A retiree attempts to describe his routine as a resident of Copacabana, but the memories of his imprisonment in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp invade his narrative.

Suzuki Hideo buvo manga dailininkas, niekieno nepastebimas, kuriam gyvenimas nesiklostė gerai nei darbe, nei šeimoje, negana to dar ir prasidėjo zombių apokalipsė. Apokalipsės metu jis sutiko jauną gimnazistę ir pažadėjo ją apsaugoti nuo zombių, tuo pačiu jam tai yra puiki proga atsiskleisti ir parodyti pasauliui, kad jis nėra nevykėlis.

1968 metais jaunas charizmatiškas aktyvistas Fredas Hamptonas tampa Juodųjų Panterų partijos skiriaus Ilinojuje pirmininku. Partija kovoja už laisvę ir lygias teises juodaodžių bendruomenės atžvilgiu. Fredas tampa tikru partijos lyderiu ir įkvėpimu daugybei žmonių. Tačiau ne FTB, kuri stengiasi sustabdyti Juodąsias Panteras.

Samas ir jo vyresnysis brolis Michaelas yra amerikiečių paaugliai, turintys būdingų amerikietiškų pomėgių. Tačiau jiems persikėlus su mama į ramų Santa Karlos miestelį Kalifornijoje, viskas aplink juos staiga pradeda keistis paslaptingiausiu būdu. Maiklui vyksta keisti pokyčiai, o jo mama labai išsigąsta dėl tokios netikėtos sūnaus virsmo.

After leaving his prestigious post at the University of Toronto, Gabriel embarks on a new journey with Julia, and he is eager to become a father. However, Gabriel's idyllic vision is jeopardized when Julia's intensive program becomes all consuming. When Julia is granted a prestigious opportunity to deliver an academic lecture at Oxford, Gabriel challenges her about the subject of her presentation, which clashes with his own research. In Oxford, their past resurfaces, including an old nemesis determined to humiliate Julia and expose one of Gabriel's well-guarded secrets. Emotions run high, alliances are tested, and the couple must confront the shadows of their shared history in a battle for love, truth, and redemption.

In Japan, the vampire-hunter Saya, who is a powerful original, is sent by her liaison with the government, David, posed as a teenage student to the Yokota High School on the eve of Halloween to hunt down vampires. Saya asks David to give a new katana to her. Soon she saves the school nurse Makiho Amano from two vampires disguised of classmates and Makiho witnesses her fight against the powerful demon.

A terminally ill mother invites her family to their country house for one final gathering, but tensions quickly boil over between her two daughters.

Mysterious Wakanda lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed borders, fiercely protected by its young king: Black Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, the threat leaves Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders.

Jaunuolio sprendimas tapti kunigu paveikia jo visą šeimą, ypač tėvą.

COVID-23 mutavęs virusas jau ketvirtus metus laiko pasaulį karantino gniaužtuose. Sergantys amerikiečiai yra įkalinami karantino stovyklose, iš kurių dažniausiai nebegrįžta. Jaunas kurjeris Niko (KJ Apa) turi imunitetą mirtinam virusui ir šioje distopinėje realybėje iš naujo atranda viltį, įsimylėjęs menininkę Sarą (Sofia Carson). Kai kyla įtarimas, kad Sara yra užsikrėtusi, Niko desperatiškai ieško būdo, kaip išgelbėti mylimąją.

Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial killers end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.

Haris - labai žavios išvaizdos, tačiau neįprasto amato žmogus. Jo amatas - įsibrauti į žmonių namus ir juos apšvarinti. Tačiau vieno iš savo darbelių metu jis netikėtai sutinka Deizę, kuri taip pat yra nepaprasta mergina - ji vangiai žiūri ir ją supantį pasaulį ir yra apsisprendusi atimti sau gyvybę. Ši judviejų pažintis sužadina keistą, tačiau glaudų dviejų asmenų ryšį, komiškais ir romantiškais vingiais vedantį per savęs atradimo ir meilės kelią.

Disinfo.Con contains an amazing 4 hours of footage from The Disinformation Company's massive counterculture event in New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom. New York hadn't seen anything like this since the Nova Convention in 1978 which saw Frank Zappa, Patti Smith and others anoint William Burroughs as king of the counterculture. A quarter century later Disinformation's keynote speakers Richard Metzger and Douglas Rushkoff ushered in a dizzying, day-long array of performances ranging from sword-swallowing to sanskrit chanting, interspersed with lectures and conversations with counterculture luminaries like Mondo 2000 founder R.U. Sirius, industrial music progenitor Genesis P-Orridge, Grant Morrison, Robert Anton Wilson, theorists, performance artists and others from the extremes of popular culture. Nothing beats actually experiencing an event like this in the flesh, but this DVD comes pretty close to capturing the spirit of the counterculture as we lurch into the 21st century.

Early 18th century. Cartographer Jonathan Green undertakes a scientific voyage from Europe to the East. Having passed through Transylvania and crossed the Carpathian Mountains, he finds himself in a small village lost in impassible woods. Nothing but chance and heavy fog could bring him to this cursed place. People who live here do not resemble any other people which the traveler saw before that. The villagers, having dug a deep moat to fend themselves from the rest of the world, share a naive belief that they could save themselves from evil, failing to understand that evil has made its nest in their souls and is waiting for an opportunity to gush out upon the world.

Pirmiausia - tai didelis tempas ir nuolat vykstančios gaudynės, persekiojimas. Tempas padeda. Kvailą ir neargumentuotą istoriją tas didžiulis tempas gelbėja. Filmo herojai kalba mažai ir jų kalbos dažniausiai vyksta užsitaisant ginklus, besiruošiant kovai ir pan. Tai yra gerai. Gerai, kad režisierius supranta: vampyrai jau niekam neįdomūs po „Blade“ , reikia daugiau dėmesio skirti tiesiog gaudynėms.

A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together late one night in a concert venue, the three reconcile emotional abuses of the past...until things turn violent.

When five sorority girls inadvertently cause the murder of one of their sisters in a prank gone wrong, they agree to keep the matter to themselves and never speak of it again, so they can get on with their lives. This proves easier said than done, when after graduation a mysterious killer goes after the five of them and anyone who knows their secret.

In Las Vegas for a quicky divorce, a just-paroled ex-cop and his wife wander into the Top of the World Casino, run by the shady Charles Atlas. They win big, right as the casino is being robbed. The police believe their big win was a staged diversion, and the two of them become suspects. Over the course of the evening and next morning, the two attempt to escape to surrounded casino, and to prove their innocence, as well as to save their marriage.

Daugiausiai kino istorijoje užsidirbusio filmo „Įsikūnijimas“, ketvirtosios „Terminatoriaus“ dalies „Terminatorius: išsigelbėjimas“ ir brutaliai atrodančios Melo Gibsono režisuotos karinės dramos „Pjūklo ketera“ žvaigždė Samas Worthingtonas sugrįžta į kino ekranus mokslinės fantastikos veiksmo filme „Titanas“.

Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the eyes of a close friend that survived them, we see them rise to infamy through drugs, sex and murder.