Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen) og den afroamerikanske pianisten Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) under en musikalsk turné i Sør-USA på 1960-tallet. Fast bestemt på å bryte barrierer og fremføre musikken sin for massene, legger Dr. Shirley ut på turneen med hjelp av sin nyansatte sjåfør, Tony, og ved hjelp av den grønne boken, en guide som viser rasistisk aksepterte etablissementer for afroamerikanere. opptre, spise og sove i. Til tross for at han er blitt advart om at hans tilstedeværelse i disse statene kan bringe problemer, danner Dr. Shirley og Tony et usannsynlig bånd da Tony blir vekket til fordommene det svarte samfunnet er utsatt for mens Dr. Shirley utdanner Tony i hva det betyr å være sofistikert.

Den mislykkede komikeren Arthur Fleck er langsomt på vei inn i galskapen, når han forvandler seg til den kriminelle mesterhjernen Joker.

Historien om den amerikanske forskeren J. Robert Oppenheimer og hans rolle i utviklingen av atombomben.

During the late 1980s, two detectives in a South Korean province attempt to solve the nation's first series of rape-and-murder cases.

I en ikke så fjern fremtid kjøper, Theodore, en ensom forfatter et nylig utviklet operativsystem designet for å møte brukerens alle behov. Til Theordores overraskelse utvikler det seg et romantisk forhold mellom ham og operativsystemet. Denne ukonvensjonelle kjærlighetshistorien blander science fiction og romanse i en søt historie som utforsker naturen av kjærlighet og måtene som teknologi isolerer og forbinder oss alle sammen.

In this fascinating Oscar-nominated documentary, American guitarist Ry Cooder brings together a group of legendary Cuban folk musicians (some in their 90s) to record a Grammy-winning CD in their native city of Havana. The result is a spectacular compilation of concert footage from the group's gigs in Amsterdam and New York City's famed Carnegie Hall, with director Wim Wenders capturing not only the music -- but also the musicians' life stories.

When the renegade crew of Serenity agrees to hide a fugitive on their ship, they find themselves in an action-packed battle between the relentless military might of a totalitarian regime who will destroy anything – or anyone – to get the girl back and the bloodthirsty creatures who roam the uncharted areas of space. But... the greatest danger of all may be on their ship.

A group of bored teenagers rebel against authority in the community of New Granada.

George, host of a television show focusing on literature, receives videos shot on the sly that feature his family, along with disturbing drawings that are difficult to interpret. He has no idea who has made and sent him the videos. Progressively, the contents of the videos become more personal, indicating that the sender has known George for a long time.

Beautiful PR woman, Maria finds herself trapped in the home of the sinister and troubled Dr. Sayer, where she is subjected to a series of increasingly bizarre, terrifying, and degrading sex games. Sayer admits that he has murdered several women after the same ordeal, always killing them at the point of orgasm. But all is not what it seems, and through a series of twists and turns, the whole situation is slowly turned on its head.

Livet til den tidligere FN-etterforskeren Gerry Lane og hans familie ser tilfredstillende ut. Plutselig blir verden hjemsøkt av en mystisk infeksjon som gjør hele menneskelige befolkninger om til voldelige tankeløse zombier. Etter å ha rømt fra kaoset, blir Lane overtalt til å reise ut på et oppdrag for å undersøke sykdommen. Det som følger er en risikabel reise rundt om i verden hvor Lane må overvinne ekstreme farer og dårlige odds for å finne en løsning, før den menneskelige sivilisasjonen går tapt.

Two young men seek the solitude of the country; their peace is disturbed when a set of random occurrences suggest to their susceptible minds a pattern with sinister meanings.

Monroe Stahr, a successful movie producer, pursues a beautiful and elusive young woman — all the while working himself to death.

Jodi, the tallest girl in her high school, has always felt uncomfortable in her own skin. But after years of slouching, being made fun of, and avoiding attention at all costs, Jodi finally decides to find the confidence to stand tall.

A creative journey into the unique mind of René Redzepi, chef and co-owner of Noma, voted best restaurant in the world four times.

Stranded along a sublime river fjord in northern Portugal, an ornithologist is subjected to a series of brutal and erotic Stations-of-the-Cross-style tests.

They are the perfect French haute bourgeois couple: Paul is a respected surgeon and Lucie cooks and gardens exquisitely. But now, in the autumn of his life, Paul can’t resist the lure of an ambiguous and dangerous relationship with a mysterious young woman. Might there be something sinister behind the roses delivered to his office and the “chance” meetings?

Malevolent forces within the walls of an old restaurant torment a cleaning woman who is trying to earn enough money to pay for her son's operation.

Felix is on the edge. He has got just one thing on his mind: Valerie - his wife, who has recently left him. He returns to the place of their final break-up. Valerie's ex-lover Thomas is also here, but not for sentimental reasons. By chance the two men meet in a restaurant. By chance Felix discovers who he is facing. And then starts the inscrutable game.

In the dark heart of a sprawling, anonymous city, two assassins carry out a sinister mission, a teacher battles a fatal illness, and an enigmatic janitor and a curious waitress lead dangerous double lives. Murderous consequences unravel in the dead of night, as their lives intertwine at the hands of a mysterious criminal mastermind who is hell-bent on revenge.