In this, the sequel to Jean de Florette, Manon has grown into a beautiful young shepherdess living in the idyllic Provencal countryside. She plots vengeance on the men who greedily conspired to acquire her father's land years earlier.

An aging, booze-addled father takes a trip from Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son in order to claim what he believes to be a million-dollar sweepstakes prize.

A ghost and a French marquis wander through the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, encountering scenes from many different periods of its history.

Abandoned by his father, a young boy is left in the hands of an unqualified childcare provider.

Not less than 3 men and 40 animals were found dead on the Breton beaches. The identity of the killer is an open secret: green algae. Inès Léraud is still a young journalist when, driven by an ecological conscience, she decides to go to Brittany to investigate this phenomenon. Through her encounters with whistleblowers, scientists, farmers and politicians, she elucidates, not without difficulty, half a century of silence: samples that disappear in laboratories, bodies buried before being autopsied, influence games, pressure... Will the truth win?

Angie works hard to run her uncle’s events business while her cousin Candace takes the credit. When Angie takes a night off to have fun at the Christmasquerade Ball, the mask and gown allow her to let loose, and she quickly catches the eye of Nicholas, a wealthy local bachelor. But then Angie has to go before revealing her identity, leaving Nicholas searching for his mystery woman in this modern take on the classic fairy tale.

Alžyre įsikūrusio vienuolyno abatas Kristijanas puikiai išmano ir Bibliją, ir Koraną. Įsigilinimas į islamą jam padeda suprasti ir gerbti šalį, kurioje nusprendė dirbti. Tačiau Alžyras vis labiau terorizuojamas islamo fundamentalistų, tad vienuoliai turi kuo greičiau pasirinkti: likti ar pasitraukti. Istorija paremta tikrais faktais: 1996 m. iš Tibhirino vienuolyno buvo pagrobti septyni trapistai ir, anot pagrobėjų pareiškimo, nužudyti perpjaunant gerkles. Filmo kūrėjai stengėsi perteikti atmosferą, kuri tuo metu vyravo vienuolyne. Kūčių vakarą vienuoliai privalo pagaliau išspręsti esminę dilemą – likti šalyje ir rizikuoti gyvybe ar išvykti. Kiekvienas vienuolis, įvertindamas žmogišką, religinį, politinį aspektą, įsigilindamas į savo sielą ir sąmonę, turi priimti asmeninį sprendimą.

Patrauklus, šmaikštus, atletiškas Aleksas moka prisibelsti iki moters širdies per vienintelį pasimatymą. Talentingasis viliotojas su gudria seserimi siūlo ypatingai delikačią paslaugą - efektyviai išskirti bet kurią porą. Bet darbus jie pradeda tik su viena sąlyga - bent vienas iš partnerių turi jaustis nelaimingas. Vienas turtuolis pasisamdo šiuos meilės profesionalus, kad nutrauktų artėjančias dukters ir jam įgrisusio būsimojo žento sutuoktuves. Iki maršo prie altoriaus liko tik savaitė ir abu jaunavedžiai patenkinti laukia svarbiausios savo šventės. Užduotis juos išskirti atrodo neįmanoma, tačiau prasiskolinusį Aleksą keisti principus prispaudžia pinigų reikalaujančių gangsterių grasinimai.

Dragon Hunters is a fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters: the world has become a vast conglomerate of islands of varying size and shape. This babbling universe is mainly peopled with ruthless rogues, surly peasants and illiterate, petty lords Their main concerns revolve around two fundamental rules : Eat and don't get eaten.

Pierre, a professional dancer, suffers from a serious heart disease. While he is waiting for a transplant which may (or may not) save his life, he has nothing better to do than look at the people around him, from the balcony of his Paris apartment.

A young woman makes a surprising discovery about the husband of her late best friend.

A shy but ambitious film student falls into an intense, emotionally fraught relationship with a charismatic but untrustworthy older man.

Isa, Alice, Léa and Nina, linked by their Sephardic families as much as by their friendship, share their lives between love affairs, a beauty institute under fiscal control, children to raise, an undocumented Moroccan nanny to marry, repeated diets, family and religious holidays to honor, but before being beautiful, their biggest challenge is to be themselves.

Hopeful romantic Thibault believes his luck could change when sparks fly between him and Rose. But can he go from bestie to boyfriend?

A re-imagining of the old mystical folklore that follows a woman and a tight-knit Jewish community that is besieged by foreign invaders. She conjures a dangerous creature to protect them but it may be more evil than she ever imagined.

A quartet of Parisians embark upon a guided hike in Corsica and end up working through the sometimes comical chaos of their individual lives while becoming lost and contending with such obstacles as bad weather and aching bodies. Both of the female hikers are seeking love, though one of them is involved with their married guide and tries to push him into getting a divorce. The other, a former actress, simply wants the perfect mate. Neither of the two male hikers, one who is involved with an Australian and the other is in love with making money, qualify for her affections.

As the daring thief Arsène Lupin ransacks the homes of wealthy Parisians, the police, with a secret weapon in their arsenal, attempt to ferret him out.

Thomas Gardesse, a traveling alarm systems salesman, is arrested for a minor offense and sentenced to six months imprisonment. To win the respect of his fellow inmates, he claims he is "The Marquis," a brilliant robber whose identity has remained a mystery. Two weeks before his release, an armed robber named Quentin Tasseau helps him escape and takes him to Manila so he can take part in a robbery whose mastermind requires the talents of the Marquis.

Julie, a woman who is unlucky in love despite her bubbly demeanor. Her job at a bookstore takes an interesting twist when she discovers a book titled "Happiness Can Be Learned," and she sets out to fix her love life once and for all.

Three brothers are reunited on the occasion of the death of his mother. The three are in a difficult stage of their lives due to economic difficulties: Bernard is a failed actor, Didier pretends to be a professor of philosophy when, in fact, is selling sex toys and Pascal lives off a rich sexagenarian. Accompanied by Sara, the teenage daughter of Bernard, they live surprising encounters while new problems appear.