Amidst her own personality crisis, southern housewife Evelyn Couch meets Ninny, an outgoing old woman who tells her the story of Idgie Threadgoode and Ruth Jamison, two young women who experienced hardships and love in Whistle Stop, Alabama in the 1920s.
Tala, a London-based Palestinian, is preparing for her elaborate Middle Eastern wedding when she meets Leyla, a young British Indian woman who is dating her best friend. Spirited Christian Tala and shy Muslim Leyla could not be more different from each other, but the attraction is immediate and goes deeper than friendship. But Tala is not ready to accept the implications of the choice her heart has made for her and escapes back to Jordan, while Leyla tries to move on with her new-found life, to the shock of her tradition-loving parents. As Tala's wedding day approaches, simmering tensions come to boiling point and the pressure mounts for Tala to be true to herself.
Two drag queens and a transgender woman contract to perform a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs, a town in the remote Australian desert. As they head west from Sydney aboard their lavender bus, Priscilla, the three friends come to the forefront of a comedy of errors, encountering a number of strange characters, as well as incidents of homophobia, whilst widening comfort zones and exploring new horizons.
A young woman's plans to propose to her girlfriend while at her family's annual holiday party are upended when she discovers her partner hasn't yet come out to her conservative parents.
Corky, a tough female ex-convict working on an apartment renovation in a Chicago building, meets a couple living next door, Caesar, a paranoid mobster, and Violet, his seductive girlfriend, who is immediately attracted to her.
Kena and Ziki long for something more. Despite the political rivalry between their families, the girls resist and remain close friends, supporting each other to pursue their dreams in a conservative society. When love blossoms between them, the two girls will be forced to choose between happiness and safety.
A bullied young boy befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian. A remake of the movie “Let The Right One In” which was an adaptation of a book.
Mati treh otrok sklene nepričakovano vez z nočno varuško, ki jo je najela za pomoč pri njenem novorojenčku.
A wealthy Iranian family struggles to contain a teenager's growing sexual rebellion and her brother's newfound conservatism.
Wallace je faliran študent medicine, ki je doživel številna ljubezenska razočaranja. Medtem ko so vsi okoli njega, vključno s sostanovalcem Allanom, že našli popolnega partnerja, se Wallace odloči postaviti svoje ljubezensko življenje na stranski tir. Takrat pa spozna Chantry, ki živi z dolgoletnim fantom Benom. Takoj se ujameta in postaneta dobra prijatelja. Toda kemija med njima je več kot očitna, kar ju privede do pomembnega vprašanja – lahko tesno prijateljstvo prerase v pravo ljubezen?
The stories of three lesbian couples -- who live in the same house at different periods of time -- who are at a crossroads in their lives. In 1961, Edith loses her lover, Abby, to a stroke. Linda and Amy struggle with feminist issues in 1972. And, in 2000, Kal and Fran try to have a baby with the help of sperm donor.
A lazy law school grad adopts a kid to impress his girlfriend, but everything doesn't go as planned and he becomes the unlikely foster father.
Kot vse otroke njegovih let tudi Arturja (Freddie Highmore) navdušujejo zgodbice za lahko noč, ki mu jih pripoveduje babica (Mia Farrow). Njegove sanje so polne neverjetnih izumov iz stare čarobne knjige – ta je pripadala Arturjevemu dedku, ki je pred štirimi leti skrivnostno izginil. Ko se odloči kar najpozorneje prelistati to nenavadno knjigo, Artur ugotovi, da mu je dedek zapustil sledi, ki vodijo do zaklada, skritega na dvorišču za hišo. Še bolj neverjetno pa je odkritje, da pod zemljo obstaja neviden svet, poseljen z miniaturnimi bitji, ki so premajhna, da bi jih videli s prostim očesom, imenujejo pa se Minimojčki. Desetletni Artur se odloči slediti poti svojega dedka, vstopiti v deželo Minimojčkov in raziskati deželo Sedem kraljestev. Toda da bi mu to uspelo, se mora tudi sam Artur pomanjšati in postati Minimojček!
An adventurous love story between two young women of different social and economic backgrounds who find themselves going through all the typical struggles of a new romance.
Zelo priljubljena in privlačna, a slaba najstnica se nekega dne zbudi v moškem telesu. Ko poskuša odkriti, kaj se je zgodilo, in kako se vrniti v prejšnje stanje, potem spozna, kako kruta in huda je bila do drugih do drugih.
The stunning Dreya Weber stars as a former top gymnast who discovers love and a new life path when she teams up with a dancer (played by former L.A. Lakers cheerleader Addie Yungmee) for an ambitious Las Vegas aerial act show.
John is a mild-mannered banker who has never been lucky in love. Fed up with waiting for the right girl to come along, John takes a chance on a Russian mail-order bride arranged via the Internet, where he is introduced to Nadia. John's fondness for Nadia grows... until the sudden arrival of Nadia's gregarious cousins makes John realize that he's in over his head.
Four Londoners are inseparably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexuality and social convention have been broken down, they enjoy a freedom never experienced before.
Glenn Fitzgerald je mladi preprodajalec marihuane in bobnar v rock skupini. Ko ga prijatelji vržejo iz benda, se posveti svoji obstranski dejavnosti, da bi vzdrževal svojo punco Monico, ter se začne družiti z uporniškim sosedom Jimmyjem. Nekega dne Glenna skoraj razkrinkajo pri preprodaji nelegalnih substanc, zato se odloči zbežati od doma, da bi se izognil aretaciji. Na begu se mu pridruži tudi Jimmy, ki želi zbežati pred svojim napornim očetom.
Bedrooms tells a story about the walls that separate people, the heartbreak and infidelity that's often the result and the redemption that comes from tearing those walls down. The film is told in 4 stories by 3 filmmakers. Three of the stories deal with married couples of various ages confronting the turning points of their relationships. A fourth story is interwoven throughout, providing bookends and context in the form of a story about ten year old twins, who, tired of sharing their bedroom set out to build a wall between their beds to create their own spaces. In building the wall to separate, they come to fully appreciate all things that connect them. Bedrooms explores human relationships, their myriad complications and the daily choice we face to either make them work or to move on.