10-year-old Pixote endures torture, degradation, and corruption at a local youth detention center where two of its members are murdered by policemen who frame Lilica, a 17-year-old trans hustler. Pixote helps Lilica and three other boys escape and they start to make their living by a life of crime which only escalates to more violence and death.

A documentary about the Enron corporation, its faulty and corrupt business practices, and how they led to its fall.

Vo svojom vychýrenom tanečnom štúdiu na newyorskej Upper East Side učil bývalý slávny tanečník a učiteľ tanca Pierre Dulaine deti bohatých rodičov základy tanca, swingu a foxtrott a snažil sa im dať tiež zopár tipov, ako zabodovať v tanečných súťažiach. No jedného večera sa tento jeho značne stereotypný život náhle zmenil, vtedy totiž prichytil neprispôsobivého tínedžera Jasona Rockwella, ktorému však nik nepovie inak ako Rock, zúrivo demolovať auto riaditeľky jeho školy Augustine Jamesovej. Namiesto toho, aby naňho podal trestné oznámenie, sa s ním však Dulaine porozprával a zistil, že mladík sa cíti extrémne nepochopený a bez akejkoľvek životnej perspektívy. Nuž a keďže takto trpiacich detí je neskutočne veľa, Dulaine sa rozhodol dostať ich z ulice pomocou tanca! Spolu sa im potom podarí vytvoriť dynamickú novú tanečnú kombináciu z hiphopu a mixu štandardných tancov, s ktorým sa dostanú na prestížnu tanečnú súťaž o 5000 dolárov.

Things go from bad to worse when four co-workers decide to enjoy the extended holiday at a beach house with their families.

Francisco a jeho manželka žijú spoločne s deťmi mimo ruch mesta na pokojnom brazílskom vidieku. A i keď je Francisco obyčajný, chudobný a jednoduchý človek, má jeden sen, pre ktorého splnenie by bol ochotný urobiť takmer všetko – chce, aby sa z jeho potomkov stali hudobné hviezdy. Preto tak najstarším synom, Mirosmarovi a Ernivalovi, jedného dňa zadováži ťahaciu harmoniku a gitaru. Všetko sa zdá byť na najlepšej ceste, pretože obaja mládenci si s nástrojmi veľmi rýchlo porozumejú a dokonca sa na obzore objaví aj promotér ochotný ich zastupovať. Lenže náhle je všetko v ohrození, pretože Ernival umiera pri dopravnej nehode. A práve v tej chvíli sa na scéne objaví mladší brat Luciano, ochotný pokračovať v diele, ktoré Ernival započal. Spoločne s Mirosmarom vytvoria duo, ktoré sa jedného dňa stane symbolom brazílskej národnej hudby v dráme, ktorá bola ocenená štyrmi Cinema Brazil Grand Prizes a dvoma losangeleskými Young Artist Awards.

The immature and cheap douche bag Fábio Clóvis marries the pseudo-intellectual Miá and they travel in a cruise to Europe on board of a fancy passenger vessel. Fabio and Miá are invited to have dinner with the wealthy Beto Assunção and his gorgeous wife Laura in a VIP restaurant on the vessel. Soon Fábio discovers that Beto was Miá's boyfriend and Miá learns that Fábio had a crush on Laura that was his classmate. Meanwhile the cynical chamber maid Suzana Mello and her estranged husband, the entertainer Wilson, make a bet that Fábio and Miá will split before the end of the trip and poison their relationship. When the ship arrives in Casablanca, Fábio meets his bothersome childhood friend Cabeça that affects their honeymoon.

Check out the hilarious story of luck and misadventures of Tino, a family man whose life is transformed after he wins the lottery. Dazzled by wealth, this boaster spends all his money on a life of luxury and ostentation. But after finding out that he is bankrupt, he faces comical situations: besides not telling his wife he is broke because she is pregnant and cannot get upset, Tino must accept help from his neighbor who is an extremely thrifty financial adviser and the only one capable of getting him out of the rut.

