WrestleMania XXIV was the twenty-fourth annual WrestleMania PPV. The event took place on March 30, 2008, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando. The first main event was a Singles match from the SmackDown brand that featured The Undertaker challenging World Heavyweight Champion Edge for the title. The second was a Triple Threat match from the Raw brand, in which WWE Champion Randy Orton defended against challengers Triple H and John Cena. The third was a singles match featuring ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero defending against Kane. Other matches include a No DQ match with Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighting The Big Show, a Money in the Bank ladder match with Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, CM Punk, Mr. Kennedy, Jericho, and John Morrison, and a retirement match between Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair.

Milijarder John Hammond ima ideju za spektakularni tematski park: udaljeni otok na kojem posjetitelji mogu promatrati prave dinosaure. Pomoću najnovije tehnologije u razvoju DNK, znanstvenici mogu klonirati brahiosaure, triceratopove, velociraptore i tirannosaurus reks, koristeći fosiliziranu jantarnu krv sadržanu u insektima koji su ih ugrizli prije milijune godina. Paleontolozi Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler i Ian Malcolm posjećuju park i vrlo su iznenađeni dobivenim rezultatima. Ali kad problematični zaposlenik manipulira sofisticiranim sigurnosnim sustavom, dinosauri bježe, prisiljavajući posjetitelje da se bore za svoj opstanak.

Scooby and the gang experience outdoor fun as they go back to Fred's old summer camp. As summer goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that the spooky camp stories told by the fireplace, are more real than they've though and soon, it's up to the gang to try and solve the mystery of camp scare.

The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

Scooby and the gang have their first musical mystery in “Scooby Doo: Music of the Vampire.” It begins when they take a sing-a-long road trip into bayou country to attend the “Vampire-Palooza Festival” – an outdoor fair dedicated to all things Draculian. At first it looks as if they’re in for some fun and lots of Southern snacks, but events soon turn scary when a real live vampire comes to life, bursts from his coffin and threatens all the townsfolk. On top of that, this baritone blood sucker seems intent on taking Daphne as his vampire bride! Could the vampire be a descendant of a famous vampire hunter who is trying to sell his book? Or perhaps he’s the local politician, who has been trying to make his name in the press by attacking the vampires as downright unwholesome. The answers are to be found in a final song-filled showdown in the swamp in which our heroes unmask one of their most macabre monsters yet.

After the assassination of President Park, martial law has been declared. A coup d’état bursts out by Defense Security Commander Chun Doo-gwang and a private band of officers following him. Capital Defense Commander Lee Tae-shin, an obstinate soldier who believes the military should not take political actions, fights against Chun Doo-gwang to stop him. The conflict between the two grows while military leaders are holding their decision and Defense Minister is gone. In the midst of chaos, the spring of Seoul that everyone longed for heads to unexpected direction.

Trudna i sama, žena zarobljena u brodskom kontejneru pokušava preživjeti nakon bijega iz razorene totalitarne zemlje.

A cosmic case of flying saucers, intergalactic intrigue and out-of-this-world romance launches Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery Inc., Gang into their most unearthly adventure ever.

Poštar, S.D. Kluger odluči odgovoriti na neka od najčešćih pitanja o Djedu Mrazu i govori nam o maloj bebi Krisu kojeg odgaja obitelj proizvođača vilenjaka Kringle. Kad je Kris odrastao, želio je dostaviti igračke djeci Sombertowna. Ali njegov je gradonačelnik previše zao da bi to dopustio.

Self-important author Leon joins his best friend on a summer holiday near the Baltic Sea to complete his novel. When they arrive, they find their house is already occupied by a carefree woman who challenges Leon to open up. Meanwhile, forest wildfires rage around them and impending disaster looms.

Rimljani su 50 godina prije Krista okupirali Galiju. Asterix i njegov vjerni pratilac Obelix putuju u drevni Egipat ne bi li pomogli Kleopatri da izgradi novi ljetnikovac. Pala je i oklada između Kleopatre i Julija Cezara u kojoj Cezar tvrdi da takav projekt ne može biti gotovo za nekoliko tjedana. No Asterix s čarobnim napitkom dolazi u pomoć kraljici Nila, dok im Cezar i ljutiti arhitekt nastoje poremetiti planove te tako im odmoći u gradnji ljetnikovca lijepe Kleopatre.

After receiving a package from his grandfather, Ray, a young inventor who lives in England during the mid-19th century, finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict related to a revolutionary advance in steam power.

