Three partisans bound by a strong friendship return home after the war, but the clash with everyday reality puts a strain on their bond.

În Italia, la începutul anilor 1970, șeful brigăzii criminale este pe cale să fie promovat la funcția de director al secției. Convins că îndatoririle lui îl pun mai presus de lege, îi tăie gâtul amantei sale, Augusta Terzi, în timpul unei partide amoroase. Cu un calm desăvârșit, face totul pentru a dovedi că nimeni nu va avea inteligența, nici măcar îndrăzneala, să-l bănuiască și să tulbure astfel buna ierarhie socială. El reușește să semene dovezi copleșitoare, relansând ancheta atunci când aceasta se oprește...

Un baron Sicilian căsătorit se îndrăgostește de verișoara sa și jură să se căsătorească cu ea, dar cu divorțul ilegal, el trebuie să născocească o crimă din pasiune ca să scape de soția lui.

Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.

Un tânăr medic și frumoasa lui amantă sunt prinși în mijlocul pericolului și dramatismului revoluției bolșevice în acest film premiat cu Oscar.

În Napoli, Adelina trebuie să vândă tutun de contrabandă pentru a-și întreține familia. Amenzile neplătite pentru desfășurarea acestei activități o fac să trăiască sub amenințarea constantă a închisorii. La Milano, bogata și volubilă Anna face o evadare cu noul ei iubit în Rolls-Royce al soțului ei. La Roma, Mara, o prostituată cu inimă bună, va face promisiune că va întoarce un tânăr seminarist captivant pe calea cea bună. Trei povești cu actrița Sophia Loren în rol principal care arată voința, decizia și caracterul practic al italiencei în fața slăbiciunii bărbaților din jurul ei.

On the outskirts of town, the hard-nosed Vienna owns a saloon frequented by the undesirables of the region, including Dancin' Kid and his gang. Another patron of Vienna's establishment is Johnny Guitar, a former gunslinger and her lover. When a heist is pulled in town that results in a man's death, Emma Small, Vienna's rival, rallies the townsfolk to take revenge on Vienna's saloon – even without proof of her wrongdoing.

This simple romantic tragedy begins in 1957. Guy Foucher, a 20-year-old French auto mechanic, has fallen in love with 17-year-old Geneviève Emery, an employee in her widowed mother's chic but financially embattled umbrella shop. On the evening before Guy is to leave for a two-year tour of combat in Algeria, he and Geneviève make love. She becomes pregnant and must choose between waiting for Guy's return or accepting an offer of marriage from a wealthy diamond merchant.

On Christmas night, four estranged friends reunite after a long time to rip off a rich industrialist in a game of poker, but old grudges get in the way.

O florăreasă și un zidar se îndrăgostesc, dar fericirea lor este de scurtă durată, căci ea începe o aventură cu un pizzer.

An anthology of four comic moral tales about the hypocrisies surrounding sex in 1960s Italy: frothy young love and office politics in the big city; milk advertisements that begin to haunt an aging prude; a trophy wife enduring her husband's very public affairs; a lucky ticket-holder at a small town fair.

Meursault is a man who feels utterly isolated from everyone and everything around him. This alienation results in sudden, inexplicable bursts of violence, culminating in murder.

A leftist professor wants the truth about two men killed during a hunting party; but the mafia, the Church and corrupt politicians don't want him to learn it.

When a desperate man’s car breaks down in a bizarre desert town while evading vengeful bookies, he becomes entangled in a dangerous love triangle. Caught between a married couple, he’s faced with deadly contracts to kill them both.

Milan, Italy, 1967. Santo Russo, a boy of Calabrian origin, arrives north with his parents and younger brother to find better living conditions. Due to an absurd misunderstanding and his father's contempt, Santo ends up in prison, where he gets a “true education.” In 1978, he and his friends Slim and Mario embark on a 15-year criminal career, a successful and ruthless spiral of robberies, kidnappings, murders and heroin smuggling.

After discovering her boyfriend is married, a young woman attempts suicide but survives and falls for the priest who took her call, leading to complications with his vow of celibacy.

A car salesman journeys to France and encounters an apparently lonely woman. He immediately begins to successfully woo her only to learn that she is actually a baron's wife. Fortunately, the baron believes in open marriages and winds up hiring the Englishman to teach his son (from an earlier marriage) everything about automobiles. Meanwhile the car salesman finds himself falling seriously in love with the wife. The baron really doesn't mind as he himself is involved with another.

Marco and Luciana are married and in love, but the passion of Marco for football distract him, and make him impossible to keep a job for a long time: that's why the young couple keeps arguing.

Fabio Leone and Paolo Pecora are two police officers from Rome, which together with the careless Neapolitan Ciro Marmotta, are fired from the barracks to have scuppered the plan to capture a secret agent.

In Vero Beach, Florida, a trio of couples at various points in their relationships become the subjects of a film about marriage being an antiquated idea that needs a reboot: Why not turn marriage into a seven-year deal with an option to renew?