بعد مرور فترة طويلة، يتلقى مايلز موراليس زيارة جديدة من جوين ستيسي، ومعًا ينطلق الثنائي في مغامرة جديدة مليئة بالمخاطر والأعداء عبر عالم العنكبوت.

بول أتريدس ، شاب لامع وموهوب ولد لمصير عظيم يفوق إدراكه، وعليه أن يسافر إلى أخطر كوكب في الكون لضمان مستقبل عائلته وشعبه. بينما تنفجر القوى الخبيثة في صراع حول الإمداد الحصري للكوكب بأثمن مورد في الوجود - سلعة قادرة على إطلاق العنان لقدرات البشرية العليا - فقط أولئك الذين يستطيعون التغلب على خوفهم سيبقون على قيد الحياة.

Whilst on a short weekend getaway, Louise shoots a man who had tried to rape Thelma. Due to the incriminating circumstances, they make a run for it and thus a cross country chase ensues for the two fugitives. Along the way, both women rediscover the strength of their friendship and surprising aspects of their personalities and self-strengths in the trying times.

A paranoid, secretive surveillance expert has a crisis of conscience when he suspects that the couple he is spying on will be murdered.

A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

Elliot, a successful gynecologist, works at the same practice as his identical twin, Beverly. Elliot is attracted to many of his patients and has affairs with them. When he inevitably loses interest, he will give the woman over to Beverly, the meeker of the two, without the woman knowing the difference. Beverly falls hard for one of the patients, Claire, but when she inadvertently deceives him, he slips into a state of madness.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Dolly Levi is a strong-willed matchmaker who travels to Yonkers, New York in order to see the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. In doing so, she convinces his niece, his niece's intended, and Horace's two clerks to travel to New York City.

على الرغم من تربيتها المحمية ، جيني مراهقة لها مستقبل مشرق. إنها ذكية وجميلة ولديها تطلعات الالتحاق بجامعة أكسفورد. عندما تدخل ديفيد ، وهي خاطب ساحر ولكنه أكبر سناً ، في حياتها في سيارة لامعة ، تتذوق جيني حياة البالغين التي لن تنساها قريبًا.

In the second episode of the trilogy Fantômas kidnaps distinguished scientist professor Marchand with the aim to develop a super weapon that will enable him to menace the world. Fantômas is also planning to abduct a second scientist, professor Lefebvre.

When Camille falls ill, she is forced to live with Philibert and Franck.

Hired by a powerful member of the Russian mafia to avenge an FBI sting that left his brother dead, a psychopathic hitman known only as The Jackal proves an elusive target for the people charged with the task of bringing him down: a deputy FBI director, a Russian MVK Major, and a jailed IRA terrorist who can recognize him.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Balto and his daughter Aleu embark on a journey of adventure and self discovery.

يتوجه أفراد أسرة في الطريق إلى كاليفورنيا، ولكن من سوء حظ الأسرة أن تتعطل سيارتها في منطقة مغلقة أمام الجمهور، ويسكنها مجموعة من المتوحشون العنيفون الجاهزون للهجوم.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

Beethoven is back -- and this time, he has a whole brood with him now that he's met his canine match, Missy, and fathered a family. The only problem is that Missy's owner, Regina, wants to sell the puppies and tear the clan apart. It's up to Beethoven and the Newton kids to save the day and keep everyone together.

A samurai purchases a new sword only to find it is already dull. When he returns to the dull looking merchant to complain, something quite unexpected happens.

Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which he soon transforms into the ultimate voyage of the damned.

After another deadly shark attack, Ellen Brody decides she has had enough of New England's Amity Island and moves to the Caribbean to join her son, Michael, and his family. But a great white shark has followed her there, hungry for more lives.