A waiter pretends to be an important businessman in order to reach the upper class through his entrepreneurial dreams.

Canterlot High meets its rival school, Crystal Prep Academy, in a competition that’s a long-standing tradition – The Friendship Games. Sunset Shimmer is tasked with keeping magic out of the games to avoid the appearance of impropriety while she and her friends compete against Crystal Prep’s top students led by someone with an equal amount of interest in Equestrian magic – this world’s TWILIGHT SPARKLE.

Brothers addicted to speed at any price. Documentary following the motorcycle road racing careers, and fate, of the Dunlop family.

The Justice League faces a powerful new threat — the Fatal Five! Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman seek answers as the time-traveling trio of Mano, Persuader and Tharok terrorize Metropolis in search of budding Green Lantern, Jessica Cruz. With her unwilling help, they aim to free remaining Fatal Five members Emerald Empress and Validus to carry out their sinister plan. But the Justice League has also discovered an ally from another time in the peculiar Star Boy — brimming with volatile power, could he be the key to thwarting the Fatal Five? An epic battle against ultimate evil awaits!

After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.

Rahanahneet ammattihuijarit Miller (Byrne) ja Tiffany (Newton) lyöttäytyvät yhteen Tiffanyn ex-poikaystävän Vernonin (Townsend) kanssa. Heillä on yksi tavoite - lyödä korttilegenda The Dean (Stallone). Kaikki haluaisivat pelata tätä vastaan, mutta paikka The Deanin pöydässä ei irtoa halvalla. Trio palkkaakin pokerihai Jenningsin (Foxx) haalimaan nopeaa käteistä, mutta homma ei etene suunnitelmien mukaan. Saatuaan gangsteriliigan kintereilleen, on korttikone Vernonin paras olla vakaa käsistään. Kaikkien pokerinaama pitää, eikä mikään ole sitä miltä näyttää.

Sisters Alex and Madison are whisked away to the Bahamas for winter break but soon find themselves crossing paths with a man smuggling stolen artifacts.

Joe Cross took viewers on his journey from overweight and sick to healthy and fit via a 60-day juice fast in the award-winning Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. With Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2, he looks at keeping healthy habits long-term.

A young psychiatrist applies for a job at a mental asylum, and must pass a test by interviewing four patients. He must figure out which of the patients, is in fact, the doctor that he would be replacing if hired.

Ihmiskunnan tulevaisuus on vaakalaudalla, ja joukko tehtävää varten kasvatettuja nuoria miehiä ja naisia lähetetään kohti kaukaista planeettaa luomaan uutta alkua. Kun matkasta alkaa paljastua salattuja, synkkiä yksityiskohtia, nuoret alkavat uhmata saamiaan ohjeita ja tutkia omia, kaikkein alkukantaisia piirteitään. Alus suistuu kaaokseen, kun pelko, himo ja kyltymätön vallanhalu saavat otteen matkustajista.

As the coronavirus upends their lives, two detectives doggedly pursue those responsible for an abduction they realize is part of a sinister pattern.

Paperiton meksikolaisnainen muuttaa epätoivoissaan ränsistyneeseen asuntolaan Clevelandissa. Siitä alkavat ahdistavat äänet ja aavemaiset näyt.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

Jack Halsey takes his wife, their adult kids, and a friend for a dream vacation in Kenya. But as they venture off alone into a wilderness park, their safari van is flipped over by an angry rhino, leaving them injured and desperate. Then, as two of them go in search of rescue, a bloody, vicious encounter with a leopard and a clan of hyenas incites a desperate fight for survival.

The ultimate weapon, claimed to be safe for mankind, produces global side-effects including time slides and disappearances. The scientist behind the project and his car are zapped from the year 2031 to 1817 in Switzerland where he meets Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Mary Shelley and others.

On the night of a sleepover, a group of teenage girls venture out in a competitive game of challenging dares. As the antics escalate, and the dares become more extreme, the girls unravel the truth behind a former student's rumored suicide.

When Ricardo, a responsible father, decides to personally take his son to a camp in Asturias, other parents propose that he should also take care of their children. When the train is about to leave, Felipe, a flamboyant individual and grandfather of two of the children, shows up at the station.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.

A man enclosed in a plastic bubble, his sister, and their best friend must defend an apartment complex from the mutant Judas Breed insects.

Kun huippulahjakas korkeakouluopettaja Miranda Hollander kokee oudon muistinmenetyksen ja herää keskellä verilöylyn jälkeistä taistelutannerta, hän kääntyy setänsä puoleen saadakseen vastauksia. Setä paljastaa järkyttävän totuuden: Miranda on kloonattu ihmisen ja avaruusolion DNA:n sekoituksesta, ja heidän on paettava Meksikoon ja löydettävä tiedemies, joka loi hänet. Pian he ovat loukussa ja puolustautuvat raivoavaa hybridilaumaa vastaan... ja aika alkaa huveta ennen kuin Mirandan on annettava periksi sisällään heräävälle tappajanvaistolle!