Green Book je inšpirovaný skutočným príbehom odohrávajúcim sa v šesťdesiatych rokoch v Amerike, ktorá nebola prívetivým miestom najmä pre pretrvávajúci rasizmus. Tony Lip (Mortensen) je taliansko-americký vyhadzovač z robotníckej triedy, ktorý príjme prácu šoféra pre Dr. Dona Shirleyho (Mahershala Ali), vysoko vzdelaného pianistu afroamerického pôvodu. Dvaja úplne odlišní ľudia sa tak spolu vydávajú na dvojmesačné koncertné turné do miest na juhu, kde je rasizmus ešte hlbšie zakorenený. No pred nimi samotnými sa otvára cesta k zmysluplnému a jedinečnému priateľstvu.

On October 13, 1972, Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, chartered to take a rugby team to Chile, crashes into a glacier in the heart of the Andes.

Arata Kaizaki is 27-years-old and unemployed. He quit his prior job after working for the company for 3 months. Arata Kaizaki decides to take part in a research program. He takes medication that makes him look younger and he is to attend high school for a year. There, he falls in love with female high school student Chizuru Hishiro.

Príbeh podľa rovnomennej knihy Charlesa Brandta o nájomnom vrahovi Frankovi Sheeranovi, ktorý zabil viac ako 25 ľudí. Vrah s prezývkou Ír sa okrem iného priznal k vražde Jimmyho Hoffa, čo bol prezident amerického odboru Teamster.

A tale of delinquent and lazy school girls. In their efforts to cut remedial summer math class, they end up poisoning and replacing the school's brass band.

Keď svet upadol, mladá Furiosa bola vytrhnutá z Green place mnohých matiek a padla do rúk veľkej motorkárskej skupiny vedenej Warlordom Dementom. Prechádzajúc cez Pustinu narazia na Citadelu, ktorej predsedá Immortan Joe. Kým dvaja Tyrani bojujú o nadvládu, Furiosa musí prežiť mnohé skúšky, aby našla cestu domov.

Nagisa is transgender. She grew up in Hiroshima as a man, but now lives in Shinjuku, Tokyo as a woman. Due to an incident, she begins to live with middle school student Ichika, who is a distant relative. Ichika has been neglected by her mother Saori. From living in solitude by herself, to now living with Ichika, Nagisa develops maternal instincts for the first time.

Barefoot and her friends decide to make a samurai movie, gather a unique cast and staff for the production, and try to screen it at their school festival.

A lonely university student develops a romance with a beautiful interesting woman, who turns out to be a cyborg from the future.

A former world-famous conductor of the Bolshoï orchestra, known as "The Maëstro", Andreï Filipov had seen his career publicly broken by Leonid Brezhnev for hiring Jewish musicians and now works cleaning the concert hall where he once directed. One day, he intercepts an official invitation from the prestigious Théâtre du Châtelet. Through a series of mad antics, he reunites his old orchestra, now composed of old alcoholic musicians, and flies to perform in Paris and complete the Tchaikovsky concerto interrupted 30 years earlier. For the concerto, he engages a young violin soloist with whom he has an unexpected connection.

Dvaja astronauti vyrážajú na mediálne turné, aby varovali ľudstvo pred smrtiacou kométou, ktorá sa rúti priamo na planétu Zem. Zdá sa však, že to nikoho nezaujíma.

When eight men are assigned to live 14,000 kilometers from home in inhumanly cold conditions, food becomes their new existence.

Nesmrteľná značka Krotitelia duchov prichádza s ďalším pokračovaním! Callie a Gary sa s deťmi po udalostiach z roku 2021 usadia v New Yorku a naplno sa venujú pomoci tým, ktorých trápia nepríjemní duchovia a prízraky. Keď však mesto uprostred leta náhle zamrzne, je jasné, že noví Krotitelia majú dočinenia s hrozbou, s akou sa ešte nestretli…

Newly married couple Marcus and Emily invite their uninhibited besties Ron and Kyla to join them for a vacation when Marcus lands an all-expenses-paid trip to a Caribbean resort. When Kyla’s incarcerated father Reese is released and shows up at the resort unannounced, things get out of control, upending Marcus’ best laid plans and turning the vacation friends’ perfect trip into total chaos.

Tomoki Sakai is your average junior-high student. Fascinated by the diving skills of Yōichi Fujitani, an elite athlete born into a family of former Olympic divers, Tomoki joins the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC) where Yōichi trains. However, the club is in the red, and its very survival is under question. Beautiful Kayoko Asaki has just returned from the US and joins the club as a new coach, with the mission to save MDC. Her goal is for the club to produce an athlete capable of competing in the Olympics. She brings in Shibuki Okitsu, a skillful diver with a wild streak from Tsugaru. Meanwhile, Kayoko discovers that Tomoki possesses a unique ability called "diamond eyes" and inspires him to begin serious training. Tomoki, Yōichi, and Shibuki have to overcome personal problems and struggle through conflicts and setbacks in the sport to achieve their dreams.

Yi-Hua and Ah Jun are a young pregnant couple with ambitious careers in Taipei. When they go to visit Yi-Hua’s Nina (grandmother) in rural Taiwan, her disappearance leads to an unsettling revelation of the company she keeps in the countryside.

On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.

Mladý výtvarník Anthony má pocit, že jeho kariéra stagnuje a on potrebuje nový impulz, aby mohol pokračovať v tvorbe. Jedného dňa mu kamarát porozpráva tragický príbeh o tom, ako sa zrodil muž s hákom a prečo začal vraždiť. Anthony je tou legendou úplne fascinovaný a začne pátrať po ďalších okolnostiach. Jeho obrazy zrazu získavajú temný nádych a postupne sa na nich začína objavovať jediná tvár...

Astronaut NASA, kapitán Chuck Baker z planéty Zem pristane s vesmírnou loďou svetelné roky od domova na neznámom mieste. Myslí si, že konečne prišiel okamih na ktorý tak dlho čakal a on objavil neosídlenú planétu. Ale veľmi krátko na to zistí, že tu rozhodne nie je prvý a určite nie sám. Pristál totiž v záhrade jednej milej rodinky, ktorá si práve užíva grilovaciu párty. Zmätený z čudných zelených postavičiek sa dáva na útek. Cestou naráža na ďalšie potvorky, ktoré sú pri stretnutí s ním rovnako vydesené ako on. Celá Planéta 51 je v pohotovosti. Objavil sa totiž votrelec, ktorého sa poniektorí tak obávali. Paranoidný generál vydáva rozkazy na chytenie a zneškodnenie votrelca.

977 is a coded number relating the attempt to “test the harmony with algebra”, to figure out the mathematical regularities of emotional and spiritual realms of human being. The characters have volunteered for the experiment to be put through not only scientific researching, but also through the everyday trials of friendship, love, attractions, envy and “the strongest of affects” – the curiosity. Thus, the scientific experience turns into human one, and a result is unpredictable…