
奔波忙碌的现代化都市,男男女女为了生计疲于奔命,却往往让内心的情感无处安置。在东京某耐火材料制造公司上班的普通职员杉山正二(池部良 饰)这是这群大众中的一员,他眼巴巴地等待着升迁的机会,苦熬年头。婚后多年情感转淡,加上孩子的夭折,让正二和妻子昌子(淡岛千景 饰)的关系变得冷淡而微妙。无聊枯燥的人生骤起波澜,被称为“金鱼”的公司女职员金子千代(岸惠子 饰)闯入正二的视线,更让这个男人有了出轨的机会。原本便濒临崩溃的婚姻开始皲裂,昌子悲伤绝望,而正二也突然得到外派偏远分公司的调令。 杉山夫妇的关系受到严峻的考验……

Tom Powers(詹姆斯·卡格尼 James Cagney 饰)和他的好友Matt Doyle(Edward Woods 饰)从小就在一起厮混,喜欢做些小偷小摸的事情,为此Tom没少挨他哥哥Mike(Donald Cook 饰)的骂,然而Tom死性不改。Tom和Matt两人还结识了Putty Nose(Murray Kinnell 饰),一个帮派成员。两人长大了一些之后,在Putty Nose的怂恿下,两人和另外一个少年一起去一个商店盗窃,却因Putty Nose的出卖,两人险些被捕,另外一个少年则丧门。两人于是转而投靠Paddy Ryan,那时候美国禁酒令开始实行,两人和Paddy做起私酒生意,混得风生水起,还认识了一个帮派头目"Nails" Nathan。后来一战爆发,Mike参军,临走前试图劝Tom退出帮派,Tom没有听。等到Mike退役回家的时候,Tom和Matt已是帮派里面有头有脸的人物,也都有了自己的情人。随着Nathan的意外死亡,帮派火并就要开始了.....

《时光依旧》跨越了从1948年到现在60多年的时间,通过一个人的遭遇审视了发生在以色列的巨变。   《时光依旧》是一个半自传性的电影,记录了一个家庭生活中四个标志性的片段。这部电影以我父亲的私人记事本为素材,从1948年他作为一名抵抗战士开始讲述,同时参杂了我母亲写给她流亡海外的亲人的家书和我关于父母亲的私人回忆。电影描绘了这些巴勒斯坦人日常生活的画卷:他们留在他们出生的土地上,被划入“阿拉伯以色列人”,在自己的国家作为少数派而存在着。   从1948年以色列建国至今,透过一名巴勒斯坦抵抗组织成员福阿德的故事,呈现出他儿子对自我身份认同的追问。这场政治浩劫的现实让伊利亚•苏雷曼不得不思考这样一个问题:是他将巴勒斯坦带到了他所到之处,还是巴勒斯坦自己延伸到了世界的其他地方?



Adventures of a cocky con man and his beautiful accomplice.


Short animation film about the fear of singing in public


Extraterrestrials contact earth in this delightful fable. Their message is "HELLO" in many languages, and there is a celebration.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

这一年是1764年。一年多来,约瑟夫(Josef)一直在威尼斯过着不稳定的生活。他希望成为一名歌剧作曲家。这座城市充满了才华横溢和早已成名的作曲家,对他来说成名似乎近在咫尺,远在天边。在他寻找小提琴手的工作时,他进入了一个富有的年轻女子的视线。多亏了她,他才有机会去沙龙演奏。但是,当他成为一个放荡侯爵夫人的情人时,他的真正机会就出现了。她教他世俗的举止,让他摆脱世俗教养的痕迹,让他见识宗教不能容忍的享乐主义生活。 因此,约瑟夫得到了一项不可思议的任务:为欧洲最大的剧院圣卡洛(San Carlo)写一部歌剧。

I wouldn't answer if I were you' Hello is the story of a young lady who falls prey to an evil killer.. alone in her apartment, eagerly awaiting the return of her boyfriend, the phone rings...

Seetha and Harold Berger are rescued from the desert by a caravan and brought to a small village. However, the greedy owner of the house where they are lodged betrays the law of hospitality and reveals their location to Prince Ramigani. The couple tries to escape but is hunted and captured by Ramigani and his men. Meanwhile Irene Rhode and her husband Walter Rhode suspect that Maharaja Chandra is not telling the truth about Harold's destiny. The conspirator Ramigani forces Seetha to accept to get married with Chandra to provoke the wrath of the priests and get the alliance of Prince Padhu and his army. In the meantime, Harold succeeds in escaping from the dungeon and seeks out Seetha to save her.


Abandoned by her fiancé, an educated black woman with a traumatizing past dedicates herself to helping a near bankrupt school for impoverished black children.

Blade, Tunneler, and Pinhead go toe-to-toe with a team of terrifying, gremlin-like creatures known as "Totems" that are sent by the Egyptian demon Sutekh to recapture the magic stolen by Toulon.

An elder brother who lived a life of crime but left to show his younger brother the lifestyle is not fit for anything. Years later his younger brother takes his footsteps in the life of drugs/crime, to a deal gone wrong his younger brother is murdered, his elder brother steps back into his crime ways and to find and avenge his younger brother's death.