10-year-old Pixote endures torture, degradation, and corruption at a local youth detention center where two of its members are murdered by policemen who frame Lilica, a 17-year-old trans hustler. Pixote helps Lilica and three other boys escape and they start to make their living by a life of crime which only escalates to more violence and death.

Mastro Geppetto is a poor carpenter with no wife and no children. The man is very lonely, and after trading a piece of wood with his colleague Mastro Ciliegia, decides to build himself a puppet to keep him company.

Robert Gould Shaw leads the US Civil War's first all-black volunteer company, fighting prejudices of both his own Union army and the Confederates.

Desetljećima nakon uspjeha SF serije, pravi izvanzemaljci angažiraju njezine već ishlapjele zvijezde za međugalaktičku spasilačku misiju misleći da se radi o pravim zaštitnicima galaksije.

The two pigs building houses of hay and sticks scoff at their brother, building the brick house. But when the wolf comes around and blows their houses down (after trickery like dressing as a foundling sheep fails), they run to their brother's house. And throughout, they sing the classic song, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?".

Susret s predanom kirurginjom Maggie (Meg Ryan) budi u njemu vatru znatiželje i vječnog pitanja: kakav je to osjećaj biti ljudsko biće? Jedan od anđela upozorava Setha na brojne opasnosti zbližavanja s ljudima, no njegova radoznalost i snažni osjećaji prema liječnici navode ga na neizvjestan postupak.No susret s neobičnim pacijentom, Nathanielom (Dennis Franz), otkrit će Sethu pravu istinu o povezanosti anđela s ljudima...

Prema knjizi Antoina de Sainta-Exuperyja, ovaj bajkoviti mjuzikl počinje kad pilot (Richard Kiley) prisilno sleti u Saharu. Upozna Malog princa s planeta Asteroid B-612. Kroz sljedećih nekoliko dana pilot sazna sve o životu malenog dječaka i putovanju po planetima na kojima je susreo kralja, poslovnog čovjeka, povjesničara i generala. Kada dođe na Zemlju, Mali princ nauči što je važno u životu od lisice (Gene Wilder), zmije (Bob Fosse) i pilota.

In a soon to be demolished block of apartments, the residents resist the criminal methods used to force them to leave so a greedy tycoon can build his new skyscraper. When tiny mechanical aliens land for a recharge, they decide to stay and help out.

Nastavak animiranog hita iz 1977. godine nas vodi u Australiju gdje će se zaputiti naši omiljeni agenti. Ovaj put moraju spasiti jednog posebnog orla od krivolovca i jednog dječaka koji se s njim sprijateljio.

Rastavljeni Scott Calvin s gađenjem saznaje da su njegova bivša supruga i njezin muž pokušali – i nisu uspjeli – otkriti njihovu šestogodišnjem sinu Charlieju da Djed Mraz ne postoji. Na Badnjak Scott sinu čita božićnu priču... A zatim na krovu primi neočekivanoga gosta. Kad gosta iznenadi Scottovo vikanje i on padne, taj oponašatelj Djeda Mraza nestane ostavljajući na krovu saonice s osam sobova i odijelo s uputama da ga se odjene ako on strada u nesreći. Scott odjene odijelo i saonice ga vuku gradom te on ubacuje darove kroz dimnjak dok ga saonice ne odvedu na Sjeverni pol. Ondje ga grupa ljudi koji tvrde da su vilenjaci informira da je on sada Djed Mraz. Charlie se ponosi očevim novim poslom, ali Scott je uvjeren da je to sve san. Sve dok mu kosa ne posijedi, brada odbije ostati obrijana, neočekivano dobije na kilaži zbog novonastale ljubavi za brzom hranom... Sad je to prihvatio, ali postoji samo jedan problem… Kako da to ostane tajna pred njegovom obitelji koja mu ne vjeruje?

A career woman reassesses her parents' lives after she is forced to care for her cancer-stricken mother.

Tsui escapes from a super soldier project and plans to lead a peaceful life. However, when his former comrades go on a violent crime spree, he takes it upon himself to end their reign of terror.

A young man is plunged into a life of subterfuge, deceit and mistaken identity in pursuit of a femme fatale whose heart is never quite within his grasp.

Cursed since childhood, dentist Charlie Logan cannot find the right woman. Even worse, he learns that each of his ex-girlfriends finds true love with the man she meets after her relationship with him ends. Hearing of Charlie's reputation as a good-luck charm, women from all over line up for a quick tryst. But when Charlie meets the woman of his dreams, he must find a way to break the curse or risk losing her to the next man she meets.

Roberto Benigni adapts the classic children's tale by Carlo Collodi for the big-budget family-oriented comedy Pinocchio.

Izolirani sanatorij duboko u divljini Zapadne Virginije napušten je nakon što incestuozna seljačka obitelj kanibala pobjegne i osveti se svojim tamničarima. Desetljećima poslije skupina studenata potraži zaklon u sada napuštenoj bolnici nakon što im mećava pokvari planove za zimski vikend u prirodi. Ali kada studenti susretnu najopasnije bivše pacijente odjela, jedini im je izbor da uzvrate udarac… Ili umru pri tom pokušaju!

Godina je 2415., 400 godina je prošlo otkad je smrtonosni virus polovicu čovječanstva zbrisao s lica Zemlje. Preživjeli prebivaju u Bragni, utvrđenom gradu okruženom zidom kako bi zaštitio zdrave od virusom zaraženog ostatka planeta. Æon Flux (Charlize Theron) je tajanstvena žena ubojica koja radi za skupinu odmetnika koja se kreće kroz gradsko podzemlje, a predvodi je Handler (Frances McDormand). Æonin novi zadatak je usmrtiti Trevora Goodchilda (Marton Csokas), člana vijeća koje upravlja gradom. Međutim, kada Æoninu mlađu sestru ubiju vladini agenti, ona zanemaruje naredbe te odlučuje zaštititi Trevora jer pretpostavlja da mu brat Oren (Jonny Lee Miller) namješta igru. Handler doznaje da se Æon oglušila o naredbe te naređuje da je se kao neposlušnu eliminira. Æon riskira sve što ima, ali u bijegu otkriva mnoge tajne i odgovore na pitanja o vlastitoj, nepoznatoj joj prošlosti, kao i o pravoj istini o pozadini grada Bragna.

While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!

In 1950, in a small village called Northern Station, Samuel, a young mailman and his girlfriend, Évelyne, spend hours replying to letters that children have sent to Santa Claus. While delivering the letters on Christmas Eve, Samuel dies of cold in the forest. He finds himself in the magic land of Santa Claus, where he becomes an elf in charge of answering Santa’s mail. Fifty years later, Samuel opens a letter from Satia, a young girl from Northern Station who asks Santa Claus if he will save her grandmother, who is seriously ill. With the help of his friend, Howie, the young elf decides to go to the village for grant the child’s wish. However, it turns out that Satia’s grandmother is none other than Évelyne.

This is the story of a little robot known as Pinocchio 3000 whose greatest wish is to become a real boy. The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his faithful assistant, Spencer the cyber penguin, and by the holographic fairy Cyberina, creates Pinocchio, a prototype superrobot equipped for emotions. But before he can be given a heart and become a real boy, Cyberina insists that Pinocchio learn the difference between right and wrong.