At the beginning of the 1913 Mexican Revolution, greedy bandit Juan Miranda and idealist John H. Mallory, an Irish Republican Army explosives expert on the lam from the British, fall in with a band of revolutionaries plotting to strike a national bank. When it turns out that the government has been using the bank as a hiding place for illegally detained political prisoners -- who are freed by the blast -- Miranda becomes a revolutionary hero against his will.

Odvtedy, čo ruský trestanec Boyka utrpel v drsnom súboji vážne zranenie kolena, už, žiaľ, nie je obávaným bojovníkom, akým býval... Vlastne je už dobrý akurát tak na to, aby v base čistil záchody, takže mu rozhodne niet čo závidieť. To sa však zmení v momente, keď sa dozvie, že sa chystá nový vražedný turnaj väzňov, ktorého sa zúčastnia len tí najlepší bojovníci z rôznych kútov sveta. Boyka totiž vie, že práve účasť na turnaji a prípadné víťazstvo mu môžu opäť vrátiť jeho hrdosť, postavenie a možno dokonca i vytúženú slobodu. Presne tú má totiž víťaz turnaja prisľúbenú ako odmenu...

When Dr. Anthony Edwardes arrives at a Vermont mental hospital to replace the outgoing hospital director, Dr. Constance Peterson, a psychoanalyst, discovers Edwardes is actually an impostor. The man confesses that the real Dr. Edwardes is dead and fears he may have killed him, but cannot recall anything. Dr. Peterson, however is convinced his impostor is innocent of the man's murder, and joins him on a quest to unravel his amnesia through psychoanalysis.

A drought has brought the town of South Park to the brink of disaster.

Humans built huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. But the road to the universe is perilous. In order to save earth, young people once again have to step forward to start a race against time for life and death.

The harrowing true story of two elite US Navy fighter pilots during the Korean War. Their heroic sacrifices would ultimately make them the Navy's most celebrated wingmen.

A taped performance of the Encanto Live-to-Film Concert Experience at the Hollywood Bowl. The original cast puts on a miracle of a concert as they sing the favorite songs, accompanied by a full orchestra and 50 person ensemble, and the Hollywood Bowl transforms into Casita!

Dirigentka Lydia Tár je na absolútnom tvorivom vrchole. Siedmy rok diriguje prestížny nemecký orchester, pripravuje vydanie knihy a uvedenie Mahlerovej Piatej symfónie, ktorá má byť vrcholom hudobnej sezóny. Lydia pôsobí sebaisto, sebavedome, dominantne a mocne. Pod touto na prvý pohľad pevnou maskou sa však skrýva normálny človek, s obavami, neistotami, túžbami a potrebami. Zatiaľ čo s dirigentskou taktovkou v ruke si je Lydia istá každým svojím rozhodnutím, keď opustí orchestrisko, stráca často pevnú pôdu pod nohami. Niekedy len nepatrne, inokedy však úplne fatálne.

After her husband dies, Alice and her son, Tommy, leave their small New Mexico town for California, where Alice hopes to make a new life for herself as a singer. Money problems force them to settle in Arizona instead, where Alice takes a job as waitress in a small diner.

Julio Blanco is the proprietor of Básculas Blanco, a Spanish company producing industrial scales in a provincial Spanish town, which awaits the imminent visit from a committee that will decide if they merit a local Business Excellence award: everything has to be perfect when the time comes. Working against the clock, Blanco pulls out all the stops to address and resolve issues with his employees, crossing every imaginable line in the process.

A Parisian teacher loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.

Nepravdepodobná romanca dvoch rôznych ľuďoch, ktorí hľadajú niečo skutočné vo svete, kde sú hodnoty založené na lajkoch a sledovateľoch. Vezmi si ma je moderný, milostný príbeh o celebritách, manželstve a sociálnych sieťach. V hlavných úlohách zažiatia Jennifer Lopez, latinsko americká spevácka Maluma a charizmatický Owen Wilson.

Hours after the tragic death of their youngest brother in unexplained circumstances, three siblings have their lives thrown into chaos.

In 1847, when Ireland is in the grip of the Great Famine that has ravaged the country for two long years, Feeney, a hardened Irish Ranger who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, returns home to reunite with his estranged family, only to discover the cruelest reality, a black land where death reigns.

Desperate to win a man's affections, Roshanda James uses murder and witchcraft to make herself appear as a beautiful seductress. No man can resist the Black Widow Spider.

Edmond Murray je rozvedený muž, ktorý sa odsťahoval od svojej bývalej ženy Joan a ich sedemročného syna, aby sa mohol venovať svojej kariére za hranicami. Keď chlapec zmizne, Murray sa vracia do Škótska. Onedlho vyjde najavo, že ich dieťa bolo unesené. Rodičia najprv prepadajú zúfalstvu, ale potom Murray dokáže, že je ochotný urobiť čokoľvek, aby syna našiel. Vydáva sa na cestu, ktorá ho privedie až na pokraj síl a spochybní všetky jeho presvedčenia.

Recently widowed mom Brenda fights to protect her family during a harrowing road trip when a murder and a missing bag of cash plunge them into danger.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

When Jason Dyson refuses to make his prized fighter throw an MMA match, a notorious gangster collects his debt by killing the fighter and kidnapping Jason's daughter. Now he must train a prisoner to endure five consecutive underground fights to save her.

Americký priekupník diamantov Lucas Hill vyráža do Petrohradu predať vzácne modré diamanty pochybného pôvodu. Keď sa mu obchod čoskoro skomplikuje, vydá sa na Sibír hľadať svojho partnera, ktorý zmizol aj s ich diamantmi. Tam sa zamiluje do Katje, majiteľky sibírskej kaviarničky. Čím ďalej tým viac sa zaplieta nielen do vášnivého vzťahu, ale tiež do zradného podsvetia obchodu s diamantmi, z ktorého sa už nedokáže vymaniť sám bez cudzej pomoci. Lucas zúfalo hľadá únikovú cestu zo sveta, odkiaľ niet návratu.