The days go by and Marga lives locked in the room of her brother Jorge, who has recently committed suicide. Marga searches through her things, hoping to find an explanation that will allow her to navigate her pain. After finding something unexpected she will decide to face her pain and begin to heal him.
本名Hans Florian Zimmer的Hans Zimmer,出生于1957年的德国法兰克福,70年代时,Hans Zimmer在乐团Krakatoa中担任键盘手,并与经典New Wave乐团The Buggles展开合作,到了1977年时正式踏乐界。1988年时,在偶然的际遇之下获得电影【雨人】的配乐机会,没想到Hans Zimmer靠着这部电影一战成名,同时震惊了音乐圈和电影圈,从此敲开了他电影配乐之路的大门。之后,Hans Zimmer陆续替【狮子王】、【红潮风暴】、【角斗士】、【最后的武士】、【蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士】、【盗梦空间】、【星际穿越】、【敦刻尔克】,以及最新的【银翼杀手2049】等全球知名卖座电影担纲配乐,一路从90年代走红至今,依然维持了他地位不坠的高超实力,并且与时俱进,展现出他一再突破自我的无穷潜力。总计目前为止,Hans Zimmer已获得了4座葛莱美、1座奥斯卡奖、2座金球奖、4座Satellite Award音乐大奖,堪称享誉全球的电影配乐天王。2016年5月7日,Hans Zimmer正在布拉格进行他极为成功的欧洲巡演,他与交响乐团的72名音乐家共同站在舞台上,并且邀请了The Smiths史密斯乐团的吉他手Johnny Marr担任演出嘉宾,谱出了一整晚的美妙音乐,而这场演唱会被全程收录,并发行为此张【Live in Prague】。 【Live in Prague】中一共收录了2016年5月7日在布拉格「The O2 Arena」演出的15首歌曲,而曲目可以说是演绎出了Hans Zimmer接近30年来的音乐生涯,除了有【雨人】、【狮子王】、【真实罗曼史】、【红色警戒】、【角斗士】、【加勒比海盗】等早期和经典时期的配乐之外,更有【天使与魔鬼】、【大侦探福尔摩斯】、【超人:钢铁之躯】、【黑暗骑士三部曲】、【星际穿越】、【盗梦空间】、【达·芬奇密码】等2000年以后的全新典范配乐,聆听这一场由超过72名音乐家与Hans Zimmer的合作演奏,浩大磅礡的音乐场面、聆听起来就像是在进行当代电影配乐的巡礼,一次将所有最值得品味和收藏的作品,全部尽收耳底。
Fernanda is married to Tom, with whom she has a five-year-old daughter, Joana. The couple is in the midst of wear and tear caused by living together for many years, which generates constant friction. Who helps Fernanda to overcome the crisis is her partner Aníbal, inseparable partner during the arduous journey between saving the marriage or putting an end to it.
巴里斯(察合台·乌鲁索伊 Çağatay Ulusoy 饰)出生在一个非常民主和自由的家庭之中,他和父亲的关系亦师亦友,可谓是在非常宽容的环境和充足的亲情中长大。而芙孙(蕾拉·丽迪雅·吐古特鲁 Leyla Lidya Tuğutlu 饰)则恰恰相反,她一直生活在家人的铁腕控制之下,对自由非常的渴望。 这样两个成长环境大相径庭的人,但他们相遇的瞬间,爱火开始热烈的燃烧。很快,巴里斯和芙孙就决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂,他们都在彼此的身上找到了未曾体会过的激情和亮点,这段姻缘堪称天作之合。然而,随着时间的推移,巴里斯发现,自己对芙孙的爱,或许也是一种伤害。
Robert works for a travel agency and helps to arrange scenes from the everyday lives of "ordinary" Czech families as an attraction for Japanese tourists. He also works as a kind of matchmaker and occasionally helps to put together some of his friends. He helps to separate his friend Hanka from Peter, an announcer for an independent radio station who tries to capture "real" life by recording the moments from "reality" and playing them over the air. Vesna, came to Prague from Macedonia because it is according to her the best place for UFOs to land, but her real reason for coming is somewhat different... Hanka is followed by the crazy Ondrej, until then a respected brain surgeon, and married with two kids. Through him she meets Jacob, who uses copious amounts of weed in order to be constructive in this gloomy world. On the other hand, this destroys his short-term memory - and he forgets that he already has a girlfriend...
