Jules Winnfield ja Vincent Vega on palgamõrvarid, kes jahivad nende bossilt varastatud kohvrit. Lisaks tuleb Vincentil viia meelt lahutama bossi tähelepanuta jäänud naine Mia. Butch Coolidge on veteran-poksija, kellele makstakse kaotamise eest. Nende esmapilgul täiesti seoseta inimeste elud põimuvad sündmuste arenedes ootamatult koomilisel moel.

Sellest on möödunud kaheksa aastat, kui Batman haihtus, muutudes kangelasest tagaotsitavaks. Nüüd aga peab pimeduse rüütel võitlema Bane'iga, peatamatu vaenlasega, kel on tohutu füüsiline ja vaimne jõud. Pea kümme aastat pärast Harvey Denti surma enda peale võtmist ja pimedusse haihtumist jälgib tagaotsitav Batman varjust, kuidas Denti seadus Gotham City tänavad kuritegevusest vabad hoiab. Samal ajal korraldab aga üks maski kandev anarhist terve seeria hävitavaid rünnakuid, mille eesmärk on Batman varjust välja meelitada. Otsustades mitte hüljata inimesi, kelle kaitsmise nimel ta kunagi oma eluga riskis, naaseb pimeduse rüütel pagulusest, kuhu end ise saatnud oli, ja valmistub taas võitlema.

One part vigilante, one part criminal kingpin, Red Hood begins cleaning up Gotham with the efficiency of Batman, but without following the same ethical code.

Jätkub peategelase Bilbo teekond koos võlur Gandalfi ja 13 päkapikuga. Rännuseltskond liigub edasi itta ning jõuavad lõpuks Üksildase mäe juurde, kus neid ootab ees kõikidest kõige suurem oht. Selleks on enneolematult hirmuäratav elukas, kes paneb proovile nende vapruse, sõpruse ja kogu ettevõtmise mõttekuse – draakon Smaug.

Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark. Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a "Victor's Tour" of the districts. Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever.

Bilbo Baggins asub eepilisele rännakule, et päästa päkapikkude kuningriik Erebor hirmuäratava draakoni Smaugi küüsist. Võlur Gandalf ilmub ootamatult Bilbo juurde, kes liitub seejärel 13 päkapikuga, mida juhib legendaarne sõdalane Thorin Oakenshield. Teekonnal tuleb neil läbida ohtlikke alasid, mis kubisevad goblinitest, orkidest, wargidest, hiigelämblikest ja nõidadest.

Following the events of Age of Ultron, the collective governments of the world pass an act designed to regulate all superhuman activity. This polarizes opinion amongst the Avengers, causing two factions to side with Iron Man or Captain America, which causes an epic battle between former allies.

Rudyard Kiplingu ajatul ja samanimelisel kirjandusklassikal ning samuti 1967. aasta Disney filmistuudio animafilmil põhinev linateos, mis sobilik ja põnev vaatamine igas vanuses kinosõbrale ja mille peategelaseks on keset džunglit hundikarjas kasvanud inimlaps nimega Mowgli.

A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic future. Cloud Atlas explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave through the story as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and a single act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the distant future. Based on the award winning novel by David Mitchell. Directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis.

In the Old West, a 17-year-old Scottish boy teams up with a mysterious gunman to find the woman with whom he is infatuated.

A woman, accidentally caught in a dark deal, turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.

Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.

As two evil sisters prepare to conquer the land, two renegades—Eric the Huntsman, who aided Snow White in defeating Ravenna in Snowwhite and the Huntsman, and his forbidden lover, Sara—set out to stop them.

Greek general Themistocles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. Themistocles faces the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god, Xerxes and Artemesia, the vengeful commander of the Persian navy.

86-year-old Irving Zisman is on a journey across America with the most unlikely companion: his 8 year-old grandson, Billy.

Meisterlavastaja Ridley Scott ("Gladiaator", "Prometheus", "Tulnukas") toob vaatajate ette eepilise seiklusfilmi “Exodus: Jumalad ja kuningad”. See on lugu mehest, kes julgeb hakata vastu tervele impeeriumile. Seninägematute eriefektide abil äratab Scott ellu loo trotslikust juhist Moosesest (Christian Bale), kes hakkab vastu oma kasuvennale, Egiptuse vaaraole Ramsesele (Joel Edgerton), viies 600 000 orja monumentaalsele teekonnale, eemale Egiptusest ja seda tabavatest surmavatest nuhtlustest.

Two fledgling criminals kidnap a pizza delivery guy, strap a bomb to his chest, and advise him that he has mere hours to rob a bank or else...

Four everyday suburban guys come together as an excuse to escape their humdrum lives one night a week. But when they accidentally discover that their town has become overrun with aliens posing as ordinary suburbanites, they have no choice but to save their neighborhood - and the world - from total extermination.

Iconoclastic, take-no-prisoners cop John McClane, finds himself for the first time on foreign soil after traveling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack - unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes.

A cop sets up his girlfriend as a target in order to trap a serial killer.