Индијана Џонс (Харисон Форд) креће у потрагу за Светим Гралом, из кога је наводно Исус пио на последњој вечери. Свакоме ко пије из њега он доноси вечну младост, али Индија Свети Грал занима само из једног разлога. Његов отац, Хенри (Шон Конери), је нестао када је кренуо у потрагу за Гралом. У потрази ће му помоћи сарадница његовог оца, као и очев дневник. Ипак, не иде све по плану и ускоро креће авантура у којој упознајемо и Индијевог оца.

Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.

Бастиан је маштовито је и осећајно дете које је због тога често жртва несхватања одраслих и задиркивања остале деце. Бежећи пред групом школских насилника, Бастиан се склања у књижару из које украде тајанствену књигу о којој је тренутак пре разговарао са радником у књижари. Закључа се на школски таван и почиње да чита причу о дечаку који живи у свету Фантазије. Он је ратник Атреj који мора да спаси болесну Царицу и целу Фантазију од претње која се зове Ништавило и која гута све пред собом. Атреj креће на мукотрпно путовање како би спасио свој свет, али времена је све мање. У једном тренутку Бастиан схвата да је он део те приче и да је дечак кога спомињу као спас - он сам.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

A black comedy featuring two butchers, Svend "Sweat" and Bjarne, who start their own shop to get away from their arrogant boss. Cannibalism is soon introduced to the plot, and further complications arise due to the reappearance of Bjarne's intellectually disabled twin brother Eigil.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Холден (Бен Афлек) ужива популарност андерграунд уметника. Са дугогодишњим пријатељем Бенкијем Џејсон Ли), креира култни стрип “Искренко и Давеж“ , који му доноси велику популарност и позицију код девојака...У радни атеље долази девојка Алиса (Џои Лорен Адамс), нови сарадник на стрипу. Холденово интересовање за прелепим и шармантним, новим сарадником расте док се она према њему поставља као пријатељ. Како се пријатељство продубљује, тако расту и Холденова очекивања. Алиса , међутим, спрема ново, потпуно шокантно изненађење.....

With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer.

Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. The lover, Valmont, bets that he can seduce her, even though she is an honorable woman. If he wins, he can have his lover to do as he will. However, in the process of seducing the married woman, Valmont falls in love.

When a rich man's son is kidnapped, he cooperates with the police at first but then tries a unique tactic against the criminals.

The overnight stock crew of a local supermarket find themselves being stalked and slashed by a mysterious maniac.

Asterix and Obelix have been given a tough mission: Transform the chief's lazy nephew Justforkix into a warrior. When the Vikings abduct him and bring him back to their homeland, Asterix and Obelix must travel to Norway to rescue Justforkix.

A village-based singer attempts to find love and fame in the big city.

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

A new batch of recruits arrives at Police Academy, this time a group of civilian volunteers who have joined Commandant Lassard's new Citizens on Patrol program. Although the community relations project has strong governmental support, a disgusted Captain Harris is determined to see it fail.

Two college students driving coast to coast are lured off the main highway and onto a deserted Texas road. Here they are stalked by the menacing Leatherface and his demented family...a bizarre cannibalistic clan with blood on their hands and a feast on their minds. The students’ only chance for escape is a survivalist with enough firepower to blast Leatherface and the rest of the grisly predators to hell. A depraved shocker of intense terror from the gruesome beginning to the bloody finish.

Eddie, a struggling animal trainer and single dad suddenly finds himself the personal wrangler for a large and lovable St. Bernard whose fabulous movie "audition" catapults the dog to stardom. However, a trio of unscrupulous ne'er-do-wells have plans to kidnap the famous dog and hold him for ransom.

A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.

When five hardcore Internet gamers are invited to a special party thrown by the website Hellworld, they endure a night of unspeakable terror.

What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.