Zgodba se začne z Noahovim prihodom v bolniško sobo. Noah je star 80 let in je prišel obiskat Allie, ki ima Alzheimerjevo bolezen. Na njeno željo ji začne pripovedovati zgodbo, ki se je dogajala pred 49 leti, ko se je Allie vrnila v New Bern, da bi poiskala Noaha. Dogodki se prepletajo in Noah takrat ugotovi, da čustva do Allie še niso zamrla. Prav tako se svojih čustev zave Allie, a ker je zaročena, poskuša svoja čustva do Noaha zatreti. Tako ima dve možnosti: lahko se poroči z moškim, ki ga ne ljubi, a bo skrbel za njo, ali tvega z Noahom, ki nima ničesar, a ga vseeno ljubi.

An American girl on vacation in Italy finds an unanswered "letter to Juliet" -- one of thousands of missives left at the fictional lover's Verona courtyard, which are typically answered by the "secretaries of Juliet" -- and she goes on a quest to find the lovers referenced in the letter.

A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she is the princess of a small European country because of the recent death of her long-absent father, who, unknown to her, was the crown prince of Genovia. She must make a choice between continuing the life of a San Francisco teen or stepping up to the throne.

Bianca's universe turns upside down when she learns that her high school refers to her as a ‘DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Hoping to erase that label, she enlists the help of a charming jock and her favorite teacher. Together they'll face the school's mean girl and remind everyone that we are all someone's DUFF… and that's totally fine.

Sally and Gillian Owens, born into a magical family, have mostly avoided witchcraft themselves. But when Gillian's vicious boyfriend, Jimmy Angelov, dies unexpectedly, the Owens sisters give themselves a crash course in hard magic. With policeman Gary Hallet growing suspicious, the girls struggle to resurrect Angelov -- and unwittingly inject his corpse with an evil spirit that threatens to end their family line.

Režiser prebrisane komedije Lahka punca prikazuje nenavadno srečanje dveh popolnih nasprotij: zapeljivi Ben išče popolno žensko, Sara pa si želi partnerja, s katerim bi si ustvarila družino. Neuspešno iskanje ju združi v postelji, vendar z obljubo, da gre zgolj za prijateljski seks brez obveznosti. Med čakanjem na idealnega partnerja se njune posteljne avanture spreminjajo v strastno razmerje, toda strah priznanja ljubezni ju postavi pred največjo življenjsko preizkušnjo.

Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.

The "black sheep" son of a wealthy family meets a young psychiatric patient who's been raised in isolation her entire life. He takes the naive young woman home for his brother's wedding an improbable romance blooms, as she impresses everyone with her genuine, simple charms.

Remember that really cute girl/guy who said they'd call – and didn't? Maybe they lost your number. Maybe they're in the hospital. Maybe they're awed by your looks, brains or success. Or maybe... They're just not that into you.

Simpatična Annie nikakor ne najde prave sreče v ljubezni in službi, zato z upanjem na nekaj dodatnega veselja sprejme prošnjo prijateljice, da bi prevzela vlogo glavne družice na prihajajoči poroki. Toda ob tem ne računa na dolg seznam opravil, ki jih mora organizirati, dodatne preglavice pa ji povzročajo preostale družice, ki ji na vsakem koraku grenijo življenje. Ko se skupaj odpravijo na dekliščino v Las Vegas, Annie doživi najhujšo nočno moro svojega življenja.

Režiser romantičnih komedij Muriel se poroči in Moj bivši se poroči je v filmski svet prenesel knjižno uspešnico o 25-letni nakupovalni odvisnici Rebecci, ki po selitvi v New York nikakor ne more pokriti velikanskih izdatkov za drage obleke in čevlje. Po propadlem poskusu omejevanja zapravljanja se prijavi za službo kolumnistke pri finančni reviji, a ker so tako njene finance kot tudi zasebno življenje popoln kaos, mora preko številnih zabavnih katastrof odkriti, da zapravljanje ni edina radost življenja.

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he's been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.

Režiser napetih akcij Top Gun in Deja Vu se poda v newyorško podzemlje, kjer skupina okorelih kriminalcev ugrabi metro, poln nedolžnih potnikov. Od mestnih oblasti zahtevajo bogato odkupnino, med kladivom in nakovalom pa se znajde vlakovni nadzornik Garber, ki se je prisiljen pogajati z zločinci. Toda psihološke miselne igre postajajo vse bolj napete in na dan začnejo uhajati številne umazane podrobnosti o vseh vpletenih, zato je lahko usodna že najmanjša napačna poteza.

37-letnemu Miku življenje ne teče tako, kot si je predstavljal v mladosti, saj se je po ločitvi moral preseliti k najboljšemu prijatelju, njegova kariera pa je zašla v slepo ulico. Toda nepremišljena želja, da bi se vrnil v najstniška leta, se mu po spletu magičnih dogodkov uresniči in 17-letni Mike se znova znajde v gimnaziji. Tam spozna nekaj pomembnih življenjskih lekcij o sebi, svojih otrocih in bivši ženi, toda pot nazaj in poprava napak se izkažeta za vse prej kot lahki nalogi.

Emma is a busy doctor who sets up a seemingly perfect arrangement when she offers her best friend Adam a relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?

During a wild vacation in Las Vegas, career woman Joy McNally and playboy Jack Fuller come to the sober realization that they have married each other after a night of drunken abandon. They are then compelled, for legal reasons, to live life as a couple for a limited period of time. At stake is a large amount of money.

Angela Bennett is a freelance software engineer who lives in a world of computer technology. When a cyber friend asks Bennett to debug a new game, she inadvertently becomes involved in a conspiracy that will soon turn her life upside down and make her the target of an assassination.

Disillusioned with romance, Beth, an ambitious New Yorker, travels to Rome for her sister's wedding, where she plucks magic coins from a special fountain of love. The coins attract unwanted attention from an assortment of odd yet ardent suitors: a sausage merchant, a street magician, an artist, and a male model. But when the best man from the wedding, persistent reporter Nick, throws his hat in the ring, Beth wonders if his love is the real thing.

Spencer je vladni morilec, ki sovraži svojo službo in ki si bolj od vsega želi živeti povsem običajno življenje. Ko v Franciji spozna nevrotično Američanko Jen, ki se je pravkar razšla s svojim fantom in se s svojimi starši mudi na počitnicah, se Spencer odloči, da bo svoj poklic obesil na klin in zaživel tako, kot želi. Čeprav ga njegov šef Holbrook prepričuje, da je to nemogoče, se Spencer poroči z Jen in preseli v hišico v predmestju. Tri leta kasneje izve, da mu nekdo streže po življenju, zato je svoji ženi prisiljen povedati resnico.

Pushed to the breaking-up point after their latest 'why can't you do this one little thing for me?' argument, Brooke calls it quits with her boyfriend Gary. What follows is a hilarious series of remedies, war tactics, overtures and undermining tricks – all encouraged by the former couple's friends and confidantes …and the occasional total stranger! When neither ex is willing to move out of their shared apartment, the only solution is to continue living as hostile roommates until one of them reaches breaking point.