Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.


为了拯救伙伴而进化为魔王的利姆鲁·特恩佩斯特 与他的同伴尽兴生活在魔物之国【魔国联邦】, 西侧的有名为【拉贾小亚国】的地方, 那里的女王持有不可思议的力量,瞒伏许久的阴谋即将上演。 突然出现在利姆鲁等人面前的是“幸存的鬼族”绯色。 利姆鲁的伙伴红丸与兄长再会。 被斩断的“红莲之绊”,新的战斗导火线燃起―。

Fausto and Esther childhood was tormented. Fausto, trying to escape from his father. Esther, mistreated by her brother-in-law. They both begin to be involved in a supernatural situation. Over which they have no control.


韩国中央情报局(KCIA)的海外组组长朴平浩(李政宰 饰)和国内组组长金正道(郑雨盛 饰)都接到上级指示,要找出一个卧底在情报部深处的朝鲜间谍。当这个间谍开始泄露可能危及国家安全的最高机密时,两位组长分别被指派互相调查对方,在这紧迫的状况下他们若找不出这名卧底,自己可能就会遭到指控。

  一场暴风雪覆盖了通往法国偏远小镇的道路,一台空车停在路边,车主却不知去向。当地警方来到了小镇农场主人米歇尔的家中问话,米歇尔却显不耐;女主人艾莉丝一面对失踪事件感到好奇,但同时她更挂念着她的保险客户约瑟夫。 年轻貌美的服务生玛莉咏在餐厅邂逅了谜一般的伊芙琳,两人很快陷入热恋。虽然年龄差距和身份地位都阻挡她们在一起,但玛莉咏靠着伊芙琳留下的只字片语,花了好几天徒步走到伊芙琳的家门前。然而等待她的却不再是床上满口爱意的那个人。 看似意外的小镇事故却如蝴蝶效应般影响着来自不同地方的人们,一个不宁静的夜晚意外串接起所有人心里最深层的秘密。

王牌狙击手布兰登-贝克特(Brandon Beckett)和新组建的全球反应与情报小组(G.R.I.T.)被派往马耳他,以铲除一个国际恐怖阴谋,并营救同为特工的死亡女士。

某天小海豚雪球又偷溜进深海禁区玩耍,他意外捡到了“一只”人类小北鼻,海豚妈妈将男孩视如己出,小男孩就成了雪球最亲爱的弟弟。 他们一起冒险、一起闯祸,整个海底世界都是他们的游乐场。 有一天,章鱼受到化学废弃物的污染,变成巨大又邪恶的坏蛋,坏章鱼不仅重重伤了海豚妈妈,还控制了其他海底生物,海豚男孩不得已离开海洋回到陆地。 上岸后的男孩开始重新学习「人类」的生活,并踏上寻找亲生妈妈的旅程,一路上在新朋友穆瓦利船长和「哥哥」雪球陪伴下,他能否解开身世之谜,并 找到拯救海洋世界的解药?

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...




When French painter Pierre Bonnard met Marthe de Méligny, he didn’t know this self-proclaimed aristocrat would become the cornerstone of his life and work. From this moment, she became more than just a muse for the “painter of happiness”, appearing in more than a third of his work. Together, they reached their artistic fulfillment thanks to a colourful love, different from the standards of their time, nurturing the great mystery around their relationship. Based on a true story.


Toni, a grumpy in his fifties, avoids children at all costs. His life changes when he suddenly has to take care of his sister's five adopted children, each from a different country. Toni will have to deal with new parenthood and cultural differences.


A woman signs the verb “fast” in American Sign Language by putting her thumb and index finger together and “zipping” her mouth, which resembles the action of closing one’s mouth to be silent. The speed of the action is slowed down, so the person signs the word "fast" very slowly.


Each morning, whatever the day, four friends meet at a bar to have some beers and fix the world their own way, by criticizing and ranting against everything and everyone. They have something in common: they are all unemployed. Well, all but one.