The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary of Claudio, they changed places with each other.

The tragic true story of Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent Brazilian shot dead by British police in 2005 at the height of the London terrorist alerts.

The life of Fabio and Miá falls into the rut when differences, which are not few, need to be faced. After Fábio forget the third wedding anniversary, Miá decides to ask for a time in the relationship. When Fábio's grandfather, who lives in Portugal, tells him that he was a widower, he sees on this trip to the funeral an opportunity to save his marriage.

V komédii Profesor v ringu je bývalý vysokoškolský zápasník Scott Voss, teraz 42ročným apatickým učiteľom biológie na upadajúcej strednej škole. Keď hrozí, že škrty ohrozia hudobný program a dočasne prepustia učiteľa, Scott začína zarábať peniaze ako zápasník bojových umení. Každý si myslí, že sa Scott zbláznil - predovšetkým školská zdravotná sestra Bella - ale Scott pri svojom hľadaní získa niečo, čo nikdy nečakal - stane sa senzáciou, ktorá dá dokopy celú školu.

After going through a failed heist, 5 friends, apparently back to their normal lives, are involved in an opportunity to pull off another one.

After all the trouble in the first film, Tino and Jane have more fun adventures. Still tasting bitter failure, they see a light at the end of the tunnel with uncle Olavinho’s unexpected inheritance. However, the will carries an unusual request: the rich uncle wants his ashes to be scattered throughout the Grand Canyon. The couple takes the opportunity of the trip to fulfill this wish and decides to go to Las Vegas and end up getting into comical situations. Big time spender Tino will fall into the greatest temptations and indulge in the casinos of the gambling city.

She could do the responsible thing. Or she could go to Ibiza with her best friends to chase down a hot DJ. Easy choice.

Pearsonove deti musia využiť všetok svoj dôvtip, odvahu i schopnosti, ktoré získali hraním počítačových hier, aby oklamali malé zelené húževnaté príšerky, ktoré stroskotali v dome, kde rodina trávi leto a odvrátili ich útok na Zem. Najťažšie zo všetkého však bude zatajiť mimozemských návštevníkov pred rodičmi. Sympatické herecké obsadenie na čele s Ashley Tisdaleovou, Andym Richterom, Kevinom Nealonom, Timom Meadowsom a Doris Robertsovou je zárukou, že rodinná sci-fi komédia bude mať úspech aj u vašich detí!

"Party Crashers" chronicles the amusing encounter between Marco Polo (Marcelo Adnet), a Copacabana trickster, and Beto (Eduardo Sterblitch), a shy and insecure man, on the New Year's Eve in Rio. Together they crash parties and create a lot of confusion in search of the beautiful Laura.

A once-rich family of women in Rio de Janeiro must sell their mansion in order to keep their high standard of living, but the proximity to the slums disrupts business.

Ked particka mladych americkych turistov vyrazi do vychodnej Europy poznavat krasy a krasky ruskej metropoly, moze to skoncit jednou velkou nekonecnou party v luxusnych moskovskych kluboch, alebo aj zbesilym bojom o vlastne prezitie. Nestretli sice cecenskych mafianov ci nabrusenych prislusnikov tajnej policie, ale s mimozemstanmi tiez nie je ziadna sranda. Zvlast ked su neviditelni a urobia z cloveka popol, nez by povedal: "popol". Mesto nemoze dlho vydrzat a co potom vylakani turisti, ktori nevedia po rusky a v cudzej metropole sa nevyznaju. Otazkou naviac zostava, co sa s nimi, potazmo s celou civilizaciou stane, pokial sa im vobec podari prezit.

Four candidates for a federal judge position embark on a madcap, no-holds-barred race to outdo one another, each committing his own brand of mayhem.

Exposed by his girlfriend through a video on the Internet, Bruno tries to revive his reputation, but all he can do is get into a series of traps (Cilada, in Portuguese). Cilada.com is a comedy about love and betrayal that shows the power of the Internet to transform small intimacies and slips in fame and constraints globalized.