Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

One hot summer day a little girl gets lost in an enchanted forest of the mountain god where spirits reside. A young boy appears before her, but she cannot touch him for fear of making him disappear. And so a wondrous adventure awaits...

Earth is decimated after intergalactic tyrant Darkseid has devastated the Justice League in a poorly executed war by the DC Super Heroes. Now the remaining bastions of good – the Justice League, Teen Titans, Suicide Squad and assorted others – must regroup, strategize and take the war to Darkseid in order to save the planet and its surviving inhabitants.

An anime-obsessed young man fantasizes about his favorite voluptuous heroines, but his sex-addled dream quickly transforms into a nightmare which threatens to consume him.

Štiričlanska družina je prisiljena živeti v popolni tišini, da jih ne bi napadle skrivnostne sile, ki jih lahko najdejo samo, če jih tudi slišijo. Njihovo gibanje je omejeno, sporazumevajo se v znakovnem jeziku, tudi otroka sta prisiljena v igro, ki se odvija v čisti tišini. Čeprav so dobro organizirani in življenju v tišini posvečajo vso svojo pozornost in energijo, se kmalu zaplete.

Tajni agent James Bond se je umaknil iz aktivne službe ter uživa mirno življenje na Jamajki. A njegov mir ne traja dolgo, saj ga njegov stari prijatelj Felix Leiter iz CIE prosi za pomoč. Misija reševanja ugrabljenega znanstvenika pa se izkaže za veliko bolj zahrbtno, kot je bilo pričakovati, najboljšega agenta njenega veličanstva pa vodi na sled skrivnostnega negativca, oboroženega z nevarno novo tehnologijo.

Oborožen z zgolj eno besedo – TENET – ter z borbo za preživetje celega sveta, se glavni junak zgodbe prebija skozi mračen svet mednarodnega vohunjenja na misiji, ki se dogaja v nečem izven realnega časa in prostora. To ni potovanje skozi čas. To je inverzija.

The Secret Magic Control Agency sends its two best agents, Hansel and Gretel, to fight against the witch of the Gingerbread House.

A beautiful and mysterious woman helps an inept scam artist get his game together... but is their meeting purely coincidence?

A Serbian émigré in Manhattan believes that, because of an ancient curse, any physical intimacy with the man she loves will turn her into a feline predator.

The murderous, backwoods Firefly family take to the road to escape the vengeful Sheriff Wydell, who is not afraid of being as ruthless as his target.

Krog najstniških prijateljev po naključju naleti na starodavno zlo, odgovorno za vrsto brutalnih umorov, ki pestijo njihovo mesto že več kot 300 let. Dobrodošli v Shadyside.

In the ravaged near-future, a savage motorcycle gang rules the road. Terrorizing innocent civilians while tearing up the streets, the ruthless gang laughs in the face of a police force hell-bent on stopping them.

A woman wakes in a cryogenic chamber with no recollection of how she got there, and must find a way out before running out of air.

On the eve of her 17th birthday, Mari and friend Phyllis set off from her family home to attend a rock concert in the city. Attempting to score some drugs on the way, the pair run afoul of a group of vicious crooks, headed up by the sadistic Krug.

As a child, Ed was cleaning his father’s hunting rifles - a surprise birthday treat for the old man - when one of them went off, hitting and killing his mother. On seeing the bloodshed, his father flew into a murderous rage - Ed just barely escaped with his life. Now in his teens, he returns home; he doesn’t expect to find his father, still there, waiting for a chance to settle the score . . .

Inspired by the fictional Dr. Heiter, disturbed loner Martin dreams of creating a 12-person centipede and sets out to realize his sick fantasy.

Late at night, a woman is kidnapped by an unknown assailant and taken back to his blood-spattered dungeon, where he turns her into a "flower of blood and flesh" through a series of dismemberment and evisceration.

A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV-material to home-made super-8 movies. The common factor is death by some means.

After being dumped by his girlfriend for a friend, he attempts suicide - which turns up pain-free - and decides to scare the guy by literally throwing his own guts at him.