Set in Chellanam, Kochi, the story revolves around the death of Vavachan Mesthiri in a coastal village. It showcases the events that unfold between two evenings and looks at death from different perspectives.

Un film în care orice se poate întâmpla - eroul și eroina își schimbă fețele, vârsta, aspectul, numele și așa mai departe. Același lucru: dragostea dintre bărbat și femeie... într-o poveste de dragoste arhetipică tăiată din 500 de clasici din întreaga lume.

Inspectorul Gallien investigheaza violul si moartea a doua fetite. Singurul aspect este avocatul Jerome Martinaud, dar nu exista probe. In timp ce orasul sarbatoreste Anul Nou, Gallien il cheama pe Martinaud la el in birou si-l interogheaza. Va reusi sa-i demonstreze vinovatia?

Pot copacii să vorbească? Au memorie și viață socială? Peter Wohlleben, renumitul pădurar din Wershofen și autorul unor cărți de succes, răspunde acestor întrebări și ne deschide ochii spre lumea ascunsă a pădurilor.

Acest film premiat cu Oscar reunește trei perspective tulburătoare asupra luptei antidrog din SUA, în care un expert de top din domeniu află că și fiica sa e dependentă.

A twelve years old girl Lena who has come to live with her grandfather in a small Russian town is being bullied by her classmates. She took the rap of being a class traitor because she was in love with the boy who had betrayed his classmates when they were bunking off and going to cinema instead of a literature lesson. The class is penalized for that, not being allowed to go to Moscow for fall holidays with the rest of the school. Lena is being ostracized, "boycotted" however not telling the truth, waiting that the boy himself would confess to be guilty.

On the day before Easter in 1911, Don Hewes is crushed when his dancing partner (and object of affection) Nadine Hale refuses to start a new contract with him. To prove Nadine's not important to him, Don acquires innocent new protege Hannah Brown, vowing to make her a star in time for next year's Easter parade.

An independent former ranch foreman and an heiress are kidnapped by a trio of ruthless outlaws.

In an ancient time when majestic fire-breathers soared through the skies, a knight named Bowen comes face to face and heart to heart with the last dragon on Earth, Draco. Taking up arms to suppress a tyrant king, Bowen soon realizes his task will be harder than he'd imagined: If he kills the king, Draco will die as well.

Danny Fisher, young delinquent, flunks out of high school. He quits his job as a busboy in a nightclub, and one night he gets the chance to perform. Success is imminent and the local crime boss Maxie Fields wants to hire him to perform at his night club The Blue Shade. Danny refuses, but Fields won't take no for an answer.

In a future world where the disease has been finally defeated and everything can be sold, even the crude spectacle of death, the rare case of a dying woman becomes the morbid theme of a revolutionary reality show, broadcast through the curious eyes of a peculiar camera.

Texan Charles Farmer left the Air Force as a young man to save the family ranch when his dad died. Like most American ranchers, he owes his bank. Unlike most, he's an astrophysicist with a rocket in his barn - one he's built and wants to take into space. It's his dream. The FBI puts him under surveillance when he tries to buy rocket fuel, and the FAA stalls him when he files a flight plan – but Charles is undeterred.

Dramatization depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's last weeks in and around his underground bunker in Berlin before and during the battle for the city.

When a prostitute is found dead in a Los Angeles skyscraper occupied by a large Japanese corporation, detectives John Connor and Web Smith are called in to investigate. Although Connor has previous experience working in Japan, cultural differences make their progress difficult until a security disc showing the murder turns up. Close scrutiny proves the disc has been doctored, and the detectives realize they're dealing with a cover-up as well.

The story of how a mysterious suitcase brings together, and changes, the lives of a divorced dad, an unhappy housewife, two hitmen, a pair of street thugs, two love struck teens, two FBI men and a psychedelic toad. Based on Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist Dave Barry's best-selling first novel, "Big Trouble."

A Southern belle frees a Rebel officer and his men from a Union captain's Arizona fort.

When Michael McCann is thrown over by the woman he loves, he becomes something of a misanthrope and a miser, spending all of his spare money on collectible gold coins. Living in the same town is an affluent family with two sons: John and Tanny. Tanny's a wild boy, whom John cannot control, and one night he breaks into McCann's house, and steals the gold and disappears, which nearly confirms McCann's distrust of mankind. But then, a mysterious young woman dies in the snow outside McCann's house, and her small daughter makes her way to McCann's house and into McCann's life and heart.

Will Plunkett și căpitanul James Macleane, doi bărbați din diferite părți ale spectrului social din Anglia secolului al XVIII-lea, au încheiat o înțelegere: ei decid să-i scape pe aristocrați de bunurile lor. Cu cunoștințele criminale ale lui Plunkett și conexiunile sociale ale lui Macleane, ei fac echipă pentru a fi cunoscuți în curând drept „The Gentlemen Highwaymen”. Când Plunkett și Macleane opresc trăsura Lordului Înalt Cancelar Gibson (Michael Gambon) Macleane se îndrăgostește de frumoasa și rebela lui nepoată Lady Rebeca Gibson (Liv Tyler). Manierele sale încântătoare îi atrag lui Macleane denumirea de "Banditul Gentleman". Secundul lui Gibson (Ken Scott) deasemenea încearcă să atragă atenția Rebecăi, însă în zadar, totuși, el este aproape de a-i prinde pe cei doi bandiți, ceea ce ar fi însemnat execuția lor prin spânzurătoare la faimosul Tyburn Tree.

Karen McCoy is released from prison with nothing but the clothes on her back. Before being incarcerated Karen was the bank robber of her time, but now she wishes for nothing more than to settle down and start a new life. Unfortunately between a dirty parole officer, old business partners, and an idiot ex-husband she will have to do the unthinkable in order to save her son.

A US president who has retired after two terms in office returns to his hometown of Mooseport, Maine and decides to run for Mayor against another local candidate.