Two young girls find themselves alone in the forest but for a gaggle of goblins with mischevious intent. Adapted from the Christina Rossetti poem, The Goblin Market is a tale of two girls, their relationship and how it is affected by temptation and the pull of the woods. Keeping Rossetti's characters but altering their relationship slightly, Daisy Adders creates a film full of whimsy and woodland joy with a dark, mystical side to it.

In their vehicle, Laurie, Kristy and Linda live alone on the American roads. Like thousands of modern American nomads who can no longer afford to pay for their housing. With no money to spare, these three sixty-year old women are fleeing, in their own way, a part of their history that has left a deep mark on them. Driving away, they try to regain some form of peace. But as the miles and seasons pass, despite their impressive temerity and resilience, their quest for a better future is challenged by unexpected events that hit a country in crisis. Will they nevertheless manage, at the end of the road, to find the serenity they are looking for, in order to become someone again?

a beautiful love story between a beautiful flower girl and a wealthy Roman north. He has sacrificed any sense of professional success, while for the heart it is ahead of the material issues. A relationship destined to spark. The film mixes humor, melodrama and a stunning formal beauty. One of those stories that leave a great impression.

System of a Down (sometimes abbreviated as SOAD) is a metal band formed in the United States Glendale, California in 1994. It consists of Serj Tankian (vocals, keyboards), Daron Malakian (guitar, vocals), Shavo Odadjian (bass) and John Dolmayan (drums). The group is known for social and political views which can be found in the lyrics of their songs. All four members are descendants of Armenians.

RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.

Silence dominates the work, as does the screen rectangle, which cuts off the “image” from a life time-space continuum and imposes upon the image its particular character. Within it, there is a play between tonalities, textures, large and small shapes.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

Russian stop motion animation depicting the court of the Duke and Duchess as they mock and abuse the titular hero.

A cop on suspension is framed for murder when he noses in on a murder investigation.

Elsa's quest for love takes a turn as she discovers Dito, a personal trainer resembling Prince Charming with unexpected complications, leaving her torn between releasing her dream man or fighting for a happy ending.

The story of Abe Saperstein and the creation of the Harlem Globetrotters.

故事发生在古代越南,在一片远离城市喧嚣的荒山野岭中,有一家名叫“唐山馆”的客栈在江湖上颇有名气。这家店位于艰难险阻之地,易守难攻。当家的是一个名叫乔氏(青姮饰)的老鸨和几名女杀手:铃兰(曾清河饰)、桃氏(玉娟饰)、柳氏(金蓉饰)和梅氏(艳眉饰)。乔氏带领一众烟花女子,专门打劫为富不仁之人、贪官污吏之辈,希望可以积攒财富,有一个逍遥自在的未来。 然而,因为抢劫了一颗贡奉给朝廷的舍利,唐山馆惹了杀身之祸。朝廷派密探到唐山馆,寻找舍利。禁军杨伶(范英科饰)假扮羊倌潜伏唐山馆。 铃兰是负责夺回舍利并剿灭唐山馆的将军关攸和的未婚妻。为了混进唐山馆,铃兰假装被劫,获乔氏等人相救。乔氏精心将铃兰培养成为一个女杀手。经过一段时间的相处,两个密探都对唐山馆众人产生了感情。 杨灵与梅氏同居,背叛了关攸。铃兰也与姐妹们产生了深厚的感情,所以当她找到舍利之后,她想放唐山馆一条生路。然而,阴差阳错酿成大错,关攸攻破了这个海边的杀手组织;烟花香消玉殒,只留下梅氏与腹中孩儿侥幸逃生。

In the heart of Saigon, there's a place where promises are still written in blood.

This campy horror movie with a cast of hundreds was created in 1985. Bikers and Rock music counter culture people save Phoenix Arizona from a diabolical plot with flesh eating zombies and madmen and chemical warfare.

A woman campaigns for and wins election as sheriff in a crusade against the ineptitude and outright corruption of the local law enforcement in a small town in the West.

Michèle shares her life with Paul, her husband and work colleague. She has a lover, Thomas, a musician with whom she has been having a passionate affair for some time. Attracted by Thomass non-conformity and lust for life, Michèle abandons her husband, her son and her profession to live this frenzy through to its conclusion. A quest for freedom and change that sends Michèle on a turbulent drift, but remains, nevertheless, intimate and personal.

A bride-to-be ends up on a rafting trip and meets a surprising guest: the sperm donor she's planning to use. Back in Berlin, her fiancée is visited by an ex.

Valerie Graves, a misanthropic, disillusioned woman in her mid-twenties, is haunted by sadistic urges that she has struggled to repress since childhood.

A short film, in the wilderness gothic tradition, set in a crumbling estate, where strange visions and paranoia afflict its occupants.