For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from "Bad," Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-minute tale of urban and racial challenges in the 1980s. "Bad" was named the second greatest of Michael's short films by Rolling Stone in 2014.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

Arriving in Moscow, Chechen War veteran Danila meets Konstantin, an old friend who tells him that his twin brother has been forced into signing a crooked contract with a US ice hockey team. Soon after this meeting, Danila discovers Konstantin dead and he sets out to avenge his death; a journey that leads him to Chicago and a whole new experience.

Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.

A figure known as "The Assassin" descends from the heavens into a nightmarish pit full of monsters, titans, and cruelty.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

Epické dobrodružstvo sa odohráva počas poslednej doby ľadovej pred 20 000 rokmi. Po nevydarenom love ostáva mladý bojovník zranený, opustený vlastným kmeňom a ponechaný napospas divočine. Cestu mu skríži vlk, taktiež opustený svojou svorkou. Z odvekých nepriateľov sa zrazu musia stať spojenci. Iba tak totiž dokážu v krutej a drsnej divočine prežiť a nájsť cestu domov pred príchodom neľútostnej zimy.

Unperturbed by the disastrous outcome of his previous meddling with the dead, Dr. West continues his research into the phenomenon of re-animation; only this time, he plans to create life – starting with the heart of his young protégé Dan's dearly deceased Meg Halsey.

When Madea catches teenage Jennifer and her two younger brothers looting her home, she decides to take matters into her own hands and delivers the young delinquents to the only relative they have: their aunt April. A heavy-drinking nightclub singer who lives off of her married boyfriend, April wants nothing to do with the kids.

Kim and Pie are in love, but after graduation they have to travel into two different directions for their internship; Kim is going to work in a farm in the northern province of Nan, while Pie is going South to work in a fishery center. Their love is being tested by the distance between them.

Walter Davis je workholik, ktorý nemá čas nadväzovať kontakty so ženami. Má síce priateľku s nezvyčajným zamestnaním - balzamuje mŕtvoly - ale Walter vie, že ich vzťah pretrváva len preto, že si nevie nájsť čas na novú známosť. Keďže na dôležitý večierok, ktorý organizuje dôležitý klient, potrebuje dámsky sprievod, s vďakou prijíma návrh manželky svojho svetáckeho brata Teda - pravého Walterovho opaku, aby sa jeho spoločníčkou stala jej sesternica Nadia. Walter však neposlúchne dôraznú radu, že Nadia nesmie piť, pretože sa zmení na divošku. A presne to sa stane. To je však len začiatok ťažkej a dlhej noci, ktorej koniec je v nedohľadne...

Set against the badlands of Australia where the English rule with a bloody fist and the Irish endure, Ned Kelly discovers he comes from a line of Irish rebels — an uncompromising army of cross dressing bandits immortalised for terrorising their oppressors back in Ireland. Fuelled by the unfair arrest of his mother, Kelly recruits a wild bunch of warriors to plot one of the most audacious attacks of anarchy and rebellion the country has ever seen.

Ciottoli is a journalist with absolutely no prospective for his career, with a lot of debts and a mobster that want him died. Unexpectedly he win the national lottery (almost Eur 2.5 Mln) and try to remain unanimous hiding the winner ticker into his typewriter. Ironically his director order to him to write an article on the mysterious winner. When he is back home he discovers all his furniture has been confiscate and will go on a public auction. He will try desperately to buy back the worthless typewriter while all his previous problems still follows him, especially the mobster...

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.

The "sematary" is up to its old zombie-raising tricks again. This time, the protagonists are Jeff Matthews, whose mother died in a Hollywood stage accident, and Drew Gilbert, a boy coping with an abusive stepfather.

Mr. Miyagi decides to take Julie, a troubled teenager, under his wing after he learns that she blames herself for her parents' demise and struggles to adjust with her grandmother and fellow pupils.

In Christmastime Miami, heartbroken divorcée Giorgio invites himself to stay at his best friend Mario's — unaware that the latter is having an affair with his ex-wife — and ends up pursued by Mario's barely-of-age daughter; nosy and out-of-touch Ranuccio crashes his son's sex-themed holidays before ending up in a series of mishaps with Giorgio.

Ludstvo stoji na prahu 3-ho tisicrocia, ale niektorym sa cnie skor po svete, aky bol predtym. Napriklad vojvoda Balabam je nestastny z toho, ze zamestnanci uz nemaju taky respekt ako kedysi a on sam sa k nim musi spravat slusne. Cnie sa mu po casoch, kedy mohol svojich ludi ponizovat a vykoristovat. Tiez po Fantozzim, ktory bol priamo vzorom usluzneho a snaziveho uradnika. Balabamova firma sa zaobera genetickym klonovanim. Jej vedenie sa rozhodne poziadat Fantozziho vdovu Pinu o pramienok vlasov po zosnulom manzelovi a pokusi sa ho naklonovat. Experiment sa podari. Uctovnik Fantozzi je opat tu a s nim prichadzaju aj nove malery, ktore ho stretavaju na kazdom kroku, ci uz je vrhnuty do role vychovavatela sefovho syna, alebo prepadne stavkovaniu a musi predstierat, ze vyhral hromadu penazi, alebo su pri oslave Silvestra aj s manzelkou omylom povazovani za albanskych utecencov a su deportovani spat do Albanska. Ako by to nestacilo, zamiluje sa jeho skareda vnucka do podleho striptera.