Georgian bush pilot Valentin (Valiko) Mizandari a.k.a. Mimino works at small local airlines, flying helicopters between small villages. But he dreams of piloting large international airlines aircrafts, so he goes to Moscow for refresher courses. There in a hotel he meets truck driver Robik who is given a place in that hotel by mistake, and they have a lot of adventures in Moscow. Always amicable and open to people, Mimino does not feel at home in the big city. Nevertheless, he becomes a pilot of a supersonic jet liner, the Tupolev Tu-144, flying all over the world. But feeling homesick, he finally comes back to his native town of Telavi in Georgia, to his family and friends.

În acest documentar, rapperul francez Nekfeu trece prin presiuni și provocări personale și pornește într-o călătorie în jurul lumii pentru a găsi inspirație muzicală.

Best friends Alma and Margot are inseparable, whether it’s terrorizing cheating lovers or crashing wedding parties. The two women also share the same dream of a successful career on the stage. They get one step closer when they are cast as lead and understudy in a high-profile play in Paris. Alma is keeping a secret that puts her role in jeopardy, but with the unwavering support of Margot, they will try their best to ensure that the show goes on.

A strait-laced French student moves into an apartment in Barcelona with a cast of six other characters from all over Europe. Together, they speak the international language of love and friendship.

Cinci prieteni din liceu se reîntâlnesc după zece ani în sala de așteptare a unei maternități pentru a fi martorii unei nașteri. Tatăl copilului care urmează să vină pe lume era Tomasi, cel mai bun prieten al lor, care murise recent în urma unei supradoze. În vreme ce așteptau, ei încearcă să înțeleagă circumstanțele în care s-a petrecut moartea lui Tomasi, care părea un tip așa de fericit mereu, și cum a fost posibil ca el să devină dependent de droguri și să sfârșească în acest fel. Ei vor vorbi despre câte și mai câte, de la experiențele pe care le-au avut cu fetele și drogurile, până la relația cu profesorii și părinții.

Filmul prezintă povestea supraviețuirii a doi imigranți care află că totul este de vânzare în lumea interlopă a Londrei. Membri invizibili ai clasei muncitoare londoneze, exilatul nigerian Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor) și menajera de origine turcă Senay (Audrey Tautou) muncesc într-un hotel din vestul Londrei care este un paravan pentru afaceri ilegale. Într-o noapte, Okwe face o descoperire șocantă care îi pune pe cei doi într-o dilemă imposibilă și care testează limitele a tot ceea ce cunosc. Distins cu numeroase premii la festivalurile de film europene, inclusiv succesele repurtate în cadrul festivalurilor de film de la Londra și Veneția, filmul este un thriller urban absolut fascinant și imposibil de uitat.

Paris, 1933. The daughter of a respectable lower middle class couple, Violette Nozière, leads a disreputable double life. Far from being the innocent 18-year-old her parents mistake her for, she spends her nights with dissolute young men in the less salubrious areas of the city.

Xavier, scriitor divorțat, pleacă la New York după copii și fosta soție. Acolo, face o cerere pentru carte verde și începe o viață nouă și complicată de tată singur.

Relația unui cuplu care se împacă cu divorțul este prezentată după o cronologie inversă, din momentul în care se destramă până în ziua când cei doi s-au întâlnit.

Paul Exben is a success story – partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error.

Paul, depressed from his recent break-up with Anna, returns home to Paris and moves back in with his divorced father and amorous younger brother, Jonathan. While his carefree sibling and doting father try in vain to cheer him up, a visit from his mother seems to be the only thing that brings him joy. When Paul is then left in the house to brood and talk to one of his brother's girlfriends, he begins to realize that while things haven't gone according to plan, one can always find something to live for.

"Ni Pour, Ni Contre" tracks the fall of a young TV camerawoman, Caty, after she becomes involved with a group of petty criminals and their enigmatic leader, Jean. The gang lives hand-to-mouth until the day Jean plans a daring bank robbery. Although other gang members feel out of their league, Jean persuades them to take part and Caty finds herself in a hellish world of betrayal, violence and murder.

A promising post-graduate literature student is transformed into a psychotic killer following the suicide of his father and a sleazy affair by his mother with a younger man.

In late nineteenth century Charante, Protestant minister Jean Barnery causes local disquiet when he arranges a separation from his obsessive wife. He and his lover keep their love strong as the world changes around them.

Cerise is fourteen years old but she looks twenty. Cerise grew up on the outskirts, but now she's exiled to Ukraine. Cerise wears excessive amounts of makeup, but she still has a little girl's dreams. Cerise doesn't know her father, even though she's going to have to live with him. Cerise has only ever thought about herself and now she finds herself in the middle of a revolution.

Louise, literary advisor to the Cercle Editions, receives a large manuscript from the United States. Upset by the reading of this book, she begins an epistolary relationship with Paul, the author.

Arthur is invited to a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the year 2000. His girlfriend Lucie would like a baby from him but he refuses. Through the ceiling of the toilets, he discovers a passage leading to this futurist Paris. There, he meets an old man Ako who affirms he is his son and that he wants to exist. Otherwise he will vanish into the air. Arthur is still hesitant because his life is an unfulfilled one: a has a little lucrative job, is uncertain about his future and things are getting out of hand when Ako discovers the passage and interferes in the party.

Three women in their late thirties, one with marital problems, one trying to be perfect, and a spinster, discuss their relationship to men.

A romantic comedy about Jean-Marc who is a convinced bachelor and also very busy. So busy that he almost missed his own daughters wedding ceremony...

Self-destructive teens go skateboarding, use drugs and turn tricks in Paris.