2. del raziskuje Paulovo mistično potovanje, po tem, ko se je pridružil Chani in domorodnim Fremenom na svoji bojni poti maščevanja proti zarotnikom, ki so uničili njegovo družino. Paul si prizadeva preprečiti strašno prihodnost, ki jo lahko vidi le on, pri tem pa mora izbirati med ljubeznijo svojega življenja in usodo celotnega znanega vesolja.

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

The arrogant, third most-wanted criminal in Taiwan, decides to get rid of the top two competitors and crowns himself the most-wanted criminal before dying.

Three years after the death of her beloved child, Elouise, Mara still feels her presence when she sits on the butterfly bedding in front of the jar with her ashes in it. Mara arranges a twelfth birthday party for Elouise, further alienating her from her husband, Richter, and remaining daughter, Hannah. Although Mara eventually vacates Elouise's room at the insistence of her husband, she does find a way to stay close to Elouise. Before long, however, Hannah discovers her mother's secret.

Odvetnik Josef Bartok skuša z ženo pobegniti v ZDA, vendar ga pred tem gestapo aretira in odpelje na zaslišanje. Ker noče sodelovati in nacistom razkriti računov plemstva in duhovščine, ga pošljejo v samico. Edini predmet, ki mu ga je uspelo pritihotapiti v ječo, je knjiga o šahu. V naslednjih mesecih se nauči taktike in strategije te igre ter odigra kopico namišljenih partij, v katerih v domišljiji premika črne in bele figure. Ta dvojnost povzroči razkol v njegovem egu in osebnosti; izgubljene partije nenadoma zahtevajo revanš in zbujajo željo po maščevanju.

Everyone's favorite yellow canary unexpectedly becomes next in line for the crown when the queen of an island paradise disappears. His Little Highness’ entourage includes motorbike daredevil Granny and sly Sylvester, whose allegiance is tested when he uncovers a sinister plot to eliminate Tweety for good.

Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!

This time the "amici" (friends) are just four: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti and Sassaroli. Nevertheless they are older they still love to spend their time mainly organizing irresistible jokes to everyone in every kind of situation. Mascetti is hospitalized in a geriatric clinic. Of course the place become immediately the main stage for all their jokes. After some jokes they decided to place an ultimate incredible and farcical joke to the clinic guests.

Policist Jake Rosser je bil pravkar priča šokantnemu umoru njegovega zvestega partnerja s strani skrivnostnega napadalca. Ko po zapletenih ulicah Los Angelesa in pokvarjeni birokraciji losangeleške policije išče morilčevo identiteto, odkrije obsežno zaroto, ki duši mesto.

Peter and Emma thought they were on the precipice of life’s biggest moments – marriage, kids, and houses in the suburbs – until their respective partners dumped them. Horrified to learn that the loves of their lives have already moved on, Peter and Emma hatch a hilarious plan to win back their exes with unexpected results.

Nekdanji agent Cie je vrnjen nazaj v nevaren svet, ko na površje ponovno privre skrivnostna ženska iz njegove preteklosti. Zdaj, ko je razkrit in tarča neusmiljenega morilca in goljufivega tajnega programa, se mora v igri preživetja z visokimi vložki zanesti na veščine, za katere je mislil, da jih je pustil za sabo.

Tough Chinese detectives go on a mission to Moscow to hunt down ruthless robbers who have been plaguing the trans-Siberian railway with violence and chaos.

Potem, ko je bil z grožnjo prisiljen voziti skrivnostnega potnika, se moški znajde v igri mačke in miši z visokim vložkom, kjer postane jasno le to, da ni vse tako, kot se zdi.

In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the town’s teenage boys in a bloody battle of survival.

Zazie lives with her buddies, womanizer Patrick and sweetheart Anton, in a flat share. All three are completely incapable of being in a relationship. Finding the great love? No need. Zazie is sure of that. When Philipp, Zazie's best friend from childhood, sends an invitation to his wedding, Zazie is shocked to find out that he wants to marry stuck up and vicious Franziska. She is definitely the wrong girl for Philipp! Zazie decides to do everything she can to save him from making the biggest mistake of his life. But will this turn out to be her own path to happiness?

Desperate to fit in at school, Sam rejects her East Indian culture and family to be like everyone else. However, when a mythological demonic spirit latches onto her former best friend, she must come to terms with her heritage to defeat it.

Po navdihu resničnih dogodkov iz leta 60 n.št. Boudica je keltska bojevnica, ki skupaj s svojim možem Prasutagusom vlada ljudstvu Iceni. Ko ta umre v rokah rimskih vojakov, Boudicino kraljestvo ostane brez moškega dediča in Rimljani zasežejo vso njeno lastnino. Prignana do roba norosti in odločena, da bo maščevala moževo smrt, Boudica zbere različna plemena iz regije in začne epsko vojno proti mogočnemu rimskemu imperiju.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.