Sicilian bandit Salvatore Giuliano's bullet-riddled corpse is found facedown in a courtyard in Castelvetrano, a handgun and rifle by his side. Local and international press descend upon the scene, hoping to crack open the true story behind the death of this young man, who, at the age of twenty-seven, had already become Italy’s most wanted criminal and celebrated hero.
The murder of her father sends a teenage tomboy on a mission of 'justice', which involves avenging her father's death. She recruits a tough old marshal, 'Rooster' Cogburn because he has 'true grit', and a reputation of getting the job done.
Set in 1948, the historic story of India's first Olympic medal post their independence.
Charlie's got a 'job' to do. Having just left prison he finds one of his friends has attempted a high-risk job in Torino, Italy, right under the nose of the mafia. Charlie's friend doesn't get very far, so Charlie takes over the 'job'. Using three Mini Coopers, a couple of Jaguars, and a bus, he hopes to bring Torino to a standstill, steal a fortune in gold and escape in the chaos.
In New York City, David Stillwell struggles to recover his memory before the people who are trying to kill him succeed. Who is he, who are they, and why is he surrounded by murder?
An ex-con seeks revenge on the man who put him in prison by planning a robbery of the latter's stagecoach, which is transporting gold. He enlists the help of a partner, who could be working for his nemesis.
Charlie Anderson, a farmer in Shenandoah, Virginia, finds himself and his family in the middle of the Civil War he wants nothing to do with. When his youngest boy is taken prisoner by the North, the Civil War is forced upon him.
Arizona Territorial Prison inmate Paris Pitman, Jr. is a schemer, a charmer, and quite popular among his fellow convicts — especially with $500,000 in stolen loot hidden away and a plan to escape and recover it. New warden Woodward Lopeman has other ideas about Pitman. Each man will have the tables turned on him.
Londonas, 1898 m. Jaunas, tačiau puikią reputaciją jau spėjęs pelnyti inžinierius gauna įdomų pasiūlymą – vadovauti tilto per galingą upę statyboms Afrikoje. Visą laiką svajojęs aplankyti š paslaptingą kontinentą, jaunas vyras, namuose palikęs kūdikio besilaukiančią žmoną, išvyksta pasitikti naujų gyvenimo iššūkių.Netrukus tiltą statančius darbininkus ima puldinėti du liūtai – žmogėdros, kuriuos vietos gyventojai vadina Vaiduokliu ir Tamsa. Manoma, kad jie ne žvėrys, o šėtono įsikūnijimas. Niekam nepavyksta nušauti šių mistinių padarų.Į statybvietę, iš kurios ėmė bėgti darbininkai, pakviečiamas garsus medžiotojas Remingtonas. Filmo centre – mirtina jo ir paslaptingų padarų dvikova, kuri puikiai perteikia žmogaus kovą su asmeniniais baimės demonais.1997 m. už geriausius garso efektus filmas pelnė „Oskarą“.
Young history buff Kevin can scarcely believe it when six dwarfs emerge from his closet one night. Former employees of the Supreme Being, they've purloined a map charting all of the holes in the fabric of time and are using it to steal treasures from different historical eras. Taking Kevin with them, they variously drop in on Napoleon, Robin Hood and King Agamemnon before the Supreme Being catches up with them.
Accompanied by a ward, a prisoner travels to his hometown to reconnect with his daughter and make amends, but a tragic truth mars his journey.
Inspector Amaia Salazar confronts the origins of her nightmares as she unfolds the darkest secrets of the Baztan valley. Part 3 in the Baztan Trilogy.
Two tough westerners bring home a group of settlers who have spent years as Comanche hostages.
Išgyvenimo žanro šedevro „Hju Glaso legenda“ (The Revenant) prodiuseris ir scenaristas pristato naują, pagal tarptautinį bestselerį sukurtą įtempto siužeto trilerį. Iš pažiūros įprastą gyvenimą gyvenanti Helena slepia didelę paslaptį, kurios nežino nei jos vyras, nei mažametė dukra. Mat Helenos tėvas – Džeikobas Holbrukas, „Pelkių karaliaus“ vardu išgarsėjęs tuomet, kai, pagrobęs jauną merginą, sugebėjo slapstytis pelkėse ir išlikti nesugautas net 12 metų. Kuomet pagaliau įkliuvo teisėsaugos pareigūnams, į civilizaciją sugrįžo ne tik jo pagrobta mergina, bet ir jų dukra Helena, kuriai tuomet buvo dešimt metų.
Two Arkansas firemen, Vince and Don, get hold of a map that leads to a cache of stolen gold in an abandoned factory in East St. Louis. What they don't know is that the factory is on the turf of a local gang, who come by to execute one of their enemies. Vince sees the shooting, the gang spots Vince, and extended mayhem ensues. As Vince and Don try to escape, gang leader King James argues with his subordinate Savon about how to get rid of the trespassers.
Džiaugsmingas ir nuoširdus nuotykis burbuliuoja rimtą tikslą – vaikus supažindinti su opiomis gamtosaugos problemomis. Scenaristai nori tik visiems suprantamais, neįkyriais ir žaismingais metodais atkreipti dėmesį į klimato pasikeitimus, vandenynų užterštumą, sparčiai besikeičiantį motulės gamtos veidą. Filmo veiksmas panardins ištisus 50 metų, kai jūrų vėžlys Semis išplauks į gimtąjį krantą po ilgų, nenuspėjamų, spalvingų ir įdomių povandeninių klajonių su penkiais draugais vėžliukais. Nuotaikingus Semio susitikimus su rykliu, anakonda, pingvinais ir aštuonkoju trejus metus piešė patikima Belgijos dailininkų komanda, o už šturvalo stovėjo režisierius Benas Stassenas.
Majoras Dikensas, kurį šiame filme vaidina Džonas Travolta, niekaip negauna paaukštinimo. Vis atsiranda vertesnių ir gudresnių už jį. Pilotas nusprendžia bent jau pasipelnyti iš jį skriaudžiančios vadovybės ir pagrobia atominį ginklą. Vagies su pagrobtosiomis raketomis puola ieškoti buvęs Dikenso draugas.
A cattle baron takes in an orphaned boy and raises him, causing his own son to resent the boy. As they get older the resentment festers into hatred, and eventually the real son frames his stepbrother for fathering an illegitimate child that is actually his, seeing it as an opportunity to get his half-brother out of the way so he can have his father's empire all to himself.
Elderly sea captain charms and delights an audience of children, telling them stories about the high adventures he experienced when he was young.
A regal man named Vangel is thrust on a journey against his will when he is suddenly and mysteriously arrested. Injured and lost after escaping the dark king’s men, Vangel begins to have strange dreams and visions of a mysterious woman in white calling him from the unknown territory of the North. Armed with a book called “The Record of the Ancients” that he receives from a wise sage named Elder, Vangel embarks on an adventure that takes him through treacherous mountain range, unending deserts, the Lake of Doubts, and the Forest of No Return. Along the way, Vangel learns about a fabled good king and his son in the North, but first he must make it there alive.