About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

The biggest problem of the 19-year-old high school student Jana is the relentless everyday-life and time. She don't want to think about the remaining time until the next event. For her own interests, she prefer to use the time as she would like. But she becomes the victim of her own strategies..

Concerned parents hire a private detective to tail their son because they think he might be gay.

Ex chef stellata, Laure Grenadier si dedica ora alla sua attività di critica gastronomica per il canale che ha creato su Internet. È anche attenta a mantenere le distanze dal suo ex e padre di sua figlia Amandine, il capitano di polizia Nicolas Garnier, poiché Laure non ha digerito il fatto che lui l'abbia lasciata per una donna più giovane. Tuttavia, quando un'ondata di crimini colpisce i ristoratori di Lione, i propositi di Laure vanno in frantumi. Nicolas e il suo nuovo assistente Baptiste capiscono che la posizione di Laure nel mondo molto chiuso della ristorazione lionese e il rispetto che lei ispira agli chef della regione sono risorse preziose per la loro indagine. Coinvolta emotivamente - suo zio è la prima vittima - Laure si lascia convincere a fare da informatore.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

Saddam Hussein's regime left many homes broken, families dead, and orphans left with no hopes for a good future. Homelessness in Iraqi-Kurdistan has risen, despite the implementation of orphanages. There is more that needs to be done. Ruwayda Mustafah, a political activist, returns to her homeland with ideas for improvement.

Namsai has been cursed by a witch since childhood. At night her hair turns into snakes and she must feed on humans. One day in an ancient book, she discovers a way to remove her curse so she embarks on an expedition with her friends.

An undercover agent uses his rare personality disorder in pursuing the drug-cartel leader responsible for the deaths of his wife and kids.

Eroica impresa di un gruppo di militari inglesi nell'Africa del Nord. Essi rinunciano al meritato riposo per conquistare e soprattutto mantenere fino all'arrivo dei compagni un'importante base di osservazione. Sono ben pochi quelli che ne escono vivi.

Takes place in 1665 in New France at a time when a part of Canada was colonialized by France. Joseph Côté escapes from a prison in order to avoid death by hanging. Moreover, while some colonial soldiers are chasing him, Joseph takes the identity of a Jesuit and hides in the seigneury of Beaufort where most men are waiting for "daughters of the king." (French women who were sent to Canada in order to find a husband.) At night, Joseph finds out that there are werewolves that terrorize the village. Besides, things get complicated when he falls in love with Marie Labotte, a "daughter of the king" that no one wants to marry. All in all, by simply trying to protect his life and Marie's, Joseph will end up fighting against the werewolves.

Art critic Brian Sewell gives a persona insight into the private life of surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.

Rites and operation of the circumcision of thirty Songhai children on the Niger. Material of this film has been used to make "Les Fils de l'Eau".