A wanna-be blues guitar virtuoso seeks a long-lost song by legendary musician, Robert Johnson.

Mladý muž, ktorému sa podarilo ujsť zo spárov vražedného stopára je nim následne prenasledovaný. Navyše sa stáva obvineným zo zločinov, ktoré má na svedomí práve tento muž. Kvôli nemu prežíva hotové peklo na zemi.

Beverly R. Sutphinová je dokonalou gazdinkou a vzornou manželkou zamestnaného zubára Eugena a chápavou matkou dvoch dospievajúcich detí. Je však trocha neurotická a neupokojí ju nič iné, len kruté ohováranie, ba často až obscénne hovory, ktorými najčastejšie obťažuje susedku. Na jej reči, pohoršovanie či šírenie klebiet doplatí životom niekoľko obyvateľov mestečka. Dôkazy proti Beverly vedú až k jej zatknutiu a následnému súdnemu procesu. Žena je veľmi populárna a obyvatelia ju nevnímajú ako vraha, ale ako významnú miestnu celebritu, ktorá preslávila ich mestečko.

Píše sa rok 1951 a nádejný hollywoodsky scenárista Peter Appleton sa dostane na čiernu listinu potom, ako vo svojom filme spomenie komunistov. Zo dňa na deň príde o prácu i o súčasnú priateľku, odvrátia sa od neho všetci priatelia i známi, čo zúfalý scenárista ťažko nesie. Trošku to preženie s alkoholom, spadne s autom z mosta a pri nehode stratí pamäť. Ráno ho na pláži nájde neznámy starý pán. Dovedie ho do mestečka Lawson, kde ľudia Petra považujú za nezvestného vojnového hrdinu Lukea Trimblea, ktorý sa nevrátil z Európy, kde bojoval ako vojak v druhej svetovej vojne. Všetci, vrátane Lukeovej priateľky, oslavujú jeho návrat, vojakov otec šťastne víta svojho „syna“. Teraz stojí pred neľahkou voľbou. Má sa navrátiť k bývalému životu, alebo zostať v tom novom, do ktorého sa zamiloval?

Comic artist Brösel trades a magic pen that helps him come up with funny stories for the promise to fulfill one of Rumpelstiltskin's wishes. The resulting animated films show episodes of the life of Werner, a plumber apprentice and motorbike enthusiast and his friends. They are interspersed with the live-action portions.

Working in a ferry as a waiter, Ayzek, having a defect with his front teeth, dreams to get his front teeth fixed and to marry his girlfriend, Songül. The news gets out that the ferry company is turning over the management to a new one and the whole crew is to be interviewed. When the interviewer arrives on board, Ayzek’s world is turned upside down.

Four teenagers at a British private school secretly uncover and explore the depths of a sealed underground hole created decades ago as a possible bomb shelter.

An evil Duke attempts to kill and collect the blood of a royal family of European vampires in order to become all powerful. The only surviving member of the family travels to Hong Kong, only to complicate his struggle by falling in love with a mortal girl who just happens to have a vampire hunter for a brother.

Something sinister has come to the shores of Erin Island, unbeknownst to the quaint population of this sleepy fishing village resting somewhere off Ireland’s coast. First, some fishermen go missing. Then there is the rash of whale carcasses suddenly washing up on the beach. When the murders start, it’s up to two mismatched cops – an irresponsible alcoholic and his new partner, a by-the-book woman from the mainland – to protect the townsfolk from the giant, bloodsucking, tentacled aliens that prey upon them. Their only weapon, they discover, is booze. If they want to survive the creatures’ onslaught, everyone will have to get very, very drunk!

Louise is not very popular at her highschool. Then she learns that she's descended from the witches of Salem and has inherited their powers. At first she uses them to get back at the girls and teachers who teased her and to win the heart of the handsome footballer's captain. But soon she has doubts if it's right to 'cheat' her way to popularity.

A boozy Broadway actress comes out of a 12-week cure to face the problems of her best friends as well as her needy daughter. She tries to balance the terrors of returning to work with the demands of all around her with humor and insight, while staying off the booze.

Všetci v talianskej dedine Torresecca vedia, že rodina Tucciovcov je chudobná. Jej členovia sa však napriek zúfalému nedostatku peňazí snažia byť šťastní. To všetko sa zmení v deň, keď vyhrajú v lotérii sto miliónov eur. Presťahujú sa do luxusného hotelového apartmánu v Miláne a začnú míňať ako šialení. A tak je na ich novom majordómovi, aby im vysvetlil, že byť v dnešnej dobe bohatý neznamená to, čo si predstavujú - žiadne drahé Ferrari, ale bicykle, žiadna opulentné jedlá, ale vegánska strava, a tak ďalej. A keď sa jeden z členov rodiny zamiluje do servírky, ktorá nenávidí bohatých ľudí, Tucciovci začnú predstierať, že sú zase chudobní. Vďaka všetkým zmätkom, ktoré obklopujú ich novonadobudnuté bohatstvo, si rodina začne uvedomovať, že či už chudobní alebo bohatí, najšťastnejší sú vo chvíli, kedy môžu byť spolu a sami sebou.

During the revolution, a high-stakes gambler arrives in Cuba seeking to win big in poker games. Along the way, he meets and falls in love with the wife of a Communist revolutionary.

Girl Lost tackles the issue of underage prostitution as told through the eyes of a wayward teen. Groomed by her own mother to work in the underbelly of Los Angeles, the young girl struggles to survive in this dark world.

Each year, three brothers Samuel, Jeffrey and Michael Douglas visits their Japanese grandfather, Mori Shintaro whom the boys affectionately refer to as Grandpa, for the summer. Mori is a highly skilled in the fields of Martial arts and Ninjutsu, and for years he has trained the boys in his techniques. After an organized crime ring proves to be too much for the FBI, it's time for the 3 brother NINJAS! To use their martial arts skills, they team up to battle the crime ring and outwit some very persistent kidnappers!

A prostitute and a drifter find themselves bound together as they make their way through the rural South, doing what they have to do to survive.

A gunman and his sheriff companion are hired to deliver a million dollars in gold by traveling through gang-infested lands, while in disguise.

Two reporters travel to a strange castle in Transylvania to investigate the apparent reappearance of Frankenstein, and encounter the sensitive Wolfman, the Vampiress Odette and a whole cast of other weirdos.

The discovery of an illicit love affair leads two young Angelenos on a violent, sexually charged tour through the dark side of human nature.

Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advance implants, nanotechnology microchips imbedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder – we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology.