出生于长岛的白人青年尤金·马东(拉尔夫·马奇奥 Ralph Macchio 饰)在古典吉他的演奏上拥有极高的天分,但是他如此热爱蓝调布鲁斯,尤其对传奇黑人布鲁斯歌手罗伯特·约翰逊(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Russ 饰)着迷不已。据说约翰逊生前曾录下30首歌曲,但只有前29首流传于世。为了找到那首失落的歌曲,他辗转找到约翰逊当年的搭档——前布鲁斯乐队“盲狗福尔敦”成员威利·布朗(Joe Seneca 饰),甚至不惜以勤杂工的身份进入布朗所在的养老院。通过音乐,一老一少拉近彼此距离,威利则瞅准时机让马东带他离开养老院。   他们即将启程前往盲狗福尔敦的发源地密西西比州,寻找曾与音乐家们做过交易的魔鬼,寻找那首失落的传奇之歌……

一天,吉姆(C·托马斯·豪威尔 C. Thomas Howell 饰)孤身一人开车行驶在公路上,遇到一个名为约翰(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰)的男人要求搭车,吉姆觉得漫漫长路上有个伴也不错,于是答应约翰上车。令吉姆没有想到的是,约翰告诉他自己是一个连环杀手,吓坏了的吉姆当然想要甩掉这个恶魔,可是约翰可没有这么好打发。   虽然约翰下了吉姆的车,但他却并没有离开吉姆的身边。除了常常骚扰吉姆让他吓得心脏病都快要发作外,约翰还顺手杀了几个人,并且将罪行巧妙的栽赃在吉姆的身上。约翰的欺人太甚让吉姆决定对他进行报复,当然,这个聪明的男人也不是好惹的。

母亲是一个把家里打扫得一尘不染、 为丈夫子女付出一切、追求完美的妈妈,其“美德”的极限发挥,竟是主动杀掉那些对他家人不好、甚至看不顺眼的人,彻底颠覆了贤妻良母及中产阶级的价值。本片运用了黑色喜剧的手法拍摄了一起离奇的连环凶杀案。极具讽刺意味。

1951年好莱坞,一切带有左翼观点的电影都深受“麦卡锡事件”影响,被列入所谓的黑名单中,众多无辜的电影人被迫害。刚入行的电影编剧彼得·阿普尔顿(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey饰)本是好莱坞一位才华横溢的青年剧作家,可生不逢时的他因为一次在大学时的无心之举也被政府列入黑名 单之中。然而他的噩梦并没有结束,失业失恋的彼得在一次车祸中失去了所有的记忆。当彼得被好心人救起,带到一座名叫朗森的小镇时,小镇居民都把他误认成九年前在二战中牺牲的鲁克。而鲁克的父亲哈里(马丁·兰杜饰)更是欣喜若狂。彼得修复了哈里无心经营的电影院,也让他在电影中找到了生活的激情。鲁克原来的女友阿黛尔(劳瑞·霍尔登饰)更与彼得坠入情网。当一切都向着大团圆结局发展的时候,调查员却追踪到小镇,要求彼特立刻出庭。

Comic artist Brösel trades a magic pen that helps him come up with funny stories for the promise to fulfill one of Rumpelstiltskin's wishes. The resulting animated films show episodes of the life of Werner, a plumber apprentice and motorbike enthusiast and his friends. They are interspersed with the live-action portions.

Working in a ferry as a waiter, Ayzek, having a defect with his front teeth, dreams to get his front teeth fixed and to marry his girlfriend, Songül. The news gets out that the ferry company is turning over the management to a new one and the whole crew is to be interviewed. When the interviewer arrives on board, Ayzek’s world is turned upside down.

英国乡村一座贵族私立学校里,一个叫莉兹(索拉·布奇)的女孩跌跌撞撞地走在一条荒僻的小道上,她身上满是血迹,憔悴不堪,精神处于崩溃的边缘,在用尽最后的力气走到一部电话机旁边拨叫完紧急求助号码后,终于筋疲力尽的昏倒在地上。  警察很快就赶到了,每个人心中都存着同一个疑问:在这个女孩身上到底发生了什么?警方的精神分析专家菲丽帕·哈伍德医生(安柏斯·戴维茨)更是决心要揭开这个谜底……

Reeve(郑伊健饰)是一个僵尸猎人,每次出动前都要喝下药水变得半人半僵尸才能发挥功力。他的前搭档Lila(何超仪饰)因一次行动中丧生,由Gypsy(钟欣桐饰)来接替。她的到来令Reeve的妹妹Helen(蔡卓妍饰)很不满,两女更大打出手。   僵尸王子Kazaf(陈冠希饰)与仆人Prada(黄秋生饰)靠父亲僵尸王寄来的血浆生活,他生性善良,从来不会伤害无辜。Helen邂逅了帅气的Kazaf。一天Kazaf被僵尸伯爵追杀受伤,Helen得知他的身份后,毅然帮他到医院偷血,还把他带回家。原来僵尸圣典《Day for Night》就在Kazaf手上。   Reeve因一次行动后找不到解药,因此变成了僵尸,还差点杀掉了自己的妹妹,迫于无奈之下,Gypsy把心爱的Reeve杀掉,Helen也为着要救回落入僵尸伯爵手中的Kazaf,与Gypsy联手进攻。


Louise is not very popular at her highschool. Then she learns that she's descended from the witches of Salem and has inherited their powers. At first she uses them to get back at the girls and teachers who teased her and to win the heart of the handsome footballer's captain. But soon she has doubts if it's right to 'cheat' her way to popularity.

A boozy Broadway actress comes out of a 12-week cure to face the problems of her best friends as well as her needy daughter. She tries to balance the terrors of returning to work with the demands of all around her with humor and insight, while staying off the booze.

The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.


Girl Lost tackles the issue of underage prostitution as told through the eyes of a wayward teen. Groomed by her own mother to work in the underbelly of Los Angeles, the young girl struggles to survive in this dark world.

洛基(迈克尔·特瑞威诺 Michael Trevino 饰)、小马驹(麦克斯·艾略特·斯莱德 Max Elliott Slade 饰)和丹丹(Chad Power 饰)是情同手足的三兄弟,他们的祖父田中(黄自强 饰)曾是身怀绝技的忍者,趁着三兄弟前来度假,教授了他们几套独门绝技。   三兄弟的父亲山姆(Alan McRae 饰)是FBI的探员,正在追捕恶名远扬的军火走私商人施耐德(Rand Kingsley 饰),没想到却遭到了后者派出的忍者兵团的暗算。为了完成一笔交易,施耐德绑架了三兄弟,以他们的性命相要挟,使得山姆不敢轻举妄动。田中和施耐德曾经有过一段不太愉快的过去,如今外孙们生命危在旦夕,田中毫不犹豫的重出江湖,直捣施耐德的大本营,一场恶战即将拉开序幕。 ©豆瓣

A prostitute and a drifter find themselves bound together as they make their way through the rural South, doing what they have to do to survive.

A gunman and his sheriff companion are hired to deliver a million dollars in gold by traveling through gang-infested lands, while in disguise.

Two reporters travel to a strange castle in Transylvania to investigate the apparent reappearance of Frankenstein, and encounter the sensitive Wolfman, the Vampiress Odette and a whole cast of other weirdos.


Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advance implants, nanotechnology microchips imbedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder – we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology.