Led by Woody, Andy's toys live happily in his room until Andy's birthday brings Buzz Lightyear onto the scene. Afraid of losing his place in Andy's heart, Woody plots against Buzz. But when circumstances separate Buzz and Woody from their owner, the duo eventually learns to put aside their differences.

To save her father from certain death in the army, a young woman secretly enlists in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1991. High school freshman Charlie is a wallflower, always watching life from the sidelines, until two senior students, Sam and her stepbrother Patrick, become his mentors, helping him discover the joys of friendship, music and love.

Voldemort saab liitlasi juurde nii võlurite maailmas, kui ka mugude maailmas ning Sigatüügas ei ole enam turvaline koht. Harry arvab, et kurjad jõud võivad peituda Sigatüükas endas, kuid Dumbledore ei pööra sellele nii palju tähelepanu, sest ta valmistab ennast ette eelseisvaks… Sigatüügas saab endale ka uue õpetaja – Horace Slughorn'i. Harry suureks abiks leiab ta Nõiajookide raamatu, mis kuulus salapärasele õpilasele, kes kutsus ennast Segavereliseks printsiks ning Severus Snape ei saa teda enam niivõrd palju noomida. Kui Harry hakkab järjest rohkem kiinduma Ginny'sse, siis Ron'il on humoorikas suhe Lavender Brown'iga, mis ei meeldi eriti Hermionele, kes surub oma tunded alla.

Princess Jasmine grows tired of being forced to remain in the palace, so she sneaks out into the marketplace, in disguise, where she meets street urchin Aladdin. The couple falls in love, although Jasmine may only marry a prince. After being thrown in jail, Aladdin becomes embroiled in a plot to find a mysterious lamp, with which the evil Jafar hopes to rule the land.

"Avatar" on lugu endisest mereväelasest Jake Sully'st, kes sai vigastada lahingus ja on halvatud vööst allpool. Ta otsustab osaleda Avatari programmis, mis peaks andma talle tagasi terve keha. Ta reisib Pandorasse, külluslikku vihmametsa, mis on täidetud uskumatute eluvormidega - mõned ilusad, mõned hirmutavad. Pandora on koduks ka Na'videle, humanoididele, keda inimesed peavad primitiivseks, aga tegelikult on nad evolustiooniliselt palju rohkem arenenud kui inimesed. Üle kolme meetri pikad, sabadega ja läikiva sinise nahaga, elavad Na'vid harmooniliselt oma maailmas. Kui aga inimesed hakkavad Pandorat kahjustama, et leida väärtuslikke mineraale, ohustab see Na'vide elu, ja nad on sunnitud näitama oma sõjalisi võimeid.

Set in a 19th-century European village, this stop-motion animation feature follows the story of Victor, a young man whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious corpse bride, while his real bride Victoria waits bereft in the land of the living.

Jack Burton, a tough-talking truck driver, goes into a supernatural tailspin when his best friend's fiancée is kidnapped.

Four undying warriors who've secretly protected humanity for centuries become targeted for their mysterious powers just as they discover a new immortal.

Metsik kitarrist Dewey Finn teeb 20-minutiseid soolosid ning armastab pea ees publikusse sukelduda. Ta kavatseb viia tuleval bändide konkursil enda grupi esikohale, kuid äkitselt visatakse ta bändist välja. Peale masenduse on ka Deweyl rahahädad ning ta läheb oma sõbra Nedi nime all asendusõpetajaks Horace Greeni erakooli ja muidugi ei tea Ned sellest midagi.

Cinderella has faith her dreams of a better life will come true. With help from her loyal mice friends and a wave of her Fairy Godmother's wand, Cinderella's rags are magically turned into a glorious gown and off she goes to the Royal Ball. But when the clock strikes midnight, the spell is broken, leaving a single glass slipper... the only key to the ultimate fairy-tale ending!

In 1840s England, palaeontologist Mary Anning and a young woman sent by her husband to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship. Despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realisation that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.

Alex the lion is the king of the urban jungle, the main attraction at New York's Central Park Zoo. He and his best friends—Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippo—have spent their whole lives in blissful captivity before an admiring public and with regular meals provided for them. Not content to leave well enough alone, Marty lets his curiosity get the better of him and makes his escape—with the help of some prodigious penguins—to explore the world.

A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for years on The Wheel of Pain. As the sole survivor of the childhood massacre, Conan is released from slavery and taught the ancient arts of fighting. Transforming himself into a killing machine, Conan travels into the wilderness to seek vengeance on Thulsa Doom, the man responsible for killing his family. In the wilderness, Conan takes up with the thieves Valeria and Subotai. The group comes upon King Osric, who wants the trio of warriors to help rescue his daughter who has joined Doom in the hills.

Follow Ariel's adventures before she gave up her fins for true love. When Ariel wasn't singing with her sisters, she spent time with her mother, Queen Athena. Ariel is devastated when Athena is killed by pirates, and after King Triton outlaws all singing. Along with pals Flounder and Sebastian, Ariel sets off in hopes of changing her father's decision to ban music from the kingdom.

Heasüdamlik Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) võtab vastu töö muuseumi öövalvurina, ega aima, et igavana näiv töö võib muutuda uskumatuks seikluseks, sest muuseum, mis päeval inimesi täis, on öösel palju rohkem elus, kui külalised läinud. Muuseumieksponaadid ärkavad ellu, et pidada eepilisi lahinguid omavahel ja kogu selle kaose keskel peab Larry kurja vaeva nägema, et muuseumit ühes tükis hoida.

Kolm aastat on möödunud Danny Oceanist (George Clooney) ja tema meeskonnast - jaemüüja Rusty Ryani (Brad Pitt), tulevasest taskuvarasest Linus Caldwelli (Matt Damon), lõhkeainete eksperdist Basher Tarrist (Don Cheadle) ja seifist Frank Cattonist jää. (Bernie Mac) - tõmbas maha ajaloo ühe julgema ja tulutoovama loo, röövides halastamatust ärimehest Terry Benedictist (Andy Garcia) iga senti, mida ta oma läbitungimatus Las Vegase võlvis hoidis. Pärast nende kogutud 160 miljoni dollari väljamõtlemist üritasid kõik Ookeani tuntud näitlejate liikmed käituda, jääda märkamatuks ja elada legaalset elu ... kuid see oli Danny naise Tessi (Julia Roberts) kurjusele palju kulunud. ).

When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.

Boog on kodustatud karumürakas, kellel pole aimugi, kuidas endale ise toitu hankida või üldse metsas hakkama saada. Tema mugav maailm pööratakse pea peale päeval, mil ta kohtub Elliotiga, hädavaresest põdraga, kellel on alles üksainus sarv ning kes hetkekski vait ei jää. Kui Elliot veenab Boogi oma õdusast pesast välja tulema, et maitsta laia maailma, väljuvad sündmused kiiresti kontrolli alt.

Freddy enlists Jason to kill on his behalf on Elm Street, after realizing that he can't haunt dreams because people no longer fear him.