A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

In December 2004, close-knit family Maria, Henry and their three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand. But the day after Christmas, the idyllic holiday turns into an incomprehensible nightmare when a terrifying roar rises from the depths of the sea, followed by a wall of black water that devours everything in its path. Though Maria and her family face their darkest hour, unexpected displays of kindness and courage ameliorate their terror.

Patersono gyvenimas - gryna romantika: jis dirba autobuso vairuotoju Patersone, Naujajame Džersyje, o laisvalaikiu rašo poeziją mylimai žmonai Laurai. Patersonas poetiškai vertina kasdienybės poezijos grožį ir visur susitinka su poetais - tokia yra miesto magija - poetų Alleno Ginsbergo ir Williamo Carloso Williamso gimtinė. Patersonas rašo "į stalčių" ir net nesvajoja apie leidybą, tačiau vienas mažas įvykis keičia jo planus.

Filmo veiksmas vyksta 1880 metais, Paryžiuje. Jauna mergina vardu Eugenie su šeima pasidalina paslaptimi, kad gali girdėti ir matyti dvasias. Išsigandę artimieji priima sprendimą Eugenie patalpinti į psichiatrijos ligoninę. Šiai vietai vadovauja garsus profesorius Jean-Martin Charcot, kuris garsėja novatoriškais gydymo metodais. Herojė žino, kad gydymo jai nereikia, bet ar pavyks rasti sąjungininką, kuris padės pabėgti iš šios baisios vietos?

A young artist is commissioned by the wife of a wealthy landowner to make a series of drawings of the estate while her husband is away.

When his son dies while hiking the famed Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in the Pyrenees, Tom flies to France to claim the remains. Looking for insights into his estranged child’s life, he decides to complete the 500-mile mountain trek to Spain. Tom soon joins up with other travelers and realizes they’re all searching for something.

Internete susipažinęs su pasiturinčia našle Bete Makliš garbingo amžiaus patyręs apgavikas Rojus Kortnis negali patikėti savo sėkme. Planai pasikeičia, kai Betė jam atveria savo širdį ir namus. Rojus negali patikėti, kad jam pradėjo rūpėti moters likimas. Tai turėjo būti gerai suplanuotas ir greitas būdas išvilioti pinigus, tačiau viskas pavirto klastinga ir itin pavojinga afera.

Kai piliulė, kuri penkias minutes suteikia vartotojams nenuspėjamas super galias, atsiranda Naujojo Orleano gatvėse, paauglys prekiautojas ir vietinis policininkas susivienija su buvusiu kareiviu, kad pašalintų už jos sukūrimą atsakingą grupę.

Yann Madec, long-time best mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dream come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop in Cape Verde to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a stowaway on board, a Senegalese teenager named Moussa. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Moussa’s presence, Yann hesitates… Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.

A day in the life of reluctant hotel owner Dave, a man troubled by nightmares, his neighbour, his friends and love. Dave’s days and nights blend into each other as he wanders vacantly through the halls of the abandoned and dilapidated Hotel Poseidon, which he inherited from his deceased father. When a young woman knocks on the hotel’s door looking for a room, while Dave’s best friend wants to throw a party in the backroom, and a recurring dream haunts him, a surreal and grisly ordeal is set in motion.

When deadly attacks from a nearby forest beset a secluded retirement community, it is up to a blind army veteran to discover what the residents are hiding.

In Victorian-Era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn. Forced to stay the night, they soon uncover a deadly pact between the strange Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands... now, as the werewolves close in, the guests must band together and fight tooth and nail to survive the night!

A private eye who's over his head in debt takes on a job snapping photos of his client's rich husband in bed with another woman. But when the husband winds up with three bullet holes that seem to have come from the private eye's own gun, he's got to prove he's not the murderer meanwhile getting tangled deeper in a web of deceit, lies, and steamy night club dancers!

Reese Witherspoon vėl vaidina Elle Woods filme “Užsispyrusi blondinė 2”. Po sėkmingų mokslų Teisės universitete, Elle pradeda sėkmingą karjerą kaip jauna, perspektyvi teisininkė. Ir tuo pačiu ruošiasi svarbiausiam įvykiui savo gyvenime, vedybom su savo svajonių vyrų Emmett’u. Kai Elle sužino, kad su jos mylimo šuniuko Bruiser’io giminaičiais daromi kosmetikos testai, panelė atideda vedybas ir vyksta į Vašingtoną sutvarkyti šio reikalo. Prie patrauklios “kongresiškos” aprangos priderinusi “Gucci” rankinę, Elle bando įsilieti į Kongerso moterų kolektyvą, kad uždraustų gyvūnų bandymus.

Ruth is a pregnant woman on a killing spree. It's her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father.

After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David Hargrove and Emily Brandt’s impromptu first date takes an unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey, asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. What should be a routine transaction turns into a desperate struggle for survival when an unknown man appears outside the vestibule. With the wintry temperatures dipping below freezing, and the morning sunrise still hours away, they have no choice but to play the man’s deadly game of cat-and-mouse.

A young honeymooning couple stop for the night at an ancient castle. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is home to a horde of vampires, who have their own plans for the couple.

A huge burrowing machine tunnels out of control at ferocious speed, cutting clean through to the center of the earth, to the twilight world of pellucidar. Once there, Dr. Perry and David Innes are threatened by half human creatures, lizard-like birds, and man-eating plants.

Josh McManus, a traveling salesman with a cloudy past, finds himself in a dusty West Texas town at the wrong time. After a crippling series of earthquakes throws the entire world into chaos, a traveling salesman will have to fight his way through a vicious outlaw biker gang known as the Barbarians to get home to his family.

A man fondles objects, looks at himself in the mirror, poses in different clothes, smiles and makes faces at the camera while his voice on the soundtrack speaks of his despair, makes impressionistic statements and little songs, quotes Greta Garbo and Maria Montez, tells the story of a lonely little boy and tells the story of a woman named Madame Nescience who dreams of herself as the Mother Superior of a convent of sexual perversion.