For his next project, successful music producer Frank Farian hires dancers Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan and helps the two friends to a skyrocketing success, under the name Milli Vanilli. Only a small circle of insiders know their secret: the duo don't sing themselves, they just move their lips - to the voices of the real singers. At the height of their fame, Milli Vanilli threatens to become the biggest scandal in music history. Not only the truth is at stake, but also their friendship...

Just out of jail, crumpled English archaeologist Arthur reconnects with his wayward crew of tombaroli accomplices – a happy-go-lucky collective of itinerant grave-robbers who survive by looting Etruscan tombs and fencing the ancient treasures they dig up.

A pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community struggles to hold onto his pub. Meanwhile, tensions rise in the town when Syrian refugees are placed in the empty houses in the community.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

Fearless alpine climbers Ueli Steck and Dani Arnold enter into a death-defying rivalry to set speed records on the Swiss Alps' great north faces.

Джей Джей (Дейв Батиста), ветеран от ЦРУ, се събира отново със своето протеже Софи (Хлоя Колман), за да предотврати атака с ядрено оръжие насочена към Ватикана.

Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.

At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

Любимото пиратско семейство вече е неразделна част от крайбрежното градче, превърнало се в техен дом. Но всичко се обръща с главата надолу, когато отсреща се нанася семейство нинджи - все пак, пиратите и нинджите са заклети врагове! Докато капитан Хектор прави всичко по силите си, за да се отърве от новите съседи, синът му Били се сближава с Юка, дъщерята на нинджите. Пиратите предизвикват нинджите на състезание по време на ежегодните игри, за да се реши веднъж завинаги кой е по-добър. Кой ли ще победи? Нинджите са по-бързи и по-гъвкави, но никой не мами по-добре от пиратите...

A compilation film featuring the eleventh episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc and the first episode of the Hashira Training Arc.

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

Sayen follows a lead to the picturesque desolation of the Atacama Desert. There, she reluctantly teams up with a young Atacameño girl, Quimal, looking to clear her father’s name and save her town from becoming an arid wasteland due to Acteon’s exploitative water usage.

Пол Стърджис и семейството му заминават за Мексико, за да инспектират петролна платформа, притежавана от компанията му. След като пристигат намират мястото напълно изоставено с останали само няколко ужасени рабитници, които им казват, че платформата е била атакувана постоянно от чудовищна акула част от древна мексиканска легенда.

След обира на заложна къща, бандата на Коуди (Стивън Дорф) и Алекс (Емил Хърш) взимат случайно озовалата се там Грейс (Джиджи Зумбадо) за заложница и се впускат в бягство от полицията. Не след дълго се озовават край една изоставена ферма насред пустошта, където решават да се укрият за през нощта. Скоро осъзнават, че фермата не е съвсем изоставена и им предстои да се срещнат с нещо много по-ужасно от полицията...

After Suman's father leaves her in the care of another family while he travels abroad, she falls in love with Prem. However, in order to for them to marry, Prem has to prove to Suman's father that he is not the same as his own dad.

Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

Вълна от престъпления, под кодовото име "Операция Хаос" залива града. Време е да се повикат най-добрите защитници. Мистериозния мистър Биг е големият мозък зад бандитите, обиращи банки и бижутерийни магазини. Лейтенант Ласард е заподозрян, когато става ясно, че от полицията изтича информация и лошите винаги са една крачка напред.

Докато снима филм на ужасите, актьор проявява притеснително поведение. Дъщеря му е разтревожена от ситуацията и опитва да разбере дали той се връща към старите си зависимости или нещо по-зловещо се случва зад кадър.