Unaprjeđenje im je donijelo više posla u uredu, sada nisu toliko na ulici i čini se da više neće imati priliku upadati u nevolje i dizati u zrak sve na što naiđu. Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh pokušavaju se u svojim ozbiljnim godinama smiriti, no problemi kao da ih traže. Trijadi su se zamjerili jer pokušavaju u Ameriku spriječiti krijumčarenje Kineza koji bi se trebali baviti falsificiranjem novca potrebnog za kupnju čelnika kriminalne organizacije iz ruku kineske vojske. I ovoga puta Martinu i Rogeru pomaže Lorna Cole, Leo Getz, koji je u međuvremenu postao privatni detektiv, ali i novak u ekipi, Lee Butters.

After the indomitable and beloved founder of a scrappy theater camp in upstate New York falls into a coma, the eccentric staff must band together with her clueless "crypto-bro" son to keep the thespian paradise afloat.

Kad Jay i Silent Bob saznaju da se snima film Bluntman and Chronic, strip superheroja koji se temelji na njima, otkrivaju da ih je izdao njihov prijatelj Banky Edwards i za to neće dobiti nikakva prava na slike. Nakon što vide kako ih na internetu optužuju da rasprodaju, a da nisu vidjeli ni jedan dolar, odlučuju otputovati u Hollywood i sabotiraju film.

A short animation by Haruka Suzuki based on the poem "Asa" by Ikuko Shirakuma

Godina je 1961. Arka, svemirski brod s planeta Cybertron, koji krije tajnu koja bi mogla okončati rat između Autobota i Decepticona, sruši se na tamnu stranu Mjeseca. NASA uoči nesreću nakon čega John F. Kennedy odobri misiju na Mjesec s tajnim zadatkom da se istraži svemirski brod. Godine 1969. posada Apolla 11 slijeće na Mjesec. Danas Autoboti - Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Mirage, Wheeljack i Sideswipe, na čelu s Optimusom Primeom, bore se protiv zlih Decepticona, koji traže osvetu za nedavni poraz. I jedna i druga strana uskoro postanu upetljane u utrku Rusa i Amerikanaca, koji se žele domoći skrivenog svemirskog broda s planeta Cybertron.

Na početku priče upoznajemo tri sjevernoameričke vjeverice, Alvina, Simona i Theodorea, koji promatraju kako njihov dom siječe Tvrtka za božićna drvca. Dečki su još unutra kad je drvo poslano u predvorje prestižne tvrtke Jett Records, koju predvodi lukavi i prepredeni šef po imenu Ian Hawk , u središtu Los Angelesa. Ian je bivši cimer s faksa Davea Sevillea, glazbenika i tekstopisca kojeg je napustila sreća, ali koji se nikad nije prestao nadati da će ostvariti uspješnu karijeru svojim neobičnim glazbenim senzibilitetima. Kad Dave ode u Jett Records kako bi prezentirao Ianu novu pjesmu, nepristojno ga izbacuju iz ureda. Uzimjaući košaru kolačića za utjehu, prolazi pokraj božićnog drvca koje postavljaju u predvorju. Vjeverice, koje su nanjušile ukusne kolačiće, uskoče u košaru bez Daveova znanja, koji ih nesvjesno odnosi u svoj stan gdje se vjeverice potajice sasvim ugodno smještaju.

Djed Mraz (T. Allen) pred sobom ima veliki problem: samo je nekoliko dana do Božića, čeka ga hrpa posla, Jack Frost (M. Short) priprema svoje čarolije smrzavanja pod njegovim nadzorom, a supruga Mraz (E. Mitchell) upravo treba roditi i očekuje njegovu pomoć. U nadi da pomogne supruzi, Djed Mraz dovede njezine roditelje na Sjeverni pol ne bi li joj oni pomogli, no to će biti izvedivo jedino ako im se kaže da dolaze u Kanadu. Naime, mora sačuvati tajnu da je on svemoćni darivatelj djece. Uz roditelje, Mraz dovede i svoju bivšu djevojku, ženinoga bivšega i njihovu kćer Lucy. U tvornici igračaka zlobni Jack napravi nered i skuje plan kako da sam postane novi Djed Mraz, bez znanja drugih. Je li to moguće, pogotovo ako se uzme u obzir da je vrlo lukav?

Eight contestants compete in eight deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take over the YouTube channel of the famous yet elusive masked content creator known only as "JaxPro".