该特别节目由来自英国的心理魔术师达伦·布朗(Derren Brown)倾力打造,旨在探索一个人在被挑衅的情况会不会走上极端最终夺人性命。 节目中,在毫不知情的情况下,一位普通人被置于一个令人紧张不安的预先设定的情境之中。同他打交道的其实都是演员,而这位普通人最后将不得不被迫做出是否该将一位百万富翁从高处推下致死的决定。 据悉,该特别节目将从心理角度解读人性服从和社会责任。面对权威,我们的本能其实是毫不妥协的服从。在极端情况下,一位有道德意识的普通人都会犯下最可怕的行径,而一切仅仅因为他们被别人告知怎么去做。
A place-specific film-excavation of Bixiga neiborhood – São Paulo. Choreography of forces that cross present time. Filmancy, clairvoyance is the vision of what is taking shape.
由于在“内战”中站到了美国队长的一方,蚁人斯科特·朗(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)遭到了FBI的禁足惩罚。眼看离真正的自由还有几天功夫,偏偏麻烦找上门来。原来初代蚁人汉克·皮姆(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)通过研究发现,他的妻子初代黄蜂女珍妮特(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)一定还活在量子领域,而斯科特是能够将妻子带回现实世界的唯一希望。不由分说,汉克的女儿霍普(伊万杰琳·莉莉 Nicole Lilly 饰)将斯科特带出房间。此后不久,他们不仅要躲避FBI的纠缠,更要提防来自神秘势力的袭击,而“幽灵”的出现更将斯科特等人带向前所未有的混乱当中。斯科特能否顺利获得自由?初代黄蜂女是否还存活在量子领域的某处?
雷神之锤惊现世间。辽阔蛮荒的美国沙漠地带,神盾局特工卡尔森(克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg 饰)独自驾车前往雷神之锤的所在地。夜幕降临,他把车停在一家加油站内。加油的同时,他走进便利店挑选商品。就在他为选择而烦恼时,一声怒吼突然传来。两名持枪歹徒闯进便利店,用枪指着美丽的女店员,命令他将钱交出,并质问外面的车是谁的。卡尔森从容露面,他把车钥匙扔了过去,还貌似大脑短路一般交出手枪。卡尔森按照歹徒指示把手枪滑了过去,而就在此时,意想不到的事情发生了……
PROJEKT A is a documentary that resists the common clichés about anarchism to instead show anarchist ideas of a society in which no one shall have the power to control knowledge, natural resources, land, soil or other people. After inspiring over 25,000 German cinema-goers, this award-winning documentary about anarchism and anarchist projects in Europe is now available on VoD! “Projekt A stirs up the audience and is grippingly shot, getting close to the kinds of tenacious people who are so vital to change in our society.” (kinokino) “…a cinematic portrait, not of anarchy, but of anarchists. A story, not of possibilities, necessities or even failure, but a depiction of achievements, initiative, action, ideas, as well as success.” ( Audience Award Filmfest Munich
Athens - Greece - The age of Economic crisis Demetris is a highly independent man who lives a normal life. A confirmed bachelor at the age of 33! When a moment arrives, his choice at that point in time will change everything. His roommate is a female German Shepherd called Lonesome. One night, after supper, Lonesome wants to be taken out. Demetris tries to change her mind but Lonesome insists Its at this moment that he comes to a decision. This decision will change his entire life. If Demetris goes out he will meet Christina, the love of his life. If he stays in, he will not meet her. Does true love exist? What is the impact of a severe economic crisis on people and how can the crisis destroy a couple? One story shown from two different angles.
1985. Georges is a born market vendor. As a driven salesman he sells anything, anytime, to anyone. When he hears that the Pope is coming to Belgium, he smells his chance. In addition to the grounds, where tens of thousands of believers will attend an open-air mass, Café Derby is for rent. Georges is sure to earn a small fortune. But his wife and five children are not convinced. It would be another move in too short a time. But as George puts his mind to something...
少根筋的单亲妈咪珊蒂(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 饰),独力抚养两个儿子,总期盼着与前夫破镜重圆,没想到他却娶了一个20岁的小萝莉;单亲奶爸布莱德利(杰森苏戴西斯 饰),身兼父母两职辛苦拉拔女儿长大,却不知如何与青春期女儿的相处;八百年没见老妈的大龄女子洁西(凯特·哈德森 饰),藏着不欲人知的小秘密,不料远在百里外的老爸老妈却意外来访;单身的事业女强人米兰达(朱莉亚·罗伯茨 饰),忙到没时间谈恋爱,却在新书发表会上遇见了生命中唯一的缺憾…每个人总有不能说的秘密,母亲节那天,一场热闹的庆祝派对,将彼此的心重新凝聚在一起。
A teenager, named Matteo, dreams of becoming a professional swimmer. When his coach prefers to him the son of the team's sponsors, Matteo takes revenge studying at the university Bocconi and inventing a social network.
A group of friends are led by circumstances to find themselves at the crossroads of fate.