Taivas ja helvetti on Akira Kurosawan ohjaama elokuva vuodelta 1963. Se perustuu Ed McBainin kirjoittamaan amerikkalaiseen poliisikertomukseen. Taivas tarkoittaa tässä tapauksessa yläluokan maailmaa, helvetti kaupungin satamakortteleita, joissa ihmishenki ei ole palaneen tulitikunkaan arvoinen.Se on valmistumisaikansa Japania kuvaava pureva satiiri, joka etääntyy ohjaajan aiempien teosten ihanteista. Elokuva osoitttaa, miksi Kurosawaa pidetään Japanin merkittävimpänä ohjaajana.

Set in the 1970's in the Kansai region of Japan.. Yong-Gil is Korean, but he moved to Japan and settled down. He runs a small restaurant named Yakiniku Dragon. He is married and has three daughters: oldest daughter Jung-Hwa, middle daughter Yi-Hwa and youngest daughter Mi-Hwa. Oldest daughter Jung-Hwa is dating Tetsuo, but they break up. Middle daughter Yi-Hwa loves Tetsuo and marries him, but Tetsuo still loves her older sister and they divorce. Youngest daughter Mi-Hwa wants to become a singer, but she is in love with a married man.

Each member of a family in Taipei asks hard questions about life's meaning as they live through everyday quandaries. NJ is morose: his brother owes him money, his mother is in a coma, his wife suffers a spiritual crisis when she finds her life a blank and his business partners make bad decisions.

A young Tokyo businessman joins an online movie forum and develops a special bond with one of its members through back and forth e-mails.

When a rich woman's ex-husband and a tabloid-type reporter turn up just before her planned remarriage, she begins to learn the truth about herself.

Hong Kong 1997, where young people dream of love and death, suicide and murder. Moon is a cynical young debt collector, smitten by Ping, a young woman dying of kidney disease. A suicide note from a student they don't know ends up intertwining their fates.

The relationship between a middle-aged man and the elderly woman who has been the family's helper for sixty years.

Capturing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr in their electrifying element, 'A Hard Day's Night' is a wildly irreverent journey through this pastiche of a day in the life of The Beatles during 1964. The band have to use all their guile and wit to avoid the pursuing fans and press to reach their scheduled television performance, in spite of Paul's troublemaking grandfather and Ringo's arrest.

Sophie, a quiet and shy maid working for an upper-class French family, finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who encourages her to stand up against her bourgeois employers.

Halla on viisikymppinen kaupunkilaisnainen. Voiko tämä harmittoman oloinen kuoronjohtaja todella olla Islannin taloutta ja energiapolitiikkaa vastaan hyökkäyksiä tekevä eko-terroristi, nainen sotajalalla? Tähän astisen aktivistiuransa suurimpaan iskuun valmistautuessaan Halla saa tietää että hänen unelmansa vuosien takaa on sittenkin toteutumassa; hänen adoptioanomuksensa on hyväksytty ja hän voi pian olla pienen tytön äiti. Onnistuuko hän salaamaan kaksoisidentiteettinsä ja toteuttamaan viimeisen iskunsa jäämättä kiinni? Ja onko riskinotto sen arvoinen?

On a cold Monday morning, a group of counselors clock in at an old-fashioned social services office. Their task is to interview the recently deceased, record their personal details, then, over the course of the week, assist them in choosing a single memory to keep for eternity.

A feature-length documentary starring Fran Lebowitz, a writer known for her unique take on modern life. The film weaves together extemporaneous monologues with archival footage and the effect is a portrait of Fran's worldview and experiences.

Jarot and Ale are friends. They grow up together since childhood -- they have the same life story, but are different in character. With extra members Lukman, Sadat and Jago, they created the gang "Serigala Terakhir" a.k.a "Last Wolves". They dream to be the biggest mafia that they can be.

Lieutenant Giovanni Drogo is assigned to the old Bastiani border fortress where he expects an imminent attack by nomadic fearsome Tartars.

Toshio hires Yasaka to work in his workshop. But then this old acquaintance, who has just been released from prison, begins to meddle in Toshio's family life.

Frustrated with her mundane life, a Tokyo office worker becomes obsessed with a fictional movie that she mistakes for a documentary. Fixating on a scene where stolen cash is buried in North Dakota, she travels to America to find it.

In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.

Sakiko, a young bank teller, has an unhealthy obsession with money. Thieves hold up the bank, kidnapping Sakiko in the process, but eventually crash their car, resulting in a suitcase stuffed with cash falling into a nearby river. For the remainder of the film, Sakiko begins a desperate quest to retrieve the money.

Macau cops begin to suspect a man running a pork buns restaurant of murder, after tracing the origin of a case full of chopped up human remains that washed ashore, which leads them to him.

During the main withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a company of hardened paratroopers under the command of Major Bandura are joined by Steklov, the son of a high-ranking officer.