Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.

2700. gads. Robots VALL-E (saīsināts no Visuma Atkritumu Laukā Lādētājs - Efektīvais) aizvada savas dienas veicot vienu un to pašu vienmuļo darbu, kuram viņš bija konstruēts un ieprogrammēts. Tas turpinās līdz tam brīdim, kad uz Zemes ierodas neparasts robots IEVA, kurai VALL-E seko līdzi aizraujošā kosmiskā ceļojumā pāri visai galaktikai, lai atrastu savas dzīves īsto aicinājumu.

A novice con man teams up with an acknowledged master to avenge the murder of a mutual friend by pulling off the ultimate big con and swindling a fortune from a big-time mobster.

A group of working-class friends decide to enlist in the Army during the Vietnam War and finds it to be hellish chaos -- not the noble venture they imagined. Before they left, Steven married his pregnant girlfriend -- and Michael and Nick were in love with the same woman. But all three are different men upon their return.

A crook named Ostap Bender, who survived a murder attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov in "12 Chairs," now schemes to extort 1 million from an underground millionaire.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

Uz tālās Pandoras planētas aizsākas vēl nepiedzīvots ceļojums un cīņa par izdzīvošanu. Džeims Kamerons pie šīs filmas sāka darbu pirms 14 gadiem, un beidzot realizējis savu pārdrošo projektu, kuram līdzīga kinematogrāfa vēsturē vēl nav bijis. Filma “Avatars” sola pilnīgi jaunu kino baudīšanas pieredzi, tās radīšanai izmantotas revolucionāras tehnloģijas, kas radītas tieši šīs filmas veidošanai.

Astoņdesmito gadu reslinga zvaignze Rendijs Robinsons joprojām pelna naudu ar reslingu, taču ne vairs profesionālā cīņas ringā, bet vietējās sporta zālēs izklaidējot rūdītus reslinga fanus. Rendijs īsti nesatiek ar meitu un stabildas attiecības izveidot viņam nav izdevies, viņa dzīvei jēgu piešķir cīņā gūtās emocijas un fanu sajūsma. Taču negaidīti sirdstrieka spiež pamest reslingu un pārvērtēt dzīvi. Viņš mēģina atjaunot aites ar meitu un uzsāk romānu ar dejotāju, kas ir gatava sākt jaunu dzīvi. Taču nekas no tā nelīdzinās kaislībai, ko rendijam nozīmē reslings, un nespēj slāpēt vēlmi atgriezties ringā.

A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

While vacationing with a friend in Paris, an American girl is kidnapped by a gang of human traffickers intent on selling her into forced prostitution. Working against the clock, her ex-spy father must pull out all the stops to save her. But with his best years possibly behind him, the job may be more than he can handle.

When teen Sarah is forced to babysit her half-brother Toby, she summons Jareth the Goblin King to take him away. When he is actually kidnapped, Sarah is given just thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue him.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

In 1666, a colonial town is gripped by a hysterical witch-hunt that has deadly consequences for centuries to come, and it's up to teenagers in 1994 to finally put an end to their town's curse, before it's too late.

Ann, a frustrated wife, enters into counseling due to a troubled marriage. Unbeknownst to her, her husband John has begun an affair with her sister. When John’s best friend Graham arrives, his penchant for interviewing women about their sex lives forever changes John and Ann’s rocky marriage.

Austin's hottest DJ, Jungle Julia, sets out into the night to unwind with her two friends Shanna and Arlene. Covertly tracking their moves is Stuntman Mike, a scarred rebel leering from behind the wheel of his muscle car, revving just feet away.

When a virus leaks from a top-secret facility, turning all resident researchers into ravenous zombies and their lab animals into mutated hounds from hell, the government sends in an elite military task force to contain the outbreak.

Attractive Manhattanite Allison Jones has it all: a handsome beau, a rent-controlled apartment, and a promising career as a fashion designer. When boyfriend Sam proves unfaithful, Allison strikes out on her own but must use the classifieds to seek out a roommate in order to keep her spacious digs.

In a dystopian future, Dredd, the most famous judge (a cop with instant field judiciary powers) is convicted for a crime he did not commit while his murderous counterpart escapes.