Gunars Taurins has become a dad-sitter in Latvia. He wants to return to France as soon as possible once he has found a caregiver for his father. But it's not that easy and Gunars has to stay in Riga whether he likes it or not.

A renowned ophthalmologist is desperate to cut off an adulterous relationship…which ends up in murder; and a frustrated documentary filmmaker woos an attractive television producer while making a film about her insufferably self-centered boss.

A poor North Korean fisherman finds himself an accidental defector, and is groomed to be a spy by an ambitious South Korean military officer.

Jaunas bei talentingas dramaturgas parašo pjesę, tačiau pinigų pastatymui, kaip ir visuomet - nėra. Į pagalbą ateina garsus Niujorko gangsteris, siūlydamas pinigus, tačiau tuo pačiu reikalaudamas, kad pagrindinį vaidmenį atliktų jo nevykėlė draugužė. Pjesės autorius atsiduria prie regis neišsprendžiamą dilemą: yra pinigai - yra nevykusi aktorė. Nėra nevykėlės aktorės - nėra pjesės.

When Jack and Sally announce that they're splitting up, this comes as a shock to their best friends Gabe and Judy. Maybe mostly because they also are drifting apart and are now being made aware of it. So while Jack and Sally try to go on and meet new people, the marriage of Gabe and Judy gets more and more strained, and they begin to find themselves being attracted to other people.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

In the 1930s, jazz guitarist Emmet Ray idolizes Django Reinhardt, faces gangsters and falls in love with a mute woman.

CW Briggs is a veteran insurance investigator, with many successes. Betty Ann Fitzgerald is a new employee in the company he works for, with the task of reorganizing the office. They don't like each other - or at least that's what they think. During a night out with the rest of the office employees, they go to watch Voltan, a magician who secretly hypnotizes both of them.

Laisva Ingmaro Bergmano juostos „Vasarvidžio nakties sapnas" interpretacija. Filmo veiksmas vyksta per išradėjo Endriu Hobso ir jo žmonos Adrianos surengtą vakarėlį. Į jų namelį kaime atvyksta dvi draugų poros. Paaiškėjus, kad juos sieja daugybė dalykų, kuriuos iki tol jie kruopščiai slėpė, tas savaitgalis visiems laikams pakeis jų visų gyvenimus...

Velas Vaksmanas - žymus Holivudo režisierius, pelnęs Oskaro apdovanojimus, pastaruoju metu, deja, nykiausiame Kanados užkampyje filmuoja įklotų reklamą. Pasiūlymas statyti naują didelio biudžeto filmą turėtų džiuginti, tačiau filmą kuriančios kompanijos direktorius prieš kurį laiką nuviliojo Velo žmoną.Velas kankinasi dvejonėse – jis norėtų išdidžiai atsisakyti pasiūlymo, bet pasirinkimo jis neturi. Pradėjęs ruoštis filmavimams, Velas apanka...

Fantazija knygos „Alisa stebuklų šalyje“ motyvais. Turtinga jauna niujorkietė Alisa Teit gyvena labai pavyzdingą šeimyninį gyvenimą. Ir baisiai nuobodžiauja kupiname pagundų šiuolaikiniame Niujorke. Vienintelis jos malonumas –nesutramdoma pirkimo manija. Jos egoistas vyras jau seniai jai neištikimas, bet ji nieko neįtaria. Prisiklausiusi kalbų apie paslaptingą daktarą Jeną, kuris gydo žolelėmis, ji nutaria į jį kreiptis dėl skaudančios nugaros. Ir vos tik pas jį patenka, jos gyvenimas netikėtai ir visiems laikams pasikeičia. Stebuklingi kino sugebėjimai, patarimai, paslaptingos žolelės ir hipnozė grąžina ją į romantikos, meilės bei nepaprastų nuotykių kupiną gyvenimą...

Niujorkas... Laisvės statula, siauros gatvelės tarp dangoraižių, Manheteno šurmulys ir Brodvėjaus šviesos. Kiekviena šio miesto aveniu ir kiekvienas namas mena tūkstančius istorijų. Tris nuostabiausias istorijas papasakos trys geriausi Amerikos režisieriai.

The career and personal life of writer Lee are at a standstill, so he divorces his bashful wife, Robin, and dives into a new job as an entertainment journalist. His assignments take him to the swankiest corners of Manhattan, but as he jumps from one lavish party to another and engages in numerous empty romances, he starts to doubt the worth of his work. Meanwhile, top TV producer Tony falls for Robin and introduces her to the world of celebrity.

Aging beautician Angèle, already wounded by a long-ago romance, gets awkwardly dumped at a train station. Witnessing how she turns around a humiliating situation, younger sculptor Antoine becomes so smitten that he breaks up with his fiancée and sets out to win Angèle's heart. Meanwhile, Angèle attempts to quash the budding romance of her young co-worker, Marie, and a much older widowed client, despite their obvious rapport.

Successful businessman Melvin Dovereux is caught in a traffic jam caused by a funeral procession. Soon he is haunted by visions of a hearse chasing him and a woman in a sports car. Could the funeral procession actually be for him?

A chronicle of Babe Ruth's phenomenal story--from his hard knock beginnings at a Baltimore orphanage, to his meteoric rise to baseball superstardom and his poignant retirement from the game. His amazing career included seven American League pennants, four World Series championships, two tempestuous marriages and a wild lifestyle that earned him numerous suspensions.

Saint Charles County, Missouri, December 1863. Edmond, a prosperous French perfume merchant, decides to flee to a safer place when the storms of the American Civil War start knocking at his door, threatening the life and fortune of his family.

An Italian variation on the Frankie & Annette-Gidget beach party movies that were all the rage in North America in the early 60s. Nicole Molino (Catherine Spaak) and Nicola Molino (Gianni Garko) are not related to one another. In fact, they don’t even know each other until both are inadvertently assigned the same hotel room on the island of Ischia. Nicole isn’t interested in any hanky-panky, so Nicola reluctantly promises to keep his hands to himself.