in the music industry told through candid interviews, crestfallen record store owners, startling statistics, and eye-popping animation. Fat cats or our favorite record stores? You decide. Featuring- IAN MACKAYE, NOAM CHOMSKY, MIKE WATT, THURSTON MOORE, LENNY KAYE (Patti Smith), CHRIS FRANTZ (Talking Heads), GLENN BRANCA, PATTERSON HOOD (Drive By Truckers), PAT CARNEY (Black Keys) , LEGS MCNEIL, BOB GRUEN, BP HELIUM, and many indie record stores across the U.S.

After making a harrowing escape from war-torn South Sudan, a young refugee couple struggle to adjust to their new life in a small English town that has an unspeakable evil lurking beneath the surface.

After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns in a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of psychic and parapsychologist, who discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. At Lake Mungo, Alice's secret past emerges.

Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.

Чарлс Брейди и майка му не са типичното американско семейство. Те са сомнамбули – нещо средно между човек и котка. Това, от което се страхуват, е одраскване на котка, а вида на девствена женска плът ги побърква. Време е за обяд… Майстор на невъобразимото, Стивън Кинг създава нов източник на страх. Докато търсят свежа плът, тези кръвопиещи същества въвличат в порочните си занимания и гимназистката Таня Робъртсън.

Two men discuss the nature of accidents and the possibility of nuclear war.

When the son of an American man and a Japanese women is killed, the man transforms into Tetsuo.