A vacationing entomologist suffers extreme physical and psychological trauma after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village and made to live with a woman whose life task is shoveling sand for them.

A young Tokyo salary man and his wife struggle within the confines of their passionless relationship while he has an extramarital affair.

Between light and darkness stands Olfa, a Tunisian woman and the mother of four daughters. One day, her two older daughters disappear. To fill in their absence, the filmmaker Kaouther Ben Hania invites professional actresses and invents a unique cinema experience that will lift the veil on Olfa and her daughters' life stories. An intimate journey of hope, rebellion, violence, transmission and sisterhood that will question the very foundations of our societies.

Iš kalėjimo išėjęs Arturas grįžta į nedidelį Toskanos miestelį, kuriame jo laukia karnavališka kapų plėšikų gauja, be sąžinės graužaties siaubianti tūkstantmečius skaičiuojančius etruskų kapus, o rastus istorinius artefaktus parduodanti juodojoje rinkoje. Arturas, anglas, kadaise respektabilus archeologijos mokslininkas, turi ypatingą talentą rasti senovines kapavietes. Pasiklydęs tarp gyvųjų ir mirusiųjų pasaulių, jis ieško lobių, neskirtų žmogaus akims, o kartu ir savo pražuvusios mylimosios Benjaminos.

Zahia Ziouani, 17, dreams of becoming a conductor, while her twin sister Fettouma hopes to be a professional cellist. They want to make classical music accessible to everyone and create their own orchestra.

Į 1885-uosius žiūrovą nukelsianti estetiška, subtili ir rafinuota prancūzų juosta „Gurmaniška aistra“ pasakoja neprilygstamo virtuvės šefo Dodeno Bufano ir jo mokinės bei kolegės Eugenijos istoriją. Prieš daugiau nei 20 metų Eugenija (aktorė Juliette Binoche) pirmą kartą įžengė į Dodeno (akt. Benoît Magimelis) virtuvę. Smalsi ir talentinga paauglė greitai mokėsi virtuvės paslapčių ir pamažu tapo lygiaverte savo mokytojo partnere.

Juliette goes back in her hometown to spend some time with her family. She finds herself between a loving but moody father, a New Age mother, a sister in the midst of an existential crisis, and a grandmother slowly losing her mind. Buried memories and family secrets rise to the surface in this sweet, tender and sometimes extravagant family portrait.

Hamid is part of a secret group pursuing the Syrian regime’s fugitive leaders. His mission takes him to France, on the trail of his former torturer whom he must confront.

Istorija apie karinio jūrų laivyno karininką, kuris stoja prieš teismą dėl maišto, kuomet perėmė vadovavimą iš laivo kapitono, nes, jo manymu, jis elgėsi nestabiliai, kėlė pavojų laivui ir jo įgulai.

Boundary-pushing Russian dancer and actress Ida Rubinstein selects renowned French composer Maurice Ravel to compose the music for her next ballet. Ravel ends up creating his greatest success ever: Boléro.

François Marsault, a war veteran, makes the most of his retirement alongside his wife Annie. Authoritarian and ruthless, François rules his family with an iron fist — but when he discovers that his esteemed wife cheated on him 40 years ago, he files for divorce and confronts her former lover, who lives in the French Riviera.

Michel, the jovial owner of the only café in a small Normandy town, sees his life turned upside down when his teenage daughter is murdered. The community has his back but soon rumor spreads and Michel is singled out. From the ideal father, he becomes the ideal culprit.

Joseph learns that his son and his companion have just perished in an accident. They were expecting a child via a surrogate mother in Belgium. What will become of their future baby? Is Joseph the legitimate grandfather? Carried by the promise of this birth which will prolong the existence of his son, the sexagenarian goes to meet the young Flemish woman with a fierce and indomitable character.

Ahmed, 18, is French of Algerian origin. He grew up in the Parisian suburbs. On the benches of the university, he meets Farah, a young Tunisian full of energy recently arrived from Tunis. While discovering a body of sensual and erotic Arabic literature that he never knew existed, Ahmed falls deeply in love with this girl, and although literally overwhelmed by desire, he will try to resist it.

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

Harry Woltz is a homicide cop with a gambling problem; a problem that leaves him owing a great deal of money to the Russell brothers. To clear the debt they ask him to train John Farrow to murder his wife, Evans, without leaving the usual clues or making the usual mistakes. However when Harry's ex-partner is put on the case, she begins to get closer than Harry had thought before the case takes some unexpected twists.

To overcome their financial problems, Justine, her husband and their whole group of friends organize a fake romantic cruise for Franck, a big investor, who is trying to seduce a woman.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

Talentingasis aktorius Antony Mileris nuolat priverstas kovoti su savo asmeninėmis problemomis ir priklausomybėmis, tačiau filmavimo aikštelėje niekas neabejoja jo talentu. Darbas praskaidrina niūrią Antony kasdienybę, bet neilgam.... Ilgos valandos filmavimo aikštelėje, filmuojant siaubo filmą, neatpažįstamai ima keisti Antony asmenybę. Jo elgesys pakinta, jis dažnai praranda sąmonę, mintys tampa nerišlios, o kūnas išsekęs. Tai, kas pradžioje atrodė, kaip geniali aktoriaus vaidyba, greitai virsta nepaaiškinamu siaubu, kuris stumia vyrą į dar gilesnę tamsą. Nebegalėdamas atskirti realybės nuo vaidmens, Antony praranda kontrolę, o jo dukra Lee susiduria su šiurpiu uždaviniu – surasti būdą, kaip išlaisvinti tėvą nuo jo kūną užvaldžiusios agonijos. Gal tik egzorcizmo apeigos išgelbės tėvo sielą, o gal atskleis tiesą, kuri gali būti baisesnė net už demonišką prakeiksmą.