The triumphant underdog story of the University of Washington men's rowing team, who stunned the world by competing at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Mladi Willy Wonka, prepun ideja i odlučan je promijeniti svijet jednim ukusnim zalogajem – dokazujući da najbolje stvari u životu počinju sa snom i ako ste dovoljno sretni da upoznate Willyja Wonku, sve je moguće.

In a world hit by a wave of mutations transforming humans into animals, François does everything he can to save his wife. As some of the creatures disappear into a nearby forest, he and their son Émile embark on a quest that will change their lives forever.

U jednom kraljevstvu u 14. stoljeću priređeno je veliko slavlje: kralj i kraljica dobili su kćer, princezu Auroru, nazvanu po zori. Iako je još uvijek malena, već je predodređena da se uda za princa Filipa, sina kralja druge zemlje. Uz brojne čestitare, povorci se priključuju i tri dobre vile od kojih joj svaka udijeli lijepi dar. Slavlje prekida vještica Zlurada, razočarana što je nisu pozvali na slavlje i baca zlu čaroliju na princezu, proričući da će se u šesnaestoj godini ubosti na vreteno i umrijeti. Ne bi li se spriječilo zlo proročanstvo, vile odluče zaštititi djevojku sakrivši je u šumsku kućicu, a kralj zapovijedi da se spale sva vretena u kraljevstvu. Princeza će bezbrižno izrasti u lijepu seosku djevojku ne sluteći tko je, no urok je vrlo opasan i teško ga je izbjeći.

With so many jobs to choose from, the Minions have to make serious decisions after watching an 'Initiation Video'. What could go wrong?!

1947. On a beach, Madeleine, a waitress in a hotel restaurant, mother of a little boy, meets François, a rich and cultivated student. The force of attraction that pushes them towards each other is commensurate with the secrecy that each carries. If we know what Madeleine wants to leave behind by following this young man, we discover over time, what François is desperately trying to flee by mixing Madeleine's fate with his.

Claudia is married with dull Giovanni. Meek Giacomo is happily divorced until he meets her. Aldo is a colorful cabbie with whom she had an affair. Who will Claudia choose?

This animated take on Oliver Twist re-imagines Oliver as an adorable orphaned kitten who struggles to survive in New York City and falls in with a band of canine criminals led by an evil human. First, Oliver meets Dodger, a carefree mutt with street savoir faire. But when Oliver meets wealthy Jenny on one of the gang's thieving missions, his life changes forever.

Three young women vacationing in Paris find themselves whisked away to Monte Carlo after one of the girls is mistaken for a British heiress.

Ace, voljeni pas policajca LAPD Jakea Rossera - njegov K-9 partner - ubijen je u opasnoj četvrti Los Angelesa, u pucačkom sukobu s lokalnim dilerima. Jake je suspendiran s dužnosti nakon što, u emocionalnom pokušaju da spasi već izgubljenog Acea, napadne bolničara. Neovisno od policije, kreće u potragu za krivcima, tražeći osvetu u mračnom kriminalnom podzemlju. Pri tom mu pomaže još jedna njuška: Socks, nasilni K-9 s misterioznom prošlošću.

Nakon džihadističkog napada u zračnoj luci, Santi, taksist koji je voljan pomoći, otet je kao taoc od strane Hamze, jedinog preživjelog terorista. Neočekivani preokret zamjenjuje njihove uloge, a Santi postaje ljudska bomba koja hoda s eksplozivnim prslukom po središtu Madrida. Ako stane, bomba će eksplodirati.

To save the world, Super Furball has to save the bees. In order to do so, the heroic guinea pig has to redeem the biggest bully in school.

U ovoj adaptaciji romana Sue Hecker, računovotkinja u nevjeri svoga zaručnika vidi priliku za seksualno buđenje, s opasnim posljedicama.

U središtu radnje je bračni par Emma i Dave, koji odlučuju "začiniti" vezu pa priređuju jednostavnu "igru uloga": pretvaraju se da su stranci u baru hotela s 5 zvjezdica i žele ponovno naći jedno drugo. Sve dok ih tajanstveni i elegantni muškarac po imenu Bob ne odluči upoznati. Sve tajne i zataškavanja bivaju otkrivene, zbog čega se njihov zajednički život preokreće naglavačke.

Simon, a well-known French filmmaker, starts shooting his next film. A story about workers fighting to protect their factory from being relocated. But nothing goes as planned... His producer Viviane wants to rewrite the ending and is threatening to cut the budget; his own crew goes on strike; his personal life is in shambles; and to make things worse, his lead actor Alain is an egocentric jerk. Joseph, an extra who wants to get into the film industry, agrees to direct the making of and shoot the behind-the-scenes. He takes his role very seriously and starts following around the crew, capturing all this mess... What follows is proof that the making of can sometimes be far better than the film itself!

In 1914, sixteen year old Roger returnd home from boarding school during vacation to find his puberty hit hard in a house filled with beautiful women. These women have previous engagements with other men who are away, and during this time, Roger impregnates them all, including his aunt and sister, then devises plans to cuckold those men.

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

Veličanstvena i zabavna avantura koja prati Pocahontas i njezine vjerne prijatelje Flita, Meekoa i Percyja na putovanju prema uzbudljivom novom mjestu, Engleskoj. Ovaj spektakularan animirani mjuzikl obećava puno zabave, uzbuđenja i smijeha, dok se priča o lijepoj Indijanki nastavlja.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.