الفيلم يحكي قصة " آندي دوفرين " مصرفي ذكي و ناجح تم اتهـامه بقتل زوجته و عشيقها .. و مع إنكـاره للجريمة و إصراره على أنه بريء من التهمة إلا أن المحكمة كـان لها رأي ثاني و حكمت عليه بـ السجن المؤبد

تدور أحداث الفيلم حول عائلة عاطلة عن العمل، تُقيم داخل شقة فقيرة، تتغير حياتهم كُليًا عندما يلتحق الابن بوظيفة مدرس لابنة عائلة ثرية، وسرعان ما يصير جميع أفراد اﻷسرة الفقيرة عاملين لدى اﻷسرة الثرية إلى أن يتورطوا في حادث غير متوقع.

A peculiar neighbor offers hope to a recent widow who is struggling to raise a teenager who is unpredictable and, sometimes, violent.

A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.

A deaf man and his girlfriend resort to desperate measures in order to fund a kidney transplant for his sister. Things go horribly wrong, and the situation spirals rapidly into a cycle of violence and revenge.

محقق يحقق في وفاة رجل في الجبال يلتقي بزوجة الرجل الميت الغامضة أثناء تجسسه الدؤوب.

يقع حادث عائلي مأساوي، يتسبب في اجتماع ثلاثة أجيال من عائلة (ديتز) للمنزل العائلي في وينتر ريفر والذي يحرسه الشبح (بيتلجوس)، وسرعان ما يقع حادث يتسبب في فتح بوابة العالم الآخر وتنقلب الأمور.

A young teenager struggles with a debilitating mental illness as his mom risks everything to save him without losing the rest of her family.

رجلان في منتصف العمر ينطلقان في رحلة روحية عبر بلد النبيذ في كاليفورنيا. أحدهما روائي غير منشور يعاني من الاكتئاب ، والآخر على بعد أيام فقط من السير في الممر.

There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations.

يدور العمل في المستقبل القريب، حيث يسافر فريق من الصحفيين عبر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حين تصبح على وشك حرب أهلية مميتة بين مواطنيها.

A woman watches time passing next to the suitcases of her ex-lover (who is supposed to come pick them up but never arrives) and a restless dog who doesn't understand that his master has abandoned him.

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a camping site near Takumi's house offering city residents a comfortable "escape" to nature.

The incredible saga of the Chinese immigrant Sung family, owners of Abacus Federal Savings of Chinatown, New York. Accused of mortgage fraud by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., Abacus becomes the only U.S. bank to face criminal charges in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. The indictment and subsequent trial forces the Sung family to defend themselves – and their bank’s legacy in the Chinatown community – over the course of a five-year legal battle.

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

Inspired by the work of Italian underground comic book prodigy Andrea Pazienza, "Paz!" is a 24-hour slice of life of a group of university students sharing a flat in 1970s Bologna, grappling with drugs, classes, girls and half-hearted political activism.

Follows Callie and Joseph one year after they fell in love, now running a dairy farm and winery, but their romance is threatened when business and family obligations call Joseph back to the city.

A young French journalist repeatedly meets iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí for a documentary project that never came to be.

يتعرض فريق من اللصوص المحترفين للخيانة والخداع بعد تنفيذ عملية سطو على أحد البنوك، فيحاولون القيام بمهمة أكثر تحديًا... وهي إعادة الأموال التي سرقوها.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.