Originally released last August, Corey Taylor (Slipknot) leads Stone Sour with the best Hard Rock release of 2006 called Come What(ever) May. In June 2007 they re-release the disk with 6 bonus tracks and a DVD. This special edition package delivers most of what Stonesour stands for: intensity, drama, emotion, color, darkness, melodies, anger, honesty, and drive. Featuring hits like "Through Glass" and "Sillyworld," this package also includes six bonus tracks and DVD footage of a live performance in Moscow (Amazon.com)

RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.

Den seneste stand-up dvd fra Danmarks største komiker. ”Anden paa coke?” turnerede rundt i hele landet i 2006 og blev set live af over 100.000 mennesker.Anden tager stand-up comedy genren videre til et niveau ikke tidligere set herhjemme. Der er kulisser, der er scenografi, der er multimedia men i bund og grund er det alligevel bare stand-up, når det er allerbedst!

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

La moucharde stars Dany Carrel as a young miss who loves neither wisely nor well. Duped into a life of crime, Carrel remains on the wrong side of the Law because she's hopelessly in love with a two-bit crook. Soon she becomes as jaded and hardened as her criminal cohorts. When the police threaten to throw her in the Bastille, Carrel agrees to turn informer, with the expected disastrous results.

A Teacher and her students discuss the questions asked in the structure of writing an essay

A documentary about the development around Barton Springs in Austin, Texas, and nature's unexpected response to being threatened by human interference.

Dvaapadesátiletý Carsten (Jesper Christensen) je populárním a velmi respektovaným středoškolským učitelem. Je ženatý s Ninou (Pernille August) a mají spolu syna Tobiase. Carsten se zaplete s bývalou studentkou Pil (Beate Bille), která sympatizuje s extrémní levicí. Jedné noci se Pil zúčastní výtržností, které nedopadnou dobře a je při nich zabit policista. Pil a další dva aktivisté jsou uvězněni. Carstenova aférka se prozradí a on opouští svou zaskočenou ženu Ninu, aby mohl všemi prostředky pomáhat Pil. Za nimi zůstává jeden mrtvý policista, dvě zničené rodiny a vina, která se začíná pomalu, ale jistě zvětšovat.

Scientist Murugan has a formula that can harness energy from lightening. A rival wants it for his evil plans. When Murugan disappears, his brother goes around the world to find him and save the world.

George Hall and his orchestra couldn't find a hotel in the city where they are scheduled to appear, so they break into the basement of the theater in which they will perform the next day. They rehearse some musical numbers, and other songs are performed in dream sequences.

Twee beste vriendinnen verstoppen zich na sluitingstijd in een luxe warenhuis om 's nachts een schoolverslag te schrijven. De serieuze Renske wil meteen aan het verslag beginnen, terwijl de populaire Eva heel andere plannen heeft. Eva wil feesten en helemaal los gaan: alle merkkleren passen, een parfumgevecht houden en elkaar sexy opmaken met de duurste make-up. Renske is daarentegen heel netjes opgevoed en durft dat allemaal niet, maar Eva laat zich niet tegenhouden. Dan wordt Renske's grootste nachtmerrie werkelijkheid... Tijdens het smullen van de aardbeientaarten worden ze betrapt door een reusachtige nachtbewaker. Betekent dit het einde van hun nachtelijke avontuur of kunnen ze de volgende morgen toch nog ongestraft vluchten?

A twisted love story between a man and his candle.