A David's classmate, Jochem, is harassed by three bullies, but nobody does anything at school, not even David, who feels guilty for not pointing out the culprits.

Un om de afaceri corupt comite o crimă și singurul martor este iubita unui alt om de afaceri cu legături strânse cu guvernul chinez, asa ca o gardă de corp de la Beijing este trimisa pentru a ajuta doi politisti din Hong Kong sa protejeze martora. Complicațiile apar atunci când garda de corp și martora trebuie să se confrunte cu sentimentele profunde pe care incep sa le simta unul pentru celalalt.

This motion comic gaps the bridge between 2004's The Chronicles of Riddick, and 2013's Riddick. A new attempt on Lord Marshal Riddick's life is made on the Necromongers' ship. It's time for Riddick to end the years long meandering through space and go back to his roots.

In 1983, a naive man is detained by Australian Federal Police with lethal narcotics hidden in his stomach. After being apprehended, ‘The Mule’ makes a desperate choice... to defy his bodily functions and withhold the evidence – literally.

A student gets his senses enhanced by an experimental drug. But abuse is not an option.

A mockumentary exploring the life of the Blair Witch and the three missing student filmmakers.

În spumoasa comedie romantică Spune ce-ai făcut azi noapte, patru tineri din Los Angeles se luptă cu suișurile și coborâșurile vieții amoroase din ziua de azi. Într-o seară, când făcea pe valetul celui mai bun prieten al său Bernie "gură mare", Danny, cel cu ochii blânzi, o întâlnește pe Debbie, o fată frumoasă și isteață, care e la fel de timidă ca și el când vine vorba de relații amoroase. Când chimia dintre ei ajunge la punctul critic, ei sar în pat în chiar seara aceea... apoi în seara următoare... și apoi în altă seară.

Lord Farquaad was eaten by the dragon, but his ghost has returned, and he's still evil. With the help of his henchman, Thelonious, he kidnaps Fiona. Shrek and the donkey set out to save her, with help from the dragon, before she goes over a waterfall on a raft. This entry is for the 2-D version released on, for example, DVD and Netflix.

Malcolm and Kisha move into their dream home, but soon learn a demon also resides there. When Kisha becomes possessed, Malcolm - determined to keep his sex life on track - turns to a priest, a psychic, and a team of ghost-busters for help in this spoof of all the "found-footage/documentary style" films released in recent years.

After a construction project begins digging in their neighbourhood, best friends Tuck, Munch and Alex inexplicably begin to receive strange, encoded messages on their cell phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they go to their parents and the authorities. The three embark on a secret adventure to crack the code and follow it to its source, and discover a mysterious being from another world who desperately needs their help. The journey that follows will change all their lives forever.

A trio of friends scheme to find a wife for their socially inappropriate friend Barry, and end up finding a girl just like him.

Authorized biopic of Brazilian evangelical bishop Edir Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and owner of Record TV network. Based on a book trilogy of the same name, the movie tells the story of the self-made man who faced several moments of turbulence while pursuing his conviction.

Writer and Adderall enthusiast Stephen Elliott reaches a low point when his estranged father resurfaces, claiming that Stephen has fabricated much of the dark childhood that that fuels his writing. Adrift in the precarious gray area of memory, Stephen is led by three sources of inspiration: a new romance, the best friend who shares his history, and a murder trial that reminds him more than a little of his own story. Based on the memoir of the same name.

Jane Harper este o fată profund tulburată, posedată de o forță întunecată terifiantă, iar profesorul Joseph Coupland are un plan deosebit de neconvențional pentru a scoate întunericul din ea. Chemându-și studenții de top într-o proprietate retrasă de la periferia Londrei, profesorul Coupland le propune să încerce să manifeste energia răuvoitoare din Jane. Totuși, ceea ce descoperă genialul instructor și studenții săi ambițioși atunci când încearcă să facă acest lucru se dovedește a fi o forță atât de nemiloasă și puternică încât îi poate distruge pe toți înainte ca ei chiar să-și dea seama ce greșeală teribilă au făcut.

An inexperienced college student meets a wealthy businessman whose sexual practices put a strain on their relationship.

Când ambițioasei tinere agent imobiliar Leigh i se cere să vândă o casă cu un trecut dubios, ea se întâlnește cu o fată tulburată despre care află că este fiica fugară a cuplului care vinde proprietatea. Când Leigh încearcă să intervină și să o ajute, ea se încurcă cu o forță supranaturală care o trage în curând pe sora artistă a lui Leigh, Vera, în plasa sa - și are planuri sinistre pentru amândoi.

The television movie is set in the city of Dimmsdale and centers on the series' main protagonist Timmy Turner with his fairy godparents Cosmo and Wanda and his fairy godbrother Poof. In the movie, Timmy is now 23 years old but is still in fifth grade with his fairy-obsessed fifth grade teacher Mr. Crocker. Despite being grown up, Timmy finds a loophole in the fairy rulebook Da Rules: if he continues to act like a kid, he will still get to keep his fairies. However, the dilemma rises when Tootie, who was once a dorky girl when she was 10 years old, returns to Dimmsdale as an attractive woman. Timmy falls in love with her, a sign that he is growing up to an adult, which means he is closer to losing his fairies. Meanwhile, an oil business tycoon named Hugh J. Magnate, Jr., who teams up with Mr. Crocker, plans to use Timmy's fairies' magic in order to promote his oil business.

When the Italian Premier and his companion find a dead body in his hotel suite, while on a trip to Hungary, they find themselves embroiled in a series of comedic situations as they try to avoid a scandal.

Follows Andy, who needs to hook up with a hottie, pronto, because he hasn't had sex in... well, forever - and his luck isn't the only thing that's hard. His equally horny teenage roommates also need it superbad, and with the help of their nerdy pal, McAnalovin' and his fake I.D., they may tap more than just a keg.