Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

After a fishing boat is attacked, the sole surviving crew member realizes it is none other than a resurrected Godzilla. However, efforts to bring the story to light are suppressed by the Japanese government amid growing political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, who are both willing to bomb Japan to stop the monster.

When accused by the townspeople of being in league with the Devil, Hope finds herself in a satanic deal for her life. After refusing the terms of the deal, she transforms into the powerful Lady Death and vows to wrest control of hell from her father.

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.

Skitsofreniaa sairastava teinityttö Rain painiskelee kauhistuttavien hallusinaatioiden kanssa, kun hän alkaa epäillä naapurinsa siepanneen lapsen. Ainoa henkilö, joka uskoo häntä, on Caleb - poika, josta Rain ei ole varma, onko tämä edes todellinen.

Bruce Wayne faces a deadly menace from his past, with the help of three former classmates: world-renowned martial artists Richard Dragon, Ben Turner and Lady Shiva.

Avery, a teenager with a tendency towards perfectionism, enlists her friend Larson to help her prepare for her first time with her long-distance boyfriend.

Nuori Maud on sairaanhoitaja, joka haluaa pelastaa kuolevan potilaansa sielun hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Synkät voimat ja hänen oma syntinen menneisyytensä uhkaavat kuitenkin estää pyhät tarkoitusperät.

Majuri Ronan Jackson, Israelin puolustusvoimien taitava taistelulentäjä ja Yhdysvaltojen senaattorin poika ammutaan alas hänen lentäessään Syyrian ilmatilan läpi. Selviydyttyään ihmeen kaupalla syöksystä Hizbollahin joukot ottavat Jacksonin vangikseen. Jarhead: Law of Return on kiehtova ja voimakas tarina täynnä tinkimätöntä toimintaa ja seuraa kersantti Dave Floresin johtamaa eliittisotilasjoukkoa heidän vaarantaessaan elämänsä, kun he yrittävät pelastaa liittolaista, jota eivät ole koskaan tavanneet.

The inspirational rise of SpaceX as well as Elon Musk's two-decade effort to resurrect America’s space travel ambitions.

Ting-yin, a young novelist, is struggling to come up with a followup to her best-selling trilogy of romance novels. After drafting her first chapter, she stops and deletes the file from her computer. She then starts seeing strange, unexplainable things and finds that she is experiencing the supernatural events that she described in her novel-to-be.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Faced with the suspicious death of their father, two brothers must motivate one another to get back on their bikes and take the Las Vegas Motocross Championships by storm.

Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to help Chico.

Frederick Fitzell is living his best life—until he starts having horrific visions of Cindy, a girl who vanished in high school. After reaching out to old friends with whom he used to take a mystery drug called Mercury, Fredrick realizes the only way to stop the visions lies deep within his own memories, so he embarks on a terrifying mental odyssey to learn the truth.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Claire is a midwife and has devoted her life to others. At a moment when she is preoccupied by the imminent closure of the maternity clinic where she works, her life is further turned upside down when Béatrice, her father's former mistress, turns up on the scene. Béatrice is a capricious and selfish woman, Claire's exact opposite.

Joe Weber is an anthropologist who takes his son on a trip to the New England town of Salem's Lot unaware that it is populated by vampires. When the inhabitants reveal their secret, they ask Joe to write a bible for them.

Poliisi loukkaantuu pieleen menneen huumepidätyksen aikana. Hänen kumppaninsa Cal jahtaa kahta syyllistä syrjäiselle maatilalle, jonka omistaa ahdistunut veteraani Eric. Kun Cal ja Eric suunnittelevat puolustustaan, saapuu lisää roistoja. Näiden kolmen miehen on nyt käytettävä aivojaan ja kokemustaan huumekoplan kukistamiseen. (Owla)

Just as Simone works up the courage to tell her conservative Jewish family she's a lesbian, she finds herself attracted to a male Senegalese chef.