Two men spend 24 hours driving around the outskirts of Montreal.

In 1942, in an occupied Paris, the apolitical grocer Edmond Batignole lives with his wife and daughter in a small apartment in the building of his grocery. When his future son-in-law and collaborator of the German Pierre-Jean Lamour calls the Nazis to arrest the Jewish Bernstein family, they move to the confiscated apartment. Some days later, the young Simon Bernstein escapes from the Germans and comes to his former home. When Batignole finds him, he feels sorry for the boy and lodges him, hiding Simon from Pierre-Jean and also from his wife. Later, two cousins of Simon meet him in the cellar of the grocery. When Pierre-Jean finds the children, Batignole decides to travel with the children to Switzerland.

When Continuation War started in Summer 1941, German soldiers arrived to Oulu. With their charm they conquered women and town boys. Finnish boys communicated with them on many levels: had trades, worked as interpreters, rotated business, spied on German love adventures and fought with each other about the favor of soldiers. In autumn 1944, the war was ending. Germans left Oulu by leaving behind fragile relationships, bastard kids and unfinished businesses. The most shocking of all was the faith of young Jake...

Kevin Bridges: The Story Continues... sees Kevin return to The SECC to perform a record-breaking run of ten sold out nights to over 75,000 ecstatic fans. Recorded on a Saturday night in Glasgow, Kevin is in his element, as this home town gig shows off his no nonsense approach to comedy. He cuts through the niceties with his Glaswegian man in the street charm to the next chapter of his epic comedic journey.

Steven spends his school days longing for all-star athlete John. But John has a gorgeous girlfriend, and Steven is still in the closet. Steven's sole confidant is his friend Linda. After a curious run-in with John in a public restroom, Steven starts to wonder if the jock is straight after all. When they begin a romance, it threatens to expose the truth about both of them.

Anthony Hopkins glumi Don Diega de la Vegu, koji je kao maskirani mačevalac Zorro poveo Meksikance protiv španjolske tiranije pod vodstvom nemilosrdnog Montera (Stuart Wilson). No oni ga uhvate, ubiju njegovu ženu, njega zatvore i otmu mu kćer Elenu. Dvadeset godina poslije, kada sazna da se Montero vratio u Kaliforniju i da je njegova kći odrasla kao Montereva kći, Don Diego bježi iz zatvora. Alejandro (Antonio Banderas), sirotan koji mu je pomogao kao dječak, postaje novi Zorro. Dvojac kreće u osvetničku avanturu.

Steve Everett, vrhunski novinar koji se stalno nalazi u sukobu sa svojim šefovima, najčešće zbog toga što spava s njihovim suprugama, ali i zbog svoje alkoholičarske prošlosti, dobije zadatak napisati priču o zatvoreniku Franku Louisu Beechumu, koji bi trebao biti pogubljen zbog ubojstva trudnice koja mu je dugovala 96 dolara. Odmah po početku istraživanja, Everett otkriva kako je ključni svjedok lagao, što u njemu odmah potakne sumnju u Beechumovu krivnju. Problem je u tome što je vremena jako malo - do pogubljenja je ostalo samo 12 sati, a Everettu podršku daje jedan jedini čovjek, urednik Alan Mann. Može li to biti dovoljno za spašavanje nevinog života?

Joe Moore has a job he loves. He's a thief. His job goes sour when he gets caught on security camera tape. His fence, Bergman, reneges on the money he's owed, and his wife may be betraying him with the fence's young lieutenant. Moore and his partner, Bobby Blane, and their utility man, Pinky Pincus, find themselves broke, betrayed, and blackmailed. Moore is forced to commit his crew to do one last big job.

An advertising man is slowly sliding downhill. When he is fired from his job in Detroit, he signs up for unemployment. One day they find him a job: teaching thinking skills to Army recruits. He arrives on base to find that there is no structure set up for the class.

Lady Guenevere (Julia Ormond) zajedno sa svojom svitom kreće na put k svom budućem mužu i savezniku Kralju Arthuru (Sean Connery). Princ Malagant (Ben Cross), smrtni neprijatelj Kralja Arthura, očajnički želi vlasništvo nad njenom zemljom tako da pod svaku cijenu želi spriječiti taj brak. Lutajući vitez Lancelot (Richard Gere) stat će u obranu Lady Guenevere i izbaviti je iz ruku opasnih odmetnika. Kada mu ona zauzvrat ponudi nagradu, jedino što on poželi je njezin poljubac. Lancelot postaje Prvi vitez kralja Arthura, a nakon još jedne Malagantove otmice ponovno spašava sada već Kraljicu Guenevere koja više ne može kriti svoje osjećaje prema njemu. Spremni su izigrati prijateljstvo i povjerenje Kralja Arthura te prihvatiti kaznu, možda i smrt, ali jedno bez drugoga više ne mogu.

Private eye Phillip Marlowe wants to get out of the detective racket and into crime writing. But when he's called to the office of editor Adrienne Fromsett, it's not to talk about his story ideas — she wants him to locate the missing wife of her boss, Mr. Kingsby. The assignment quickly becomes complicated when bodies start turning up.

In the 70s two brothers battle killer waves, conservative society and ruthless bikers to kick-start the modern surf industry.

Hard-working, henpecked Ambrose Ambrose Wolfinger takes off from work to go to a wrestling match with catastrophic consequences.

As Miya and her fiancé plan their dream wedding they are stalked by an eerie and dangerous veiled bride who is determined that Miya will never walk down the aisle.

A poster worker must remove the poster of the original movie, when the figures of Renato and Paolo suddenly moves and leaves the poster driving an ambulance dressed as nurses.

Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.

A quivering voice begs to screenwriter, Joel Brandt, to pick up the phone on a message from his answering machine. Thinking it a prank, Joel deletes the message. The caller is found dead. Another caller leaves Joel a message; there is another murder...then another...then another. The killer has Joel's attention, and Joel has the attention of the police. Now the prime suspect in a series of murders, Joel discovers this psychotic killer has targeted him for a reason found within his body of work. Will Joel be able to re-write his ending, or be forced to pay the ultimate price?

Unpopular and down-on-her-luck, Marge is already having a tough time navigating the minefield that is her suburban high school. But Marge’s life is completely upended when her beloved mother and only champion dies in a tragic accident. With nowhere else to turn except her ultra-conservative grandparents, Marge decides instead to hunt down her estranged father, a former soccer star living in rural Mexico as a beach bum and coach to the local women’s team. Neither is ready for such a big change, but the best shot they have at fixing their past and moving forward is together.

When the Italian Premier and his companion find a dead body in his hotel suite, while on a trip to Hungary, they find themselves embroiled in a series of comedic situations as they try to avoid a scandal.

The life of Anastasia Stevens, an American dancer at the Bolshoi Ballet, at the height of the Cold War. An early work by the Maysles brothers for the NBC television network, produced by acclaimed screenwriter Bo Goldman.