I en nær fremtid efter den store krigs verdensomspændende ødelæggelse finder man den forfaldne metropol Neo Tokyo, der blev til af resterne af den gamle verden. Kriminellebander, politi brutalitet, korruption og udbredt arbejdsløshed gør byen til et sted med evig uro. De to unge motorcyklister Kaneda og Tetsuo begiver sig ud for at finde sandheden, så de kan bringe orden i en by i konstant uorden.

Sarah Connor er en helt vanlig jente. Hun arbeider som servitør på en cafè og tror at livet er ganske vanlig - helt til hun møter Kyle Reese. Han påstår at han er fra fremtiden, og at han forsøker å redde livet hennes fra en fryktelig drapsmaskin som også er sendt tilbare fram fremtiden for å drepe henne. Til å begynne med tror ikke Sarah på den forvirrede mannen, men så snart den grusomme drapsmaskinen åpenbarer seg - forandrer dette seg raskt. Og Sarah må begynne sin kamp for å overleve.

A reporter and a promiscuous young woman try to solve a series of child killings in a remote southern Italian town rife with superstition and a distrust of outsiders.

Secret agent OSS 117 foils Nazis, beds local beauties, and brings peace to the Middle East.

The Shape Of Water er et romantisk fantasy-drama regissert av Guillermo del Toro, med Sally Hawkins i hovedrollen. Bakteppet for filmen er den kalde krigen, og vi befinner oss i ca. 1962. Den ensomme Elisa (Hawkins) jobber som renholder i et laboratorium drevet av myndighetene, og lever et liv i isolasjon. Hennes liv forandrer seg for alltid når hun og hennes kollega Zelda (Octavia Spencer) kommer over et topp-hemmelig eksperiment på arbeidsplassen.

An Innuit hunter races his sled home with a fresh-caught halibut. This fish pervades the entire film, in real and imaginary form. Meanwhile, Axel tags fish in New York as a naturalist's gofer. He's happy there, but a messenger arrives to bring him to Arizona for his uncle's wedding. It's a ruse to get Axel into the family business. In Arizona, Axel meets two odd women: vivacious, needy, and plagued by neuroses and familial discord. He gets romantically involved with one, while the other, rich but depressed, plays accordion tunes to a gaggle of pet turtles

After a wizard's spell goes awry, 12th-century Gallic knight Godefroy de Papincourt, Count of Montmirail finds himself transported to 1993, along with his dimwitted servant, Jacquouille la Fripouille. Startled and perplexed by modern technology, the duo run amok, destroying cars and causing chaos until they meet Beatrice de Montmirail, an aristocratic descendant of the nobleman, who may be able to help them get back to 1123.

En ung kvinnes ekteskap med en flott prins forvandles til en innbitt kamp for tilværelsen når hun ofres til en ildsprutende drage.

Paris, in the early 1960s. Jean-Louis Joubert is a serious but uptight stockbroker, married to Suzanne, a starchy class-conscious woman and father of two arrogant teenage boys, currently in a boarding school. The affluent man lives a steady yet boring life. At least until, due to fortuitous circumstances, Maria, the charming new maid at the service of Jean-Louis' family, makes him discover the servants' quarter on the sixth floor of the luxury building he owns and lives in. There live a crowd of lively Spanish maids who will help Jean-Louis to open to a new civilization and a new approach of life. In their company - and more precisely in the company of beautiful Maria - Jean-Louis will gradually become another man, a better man.

Når en arbeidsløs baker blir bestevenninnens forlover, ødelegger hun nesten den store dagen ved å konkurrere med de andre brudepikene.

This gripping historical drama recounts the story of Armenian-born Missak Manouchian, a woodworker and political activist who led an immigrant laborer division of the Parisian Resistance on 30 operations against the Nazis in 1943. The Nazis branded the group an Army of Crime, an anti-immigrant propaganda stunt that backfired as the team's members became martyrs for the Resistance.

Harrison Ford i rollen som den amerikanske presidenten. Iskalde terrorister som ikke nøler med å drepe. En utrolig spennende action-thriller i 10.000 meters høyde. Gå ikke glipp av denne storfilmen der presidenten, hans stab og familie overfalles av russiske terrorister i det spesialbygde presidentflyet Air Force One. På bakken følger visepresident (Glenn Close) og den øvrige verden med på kampen mellom presidenten og den grusomme terroristlederen (Gary Oldman). Når alle tror at presidenten er drept og kampen er over, slår presidenten tilbake på en måte som ingen hadde regnet med. En nervepirrende triller.

Muhammad Ali’s historic Supreme Court battle from behind closed doors. When Ali was drafted into the Vietnam War at the height of his boxing career, his claim to conscientious objector status led to a controversial legal battle that rattled the U.S. judicial system right up to the highest court in the land.

The Bettoun clan: Raymond (the patriarch), Maurice (the son), Jacky (the nephew), Roland (the nephew), Albert (Raymond's cousin), Pépé (Raymond's friend), Samy (the bodyguard) are a family clan of Jewish Blackfoot kingpins of French organized crime. Their activities include running casinos, organizing underground boxing matches, illegal gambling, pimping, racketeering and bloody settlements of scores against other Arab and French clans. But in the shadows, Pascal Villars has sworn the loss of the Bettoun. He will succeed in setting the Arab clan against the Jewish clan, for the great benefit of the police commissioner Duché, who has been trying in vain for ten years to bring down the Bettouns.

Onde militarister på har brukt blod fra den alieninfiserte Ellen Ripley til å klone frem en haug nye aliens. De har i samme slengen klonet Ripley og eksperimentert med å spleise hennes gener med uhyrenes. Militarister har jo som kjent alltid hatt sans for ting som dreper effektivt. Selvfølgelig slipper både aliener og Ripley fri når rompirater border det militære romskip. Dermed er det duket for atter et oppgjør med universets mest nådeløse skapninger.

Under the pressure of his boss, a music producer decides to set up a group consisting of a rabbi, a priest and an imam to make them sing the living together. But the religious he recruits are far from being saints ...

A man meets up with two "good guys" to recover what is unlawfully his, taking them on his whirlwind ride, doing things they never would have imagined, just to survive.

Lambert, a recovering sex addict, tries to redeem himself by becoming a marriage counsellor. He stays abstinent for several months, but his alluring assistant's unbridled sexuality tests his resolve.

Elvira is travelling through the French countryside with her friend Genevieve, searching for the lost tomb of a medieval murderess and possible vampire, Countess Wandessa. They find a likely site in the castle of Waldemar Daninsky, who invites the women to stay as long as they like. As Waldemar shows Elvira the tomb that supposedly houses the countess, she accidentally causes the vampire to come back to life, hungrier than ever. Daninsky has a hidden secret of his own, but will it be enough to save the two girls from becoming Wandessa's next victims?

Three men are abandonned by their wives for a few days in the summer holidays. They are alone with five kids to feed and a house to maintain. And they will learn what they did wrong with their wives.