Shohoku's “speedster” and point guard, Ryota Miyagi, always plays with brains and lightning speed, running circles around his opponents while feigning composure. In his second year of high school, Ryota plays with the Shohoku High School basketball team along with Sakuragi, Rukawa, Akagi, and Mitsui as they take the stage at the Inter-High School National Championship. And now, they are on the brink of challenging the reigning champions, Sannoh Kogyo High School.

The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

A seemingly unremarkable man spends a day taking a bizarre test at a mysterious facility. Through his day he interacts with the odd, detached employees of the facility, guiding him from section to section, obscuring the intentions or duration of the test.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 11–14, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

To defend their kingdom against a sudden invasion, a mighty general returns to the battlefield alongside a war orphan, now grown up, who dreams of glory.

Based on the most well-known classical fantasy novel of China, Fengshenyanyi, the trilogy is a magnificent eastern high fantasy epic that recreates the prolonged mythical wars between humans, immortals and monsters, which happened more than three thousand years ago.

With only 24 hours left to live, a private investigator follows a trail of confounding clues to uncover the disappearance of his childhood friend.

After a failed comeback album, a rock star retreats to a cliffside home on Cyprus, only to find his new life complicated by visitors — and an old flame.

Paslaptingai atrodančią Taro kortų kaladę palėpėje rado viena iš į vakarėlį susirinkusių bičiulių grupės merginų. Vienas kitą drąsinantys jaunuoliai su entuziazmu puola aiškintis savo ateitį. Viena pagrindinių taisyklių, susijusių su Taro kortomis – niekuomet nenaudoti ne sau priklausančios kaladės. O jėgos, saugančios būtent šią kaladę, į tai, panašu, žvelgia itin rimtai. Deja, sustabdyti įvykių eigos jau neįmanoma. Jaunuolius vieną po kito ima persekioti paslaptingos kraujo ir keršto ištroškusios jėgos, su kiekvienu jų susidorojančios pagal jam iškritusią kortą

This comedy has everyone's favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren't enjoying the pleasure of their own company they're out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.

Palaidojęs žmoną, Endrius Bleikas panyra į apatiją: nieko nebenori, niekuo nebesidomi ir su niekuo nebendrauja. Iš sąstingio jį ištraukia mintis vykti į Prancūziją – į dvarą, kuriame susipažino su savo mylimąja. Susikrovęs lagaminą, Endrius leidžiasi kelionėn, kuri, be jokios abejonės, klostysis visiškai kitaip, nei jis įsivaizduoja. Atvykęs į dvarą, kuriame prasidėjo jo meilės istorija, Endrius įsivaizduoja, kad gyvens čia kaip svečias. Tačiau jau kitą rytą paaiškėja, kad dvaro ekonomė palaikė jį darbo ieškančiu liokajumi. Dabar, norėdamas likti jam išnuomotame kambaryje ir dvare apskritai, Endrius yra priverstas apsivilkti livrėją ir bent jau „bandomajam laikotarpiui“ įsijausti į liokajaus vaidmenį.

Biopic on the father of the nation of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The film will showcase his growing up as a child to his standing up against all injustice in his youth to fighting for the independence of his country. How he led a country to it's independence with his inspirational presence and fight for the justice.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 55–56, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro undergoes rigorous training with the Stone Hashira, Himejima, in his quest to become a Hashira. Meanwhile, Muzan continues to search for Nezuko and Ubuyashiki.

1960-ųjų Bostono nepilnamečių įkalinimo centro vienišos darbuotojos Eilyn gyvenimo sąstingis netikėtai sutrinka, kai į įstaigą atvyksta nauja psichologė, energingoji Rebeka. Tarp abiejų moterų beveik iš karto užsimezga karštas entuziazmas, kuris virsta artimesniais santykiais, kol jų trapus ryšys dramatiškai pasikeičia.

Kai antrojo kurso studentė Margot nueina į pasimatymą su vyresniu vyruku Robertu, ji suvokia, kad realybėje jis neatitinka to Roberto, su kuriuo ji flirtavo žinutėmis.

Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.

Self-proclaimed ethical hacker Mel Bandison's life is turned upside down when she stops a data breach on a high-tech self-driving bus that also happens to shut down an international criminal network. She then becomes a target and is framed with a deepfake video that “shows” that she murders someone.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Dan, a budding street artist, supports himself with smash-and-grab heists. But his father's return from jail reignites his demons and pushes him to flee.