Kümneaastane Chihiro satub oma perega võlutud metsa, kus ta vanemad muutuvad sigadeks. Üksinda fantaasiamaailmas vanemaid otsival tüdrukul tuleb ohverdada oma nimi - tema identiteedi võti. Chihiro, uue nimega Sen, satub tööle nõid Yubaba saunamajas ja kohtub seal eriskummaliste tegelastega - väsinud vaimude ning hingedega, kes otsivad puhkust inimeste maailmast.

Film põhineb gangster Henry Hilli elul ja näitab tema teed New Yorki tänavatelt kuni anonüümse eksiilini tunnistajakaitseprogrammis. Nooruke Henry Hill elab linnaosas koos iiri või itaalia päritolu inimestega. Seal kohtub ta halastamatu gangsteri Jimmy Conway ja tulipäise Tommy DeVitoga. Koos teevad nad mitu röövi ja Henry tõuseb maffiahierarhias. Kuid perekond ei ole usaldusväärne, sest paljud tunnevad kadedust. Lisaks sellele ei kavatase ka FBI toimuvat niisama kõrvalt vaadata.

Brooklyni sõbralik kangelane Ämblikmees saab taas kokku Gwen Stacyga ning ta paisatakse läbi multiversumi, kus ta kohtub Ämblikinimeste meeskonnaga, kelle ülesandeks on kaitsta oma rahva püsimajäämist. Kangelaste vahel tekib konflikt, kui nad ei suuda leida üksmeelt uue ohuga tegelemise suhtes. Miles, sattunud vastuseisu teiste Ämblikega, peab ümber mõtestama, mida tähendab olla kangelane, et päästa endale kõige armsam rahvas.

Saabastega Kass avastab ühel mitte üleliia heal päeval, et tema armastus riskide vastu ning hoolimatu suhtumine ohutusse on jätnud oma jälje. Nimelt on ta oma üheksast elust ära raisanud juba kaheksa! Alati oma edus kindel olnud seikleja pole lihtsalt arvet pidanud. Nende elude tagasivõitmine saab olema Saabastega Kassi senistest seiklustest suurim. Kuna alles on üksainus elu, peab ta alla neelama oma uhkuse ning palum abi endiselt parterilt/konkurendilt Kitty Siidikäpalt. Kolmandana liitub nende seltskonnaga väsitavalt rõõmsameelne lobamokk Perrito. Üheskoos peab kange kolmik andma endast kõi, et püsida sammu võrra eespool Kuldkiharast ja kolmest karust ning maailma kardetuimast pearahakütist, Suurest Kurjast Hundist.

Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era defending a humanist message still keenly relevant today.

20 years after their battle with the Evolians had ended, a new threat appears to threaten the long-lasting peace that the Abarangers have enjoyed. For the first time in a long while, they transform to fight but the public seems to think their actions are barbaric acts of destruction. In the Reiwa Era, is the justice they once fought for now considered an outdated style of heroism?

Follows a woman as she becomes fully awake.

A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted by ghosts and that the children are being possessed.

“Ristiisa” triloogia kolmanda ehk viimase osa tegevus toimub 1979. aastal. Soovides lunastada minevikupatte, püüab kuuekümnendates aastates maffiapealik Michael kuritegelikust maailmast tagasi tõmbuda ning oma äritegevust legaliseerida. Paraku tuleb silmitsi seista noore ja ambitsioonika gangsteri sepistustega, kelle ainukeseks sooviks on maffiapealiku plaanid nurjata.

Upon the empire’s fall to invading conquistadors, the 16th-century Incas quickly concealed a sacred manual containing the secrets behind their deadly fighting technique. But after centuries of careful safeguarding, the manual is again at risk of falling into the wrong hands, leaving its rightful guardian to battle the world’s greatest assassins to protect the ancient secrets within.

Rookie actor Yunyul! Although she looks innocent, her secret private life is revealed in detail. Sexy glamor rookie actor Yunyul’s breathtaking talk begins! Yunyul, who has a beautiful model body line and a bursting breast, but with a face that combines soft innocence and contradictory charm!  It boasts a voluptuous, powerful hardware since its debut early and came to the hottest Newcomer together many fans successfully her first interview with the film anchakhan the debut of receive the love of 2020  from an episode from the debut course she speaks to date Her anti-war charm, honestly revealing her usual dating course with the opposite sex she dreamed of! The honest interview of 24-year-old Yunyul begins.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

Eight year old Peter is plagued by a mysterious, constant tapping from inside his bedroom wall—one that his parents insist is all in his imagination. As Peter's fear intensifies, he believes that his parents could be hiding a terrible, dangerous secret and questions their trustworthiness.

Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."

Hundreds of refugee children in Sweden, who have fled with their families from extreme trauma, have become afflicted with 'uppgivenhetssyndrom,' or Resignation Syndrome. Facing deportation, they withdraw from the world into a coma-like state, as if frozen, for months, or even years.

This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

Before Michael Mak’s Sex And Zen became a cult favourite in the ’90s, there was Ho Fan’s Yu Pui Tsuen (The Carnal Prayer Mat, 1987). But without sex bomb Amy Yip, coarse humour or lesbian love affairs, Yu Pui Tsuen had to rely on the nudity and sex from his cast of relative unknowns to save the day. When a young man dreams that he drowns after a night of carnal passion, he asks a buddhist monk to translate the experience for him. The monk replies that the dream is a warning not to indulge the pleasures of the flesh to excess, but the man ignores his advice, marrying a virgin and making love to her constantly. However, after several torrid affairs, the man begins to realise the sagacity of the monk's warning.

When his boss is killed, Detroit cop Axel Foley finds evidence that the murderer had ties to a California amusement park called Wonder World. Returning to sunny Beverly Hills once more, Foley reunites with Detective Billy Rosewood to solve the case. Along with Billy's new partner, Detective Jon Flint, they discover that Wonder World is being used as a front for a massive counterfeiting ring.

The story revolves around Dr. Aarti Deshmukh, a mother of a daughter, is tasked with investigating the medical systems involved in female foeticide. In front of the conscientious Aarti who does her job well, Dr. Purushottam stands as a challenge. Despite many attempts, Aarti does not find any evidence against Purushottam. Purushottam eventually uses his powers to transfer Aarti, but in the days remaining before the transfer, Aarti takes up the task of gathering evidence.